Green Guy is a nomad in the Undertale Fandom along with the Vessel of a Higher Eldritch Being. Traveling to multiple sections of it to take in the view.
We all know of Eldritch beings, ones who see madness into other’s minds and corrupt the weak willed to their bidding. The stereotypical lovecraftian monster who’s incomprehensibly is used for destruction and chaos. However not all Eldritch beings are like this, others tend to be more peaceful and carefree, and from outside of the undertale fandom, one of these beings took interest in it and wished to view it and the work of others. Entering it the Higher Eldritch God Hal-abuurka began his travels across the undertale fandom.
Hal-abuurka was one that could be best described as a watcher, someone who liked to watch and view the world around them taking in the sights of life. He loved nothing more than to move around the cosmos looking at all the unique structures and object made by others. However it was usually difficult for him to see the beauty inside these places due to his existence as a Spatiotemporally Transcendent being, being above them and their dimensions on a conceptual level, inaccessible to them. But it wanted to see the world how others did, yet it wanted to still keep a similar level of power. But it could not find out a solution so for now it decided to continue roaming the cosmos and travel between sections of the Undertale Fandom.
Eventually traveling to the True Godverse, Hal-abuurka was looking and marveling at its elegance and seeing all the rings made of little spherical dots floating around a incomprehensibly big sphere, looking like stars in the night sky, a truly beautiful sight. However he knew he wanted to see more, so he grabbed one of the small spheres and saw the an entire Godverse in it, marveling at the intricate and beautiful details in each and every structure and what made them unique. However while looking in it, he saw a peculiar being, one who was above and beyond Spatial and Temporal Dimensions, but had form and body capable of residing in these places, a being named Nosk. It’s form made out of a thing named Super-Dimensions, things that transcended above Spatiotemporality yet worked in a similar fashion to Spatiotemporal Dimensions, being akin to a stronger variant of them, inaccessible to the former and yet similar at the same time. Inspired by this Hal-abuurka realized if he used a similar method he could make a similar body, one which he could view the sights from inside the structures instead of the outside being able to marvel in their beauty in full.
And so with this knowledge Hal-abuurka got to work creating many different vessels trying to replicate what he saw but to no avail, he did not get why he could not make a vessel out of Super-Dimensions but after struggling more with their creation Hal-abuurka realized something, he was trying to copy Nosk too closely, and was not letting his own creative juices take flow, and so Hal-abuurka did that instead, applying a similar design of Super-Dimensions but making a different version of them, a mirror of them but with Hal-abuurka’s own spin on it, they still Conceptually Transcended above and where inaccessible to Spatiotemporal Dimensions but they also harnessed the Concept of Creativity and Creation letting them be a beacon of Creativity, Art, and Imagination, a muse for restricted minds. and the form of the vessel Hal-abuurka created from this creation of his took one of a Green shaded human wearing color matching clothes, one of a Security Guard in a mall wearing a neat striped vest, however the form could be changed and molded into other forms if Hal-abuurka desired, but he liked his creation, a beauty in his own eyes. Hal-abuurka did realize that the vessel he made looked 3D to him despite him creating it out of something that should of been conceptually beyond Spatial and Temporal dimensions, but despite this he came to the conclusion that it must be a matter of perspective as it was made as a middle ground between his status of existence and dimensionality of Space, Time, and Spacetime, with his vessel conceptually transcending and being inaccessible to the lower, while he conceptually transcended and was inaccessible over his vessel. Now ready Hal-abuurka started connecting his mind to his creation and put his own body into stasis, a slumber as his mind inhabited his new vessel, A Vessel he would name Green Guy.
Opening his eye’s Hal-abuurka now Green Guy found that the transfer worked and he was now in control of his vessel, looking to see his original body which he could now barely even comprehend. He knew he could leave his vessel and put his mind back in his original body, but he knew this transfer would allow him to truly Marvel at the beauty of creation and be a beacon for others to create. Entering the small sphere now almost incomprehensibly big sphere he entered The Godverse first landing in a vast ocean of bubbles containing their own unique cosmos and story, an endless amount of marvels to behold. So Green Guy swam through the endless sea as he looked through, entered, and marveled at each fun and unique thing the bubble contained as he leaped out and repeated, feeling the joy of a little kid playing in a playground with their best friend as they eat delicious ice-cream and drink a soda. He was on Cloud-nine, never before had he had access to so many places to see and view, it was all to joyful for him. Wanting to see what was lower he traveled through and marveled at each handcrafted masterpiece of a layer in both the Greater and Lesser Otherverse and traversed the Adamasphere and it’s counterpart the Dreadscape trying to do a form of spot the difference between the two.
Lastly when everything was said and done Green Guy flew back to the Transcendence Zone and looked at everything one more time before finding and breaching into the celestial sea. Here he would sit in the ruins of what seemed to be the Godverse’s original capital city. Marveling at the buildings and structures of it he decided he would live here for awhile, the place he would rest at after he was finished traveling before he would get up and travel once more. Sitting down overlooking the vast sea along with the Godscape and Overvoid, Green Guy took in the view before closing his eyes to rest remembering…….. tomorrow is another day, and he cannot wait for it.
Green Guy is one you would describe as curious and imaginative, one who likes to travel and explore new things while thinking about the worlds beauty and imagining new and creative worlds in his head. Green Guy is also a goofball doing things he believes as funny or goofy, always one for a good laugh. But most importantly Green Guy is a watcher, loving to watch the world and his surroundings and soak in it’s beauty, wanting to preserve and add onto this great world.
Green Guy can take many forms, however he has a preferred one, the form he originally had when first created. This form is of a entirely green human with no ears or nose, two neon lime eye’s with no pupils or eyelashes (they also glow in the dark) a big green security cap with a gold emblem on top of it, two golden shoulder plates, a lime undershirt, a green striped vest, dark green tie, gold security badge, green jeans and two dark green shoes. If Green Guy were to take another form it would also be primarily green.
Hal-abuurka however is spatially and temporarily incomprehensible being impossible to comprehend or described through any means other than saying he is indescribable. At best what we see of his form is a thick Green Smog with multiple bright neon lime lights in it that upon being viewed inflicts the mind and body with a madness making them glow the same light out of every opening and through their eyes as they become flesh statues expelling the light of a incomprehensible being.
- Beacon of the Muse: Green Guy is a beacon of Creativity and Imagination with his presence inspiring and granting life into the imagination and creative juices of those nearby giving them everything they need mentally to create a masterpiece, and it has been seen that even beings in a inaccessibly greater power level to Green Guy are still inspired by his beacon letting him inspire those far stronger than him.
- Unrestricted Mind: Green Guy has the power to create structures and objects that conceptually transcend Space, Time, and Spacetime (this includes Spatial, Temporal, and Spacetime Dimensions) on a similar or lower scale to himself. He can even make Structures out of Mirrored Dimensions.
- Imagine: Green Guy as the ability to make or do anything he thinks or imagines (within certain reason), this lets him do practically anything persay as if he imagines it he can give it do it or form it. This is also a handy tool in combat as he can think of any attack and make it reality.
- Mirrored Existence: Green Guy is made of a mirrored version of Super-Dimensions Called Mirrored Dimensions being 3 Mirrored Dimensional and capable of interacting with them and similar things to them.
Information on Mirrored Dimensions[]
Mirrored Dimensions are a creation of Hal-abuurka that inspired by Super-Dimensions and used by Hal-abuurka to create his vessel known as Green Guy. Each Mirrored Dimension Conceptually Transcends over Space, Time, and Spacetime (including Spatiotemporal Dimensions) and harness the Concept of Creativity, Creation, and Imagination to further empower the being. These Mirrored Dimensions can stack onto each other like Spatiotemporal Dimensions letting them have 2 Mirrored Dimensional or 3 Mirrored Dimensional objects as a example. like with Super-Dimensions, the gap in-between each other Mirror Dimension can fit multiple inaccessible gaps in it.
However unlike Super-Dimensions, Mirrored Dimensions are infused with and empowered by the Concepts of Creativity, Creation, and Imagination, enhancing the beings connection to these concepts and giving them control and malleability over them. Some are infused with so much of these concepts that they become a beacon for them inspiring and fueling other’s connection to these concepts with their presence, becoming a muse of creation.
- Abstract Form: Hal-abuurka has a form incomprehensible to all, never being able to be described or seen as he truly looks, with the mind coming up with something else in a attempt to understand and comprehend his Eldritch body.
- Greater Existence: Hal-abuurka is a being transcendent over Space, Time, and Spacetime, but unlike Green Guy he also Transcends over Mirrored Dimensions which are his own creation, Conceptually transcending Green Guy, viewing Green Guy as Dimensional and Spatiotemporal, and being inaccessible to Green Guy. Far stronger than his vessel could ever be.
Tanphrous/Sans.EXE (Friend)[]
Green Guy met Tanphrous by chance coming across him when Tanphrous was scouting a Universe. Tanphrous was the one to notice Green Guy first and approached him. Despite Green Guy having some minor knowledge of Tanphrous and his goals he was not much of a fighter and so instead struck conversation, and to his surprise Tanphrous was cordial and polite to him, responding to his questions and making a effort to get to know Green Guy. Green Guy did not realize this but due to him just being a watcher and not originating from within the Undertale fandom, he was not a target of Tanphrous and one of the beings Tanphrous would interact with in a polite manner. Tanphrous even gave Green Guy a tour of The Aleph-Void where he marveled at it and it’s structures as well. The two left on good terms with this being a rare example of Tanphrous being a Friend rather than a Foe.
Zenath (does not trust)[]
Despite never interacting with him, Green Guy does not really trust Zenath as he has viewed him from afar when they happened to be in the same place at the same time where he saw him allying with the likes of Fear!Sans and played both sides of the alignment spectrum, knowing that despite his friendly and outgoing outside, on the inside he is manipulative, cold and vindictive.
Corrupt!Chara (Enemy)[]
Green Guy has seen the work of Corrupt!Chara more times than not, seeing how she corrupts once beautiful worlds and twists them in horrific shells of their former selves. From this Green Guy has grown a distant for Corrupt!Chara and usually tracks her down to combat her when she tries corrupting another structure. These two have an animosity between each other only matched by Fear!Sans and Hope!Sans’ animosity towards each other.
The Dilaa Qarsoon (frenemies)[]
Green Guy met his counterpart The Dilaa Qarsoon one one of his expeditions into the Rewrittenverse, the two at first where friendly due to their shared love of creation and storytelling, however upon multiple other visits to RV he learnt what The Dilaa Qarsoon does and his plans for The Rewrittenverse through some careful investigation along with what The Dilaa Qarsoon has done in his past and began to view him with suspicion, the two eventually fought each other with Green Guy having to exit his Green Guy his current Persona and become a stronger variant of Green Guy using a newer and stronger vessel that saw the original as nonexistent and fictional, the two then resumed fighting for awhile with Green Guy even throwing around the Voidscape on accident in the ensuing battle, The Dilaa Qarsoon eventually came out on top but struggled to beat Green Guy due to his vessel’s rock like body rendering it hard for The Dilaa Qarsoon to land solid hits on him, the two then parted ways and have not encountered the other sense.
- Hal-abuurka’s name was given to him by himself due to his love for creativity.
- Hal-abuurka has been far and wide across all of the undertale fandom visiting and marveling at places such as Alphatale, The Rewrittenverse, Underverse, etc.
- Hal-abuurka prefers to be in his vessel than stay in his actual body due to him being able to see more within his vessel (he still goes back into his original body from time to time)
- Hal-abuurka will never forgive you if you steal the last cookie from the cookie jar when he already called dibs on it.
- Hal-abuurka has made 2 failed vessels before he made his first successful vessel,
- Green Guy may or may not be related to Leprechauns.
- Green Guy despises Brussel-sprouts.
- Green Guy is a rare sight to see due to him being constantly on the move, however the best chance to see him is to look around the Celestial Sea.
- Green Guy WILL eat any type of Pizza, Bowl of Spaghetti, tray of Chicken Nuggets, or Taco he see’s (you cannot stop it).
- You will never guess Green Guy’s favorite color.
- Green Guy is a reluctant fighter, preferring to stay out of conflict.
- Green Guy tends to usually remain unnoticed when he watches, even when in plain sight.
- Green Guy and by extension Hal-abuurka have an IQ of 154, using his higher than average IQ to create and make unique and spectacular things.
- Hal-abuurka has been seen to create new vessels from time to time (which all look like variants of Green Guy), some even beyond the scope and power of Mirrored Dimensions with said vessels viewing them as fictional and nonexistent.