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Tanphrous is the slumbering beast from a place of nonexistence that acted as the narrative and creational antithesis being absent of Spatiotemporality, Metafiction, Creation, and narrative. After having to flee into the deepest and darkest pits of this place during Undertale’s creation, it eventually escaped it using Sans as a vessel becoming Sans.EXE and twisting the world it ravaged into Undertale: Endgame.


In an empty place where there was no end and no beginning, a place beyond concepts such as Spatiotemporality and where they did not exist, a place of narrative and metafictional nonexistence, a place where a beast slumbered. This place was what was before the creation of the undertale fandom, a empty space of nothing where no concepts, and no story existed, nothing there expect a slumbering mass of what this place was. A being with no name, one who had no beginning and would never have an end, a being beyond Spatiotemporality and metafictional existence, one that was the antithesis of narrative and existence. A being soon to be dubbed Tanphrous.

This beast slumbered in the void of narrative antithesis, here it slept for as long as creation was around, in an empty spot of fiction’s antithesis and was surrounded with other wonders and sights that where made in fiction. However this spot would not remain this was forever, as a indie game developer named Toby Fox had managed to claim this spot for his newest indie game, one that would be called Undertale. Here he shaped his world and brought it life, creating its fandom and all the fan creations. And all of this awoke the slumbering one, as its home was filled with creations light being the antithesis of Anti-Narrative/Anti-creation and burned away at antithesis of narrative and story as it engulfed the light going in a back and forth until what was once nothing became everything. This burned and cut away at it threatening to turn it into another part of it’s expanding creation and so the beast fled into a place below the Undertale Fandom trapping itself there in it’s desperate need to escape, entering the deepest and darkest pots of creational antithesis and Narrative decay, the spot where nothing would ever exist, The Overvoid.

Ever sense his retreat into The Overvoid the beast had been marinating within it’s darkest confines becoming one with it, he had become it, and after that it tried find ways to get out of The Overvoid without getting seared so it could reclaim what was taken from it, but always failed in those attempts, and now it was stuck as it watched as others lived in their perfect little fantasy worlds as it was stuck with a empty void of antithesis and nonexistence, and it was not the same as it once was as every now and then cracks of light flooded The Overvoid searing it and causing it distress. Overtime this made Tanphrous grow more and more bitter and soon he grew too loathe the place he forced himself to be trapped in, he wanted it too be what it once was, a empty void of narrative and creational antithesis, a place of nonexistence, and to do that it needed to escape, but it could not just do that itself as then the outsides radiance would sear it and engulf it, and so it needed something to hide in, it needed a vessel. so Tanphorus tried creating many vessels but all where flunks and failures, but soon a certain area in the Overvoid started shaking and a tear opened up due to the constant and repetitive actions of a certain anomaly. Seeing this Tanphorus quickly dashed too the tear before it could be closed and although it seared it, it knew this could be it’s way out and so it used it’s incredible strength too keep it open and maybe find a way too open it up further so it could get out. Hearing a commotion on the other side though got Tanphorus curious and he looked through the rift and instantly realized it had his way out.

Undertale Timeline #28937, route type: Genocide. *Slash* *CRACK* *blood drips* sans had lost yet again too the human. Saying the line the human was now accustomed too hearing. Sans walked away and stared too dust as the human walked by. Sans then noticed something open up in-front  of him. Knowing he did not have much time left sans believed this too be a gateway too the afterlife and stepped through finding himself in an empty void as he immediately felt incredible pain as he distorted and stretched as everything he was was being replaced by it’s antithesis and absence chasing to become something else, and then he saw HIM. a Eldritch beast surrounded by tentacles, a being of Creational and Narrative antithesis beyond and absent of Spatiotemporality and all that made up fiction, the thing inspected Sans and a dark looming voice asked him why he was here? Sans looked at this thing and told him he just found this portal too the afterlife and entered. This response caused the thing too let out a booming laugh, and then told sans he saw everything that happened with him and believed he could help him end the endless cycle he was stuck in and in return sans only had to do one thing for him. Sans immediately was interested and asked what he needed to do for it’s help, too which the thing responded that they have been stuck in this place for so long and wanted out and needed a vessel “co-exist” with. The thing ensured sans that his mind would be intact and he would still be in control, they just wanted too see the outside world. Sans knew he had no shot against the human alone and seeing no other option he accepted the deal. The two shaked hands/tentacles and the thing finally introduced himself calling themselves Tanphorus. After the hand shake Tanphorus shrunk entered sans’ body through the crack in his head that was caused by him dusting, and soon Sans’ soul and code disappeared and Sans became just an extension of Tanphrous’ will as he became corrupted by Tanphorus’. Now that he had a vessel Tanphorus decided to change up Sans’ looks and attacks a bit and after that was finished a new name was in order and now Sans.EXE was born. Looking through Sans’ powers he found out about his teleporting and telekinesis and realized this could be of use in escape. Going back too the tear Sans.EXE combined both of those powers and the remnants of the tear too open a portal/wormhole from the Overvoid into Timeline #28937 now known as Timeline #28938.

Undertale Timeline #28938, Route type: True Pacifist. Sans.EXE teleported too the area Flowey first appears in, hearing some rustling flowers from behind and went too investigate. Peering through the door and around the corner Sans.EXE saw Asriel Dreemurr who would soon turn back into Flowey. Approaching behind him Asriel thought it was frisk turning around only too see Sans, a distorted and horrific looking sans. Asriel looked on in shock, it turns out sans had been absent throughout the entire route and everyone was confused on his disappearance. And now seeing sans return in the way he looked made Asriel freeze in fear. Immediately Sans.EXE realized that if he was too try and interact with the monsters of this world he would need too look like a normal sans. Snapping his fingers reality distorted hiding Sans’ true appearance as one similar too a normal sans. But Sans.EXE could not have Asriel spilling his secret, and so he killed him. As Asriel turned too dust Sans.EXE felt a surge of Magic rush through him and soon a new ability became apparent too him. Lifting up his hand surges of blood spewed out of his fingers and soon Asriel’s dust reformed into the shape of a horrific and gruesome Flowey awaiting commands from Sans.EXE. Sans.EXE immediately knew how useful this could be in the long run, telling Flowey too spy on the human and report back too him. Flowey immediately went into the ground too fulfill his orders. Sans.EXE then went too do some spying on his own, and he saw every monster surrounding Frisk, Sans.EXE also noticed that Frisk seemed too have changed a bit, their hair was now a bit longer and they seemed too be taller. But that was not the thing that caught his attention, it was how the monsters were treating her that caught his attention. They where hailing Frisk as a hero and their savior which knew he could exploit for his gain. But Sans.EXE knew he could not just go out and kill all Willy nilly, he knew he had too play it slow and so adopting Sans’ original personality. Stepping closer Undyne quickly brought out her spear seeing Sans’ glowing red eyes, it turns out he did not fully hide his true appearance and some of it leaked through, but his appearance was convincing enough that he could slip by. Sans.EXE stepped out of the shadows hands in the air with a (fake) nervous expression. Undyne and everyone else looked in shock and papyrus immediately rushed towards Sans.EXE and hugged him tears running down his eyes, Sans.EXE hugged back. Soon Sans was bombarded with questions about where he was and what happened? Sans.EXE claimed amnesia having no memory on what happened until he arrived. For Papyrus it did not matter, he had his brother back and that was all that mattered. If only they knew the horrors about to come.

5 Weeks later. Monsters where starting too move to the surface and for everyone, their happy ending was within reach, and now Sans.EXE had waited long enough. Everyone’s guard was down and Frisk started too open up too Sans.EXE, this allowed Sans.EXE too convince Frisk too meet him in the judgement hall before Them and Papyrus moved too the surface (Frisk was living in Sans and Papyrus’ house). Sans.EXE then explained that it had been a long time sense they last met here, this immediately set red alarms off in Frisk’s head as they had not met in this hall sense last timeline, and then Sans.EXE let out a chuckle as his grin widened. Frisk immediately started stepping away only for bones too block both exits and then Sans.EXE let out a maniacal booming laugh everyone in the underground could hear, and it got deeper and deeper as Sans.EXE’s true form was slowly revealed. Sans.EXE then looked down at Frisk proclaiming that he would make it quick. Then before Frisk could even blink a tentacle appeared from Sans.EXE’s mouth grasping her legs, smacking her against the many pillars of the judgement hall and then tossing her away with a force so strong the crashed through multiple walls and into waterfall, yet she somehow survived. Sans.EXE then turned around seeing a shocked Asgore and a broken bone wall. Then Sans.EXE let out a horrid laugh as blood came out of his mouth and then the blood raised from the ground launching itself at Asgore burning him as the blood sizzled and acted as a type of powerful acid killing Asgore. Sans.EXE like Flowey then raised Asgore from the dead taking the form of a badly burned Asgore with light grey skin and little too no of his white fur or golden beard and hair. Sans.EXE then issued an order too Asgore “find Frisk and bring them too me, dead or alive it does not matter”. The undead Asgore nodded and went through and followed the human shaped holes in walls as Sans.EXE teleported walked to the core.

As Sans.EXE walked through the core he slaughtered monsters and revived them as undead minions giving them the same orders as he did too Asgore. Soon Sans.EXE reached hotlands and continued the slaughter and then he encountered Flowey, Flowey Relayed some useful information too Sans.EXE. Frisk had made it too  undynes house and warned her of Something that was impersonating as Sans. Sans.EXE chuckled at this knowing that Frisk not only was grasping onto false Hope with undyne but also found the fact that they have not fully realized what was going on almost made him burst out laughing. Sans.EXE then looked upon the lab in hotlands and realized that Alphys and Mettaton could be useful for his plans, Sans.EXE then ordered Flowey too deactivate Mettaton and incapacitate Alphys. Flowey then disappeared into the ground and soon a ruckus could be heard in the lab, Sans.EXE then ordered some of the monsters he just revived too accompany him into the lab. Soon Sans.EXE and the undead monsters entered the lab seeing an incapacitated Alphys and Deactivated Mettaton NEO. Alphys looked at Sans and immediately knew that he was the one behind everything was happening. Alphys angered and confused demanded too know why Sans would do this. Sans.EXE looked at them in the eye and decided that if anyone was too know the truth early on, Alphys would be the best candidate as the truth would break her allowing for a sweater kill. Sans then explained everything, the past timelines, the deal and everything he was planning on doing, and like Sans.EXE expected this broke Alphys. But before he killed Alphys he looked over at Mettaton NEO and he got a horrific idea, and Alphys knew what Sans.EXE was thinking based on the look he had on his face. Sans.EXE walked up too NEO and summoned a bone and used it too bash Mettaton’s head in and destroy one of Neo’s wings, before blood emerged from his fingers and went into Mettaton, rewiring Mettaton too serve him. Sans.EXE then activated Mettaton who was now a mindless slave too Sans.EXE and ordered them too blasts Alphys’ jaw off, and Mettaton blindly obeyed. Now a dead Alphys laid on the floor turning too dust, and Sans.EXE revived Alphys and ordered them too shut off the core and soon the power in the underground went off.

Sans.EXE was pleased and was prepared too head too waterfall when the undead Asgore flew through the door too the lab and Sans.EXE noticed 5 particular figures, Undyne, Toriel, Frisk, Papyrus and Grillby. Undyne, Toriel and Grillby looked incredibly pissed, Frisk was a combination of Terrified and Angry, and Papyrus was feeling a wide range of emotions. Sans.EXE stared each one of them down looking into each of their minds and saw one thing they all had in common “what did that thing do too Sans”. Sans.EXE started to laugh and called his undead minions too back away and that he would handle them alone. Soon it was just Sans.EXE and them in the lab. Sans.EXE then asked them if they really wanted too know what happened and why he was doing this? Papyrus was quick too answer with a yes, he wanted too know what happened too his brother. Sans.EXE then chuckled and his mouth opened up too reveal a single blood red eye and too say that the 5 where not taken aback by what they saw would be an understatement as Undyne threw up on the spot after seeing the eye. Soon blood dripped from the eye and then it shot out blood as a beam dousing Grillbys flame and burning frisks face and made her left arm lifeless. Undyne then puked even more at the sight of what just happened as Toriel and Papyrus looked horrified. Then a tentacle sprouted from the crack in Sans.EXE’s head and grasped Toriel’s head and in a panic Toriel shot out flames that hit the control panel too the lab and soon a meltdown took place and Frisk, Undyne and Papyrus booked it out of the lab and soon an explosion that blew up the entirety of the lab after the 3 got out. Undyne though that there was no way Sans.EXE could survive that but soon through the smoke two fireballs where thrown at Undynes face which she barely dodged and when the smoke cleared an undead Toriel and Grillby stood by an untouched Sans.EXE. Sans.EXE started too advance and Undyne told Frisk and Papyrus too run and that she would hold them off for as long as she could. Papyrus did not want too leave Undyne’s side but Undyne started too yell at him too go and reluctantly Papyrus grabbed Frisk and summoned a Gaster Blaster flying away with it. Undyne held off the undead horde and Sans.EXE for awhile even managed too get a couple of hits at Sans.EXE with one of them hitting Tanphorus who was hiding inside of Sans.EXE’s body causing him too let out a bloodcurdling scream, and in a rage killed Undyne reviving them as another undead minion but something strange happened when the undead Undyne got up. The undead Undyne lunged at Sans.EXE trying too stab him and Sans.EXE sensed that Undyne’s determination stopped her from falling under the control of Sans.EXE. Sans.EXE then used some of his blood to create strings that infused themselves with Undyne taking control over her body and mind, while Undyne tried to resist this but failed in the end becoming another minion.

Papyrus and Frisk reached the room the barrier was formerly in and exited through the exit thinking they where now in the clear Frisk was wondering what went wrong and why this was happening and was starting to lose hope. Papyrus seeing this tried to encourage and comfort Frisk but had no idea how too. Soon the sky above turned a pure black and soon they felt themselves being pulled but along with the entire universe and the speed knocked them both unconscious. Sans.EXE had starting to fling the universe around finally growing tired of this game of his and unleashing himself, slamming the Universe into others and using it as a weapon to destroy them, with multiple universes and complex universes ranging from 7D to 11D in Spatiotemporal Dimensions where destroyed before hurling it straight through the Core walls and into The Multiverse’s core causing the it to be eradicated leaving only the Universe of Undertale left. And after this Tanphorus exited the Sans.EXE body which caused concepts to rot, Spatiotemporality to decay, and existence to crumble before his presence. and as they crumbled to his antithesis nature, he ravaged everything in the universe, causing the universe too become a wastage and only two living non undead beings remained, Papyrus and Frisk. Tanphorus then Re-entered the Sans.EXE body and looked upon Papyrus and Frisk who where just waking up and laying their eyes upon everything that had happened while they where out. Sans.EXE looked upon Papyrus and soon Papyrus was looking back. Papyrus summoned a blaster and told Sans.EXE too get back as his eyes were tearing up in disbelief. Sans.EXE then teleported behind Papyrus and touched his head telling Papyrus that someone wanted too meet with him. Soon Papyrus went into a trance and was in a pure black empty void with a similar figure nearby looking at Papyrus. Papyrus got closer and knew the figure instantly, it was Sans. Papyrus was confused and when approaching Sans asked what was going on, Sans just looked at Papyrus and then looked down. Papyrus then looked at a hand Sans had out, and saw it was clenched and then looked down seeing a blue circle on the ground. Sans then looked up at Papyrus with a sad expression and no pupils in his eyes as another figure appeared behind him. Papyrus then understood what was going on, this entire time they thought Sans was replaced by a imposter, when in reality these actions where a combination of two beings collaborating, Sans and whatever the thing behind him was. Sans then said three words “I’m sorry Papyrus” and a bone came from the ground impaling Papyrus. The trance then broke and a bone did impale Papyrus and when Papyrus looked at Sans.EXE he saw the same twisted smile Sans.EXE has always shown. Papyrus looked into Sans.EXE's eyes for a breif second and knew everything, after all, he knew his brother like the back of his hand. Papyrus then did something that no one who was watching this ordeal would of expected, Papyrus hugged Sans.EXE… And Sans.EXE smiled as he went into the hug and snapped Papyrus’ neck in the process making Papyrus turn too dust, playing him like a fiddling, tricking him into thinking any remnant of Sans remained within him. But Sans was dead, all that remained was as hell harboring the monster known as Sans.EXE.

Sans.EXE then looked at Frisk and Frisk although horrified slowly started to change as soon everything they witnessed seemed strangely beautiful. Sans.EXE's actions had taken an effect Frisk’s soul, utterly breaking its determination, spirit, and mind. Sans.EXE noticing it then smiled and offered Frisk a deal, he would repair Frisk’s now dying body and stop his rampage he was carrying out on their world if she would work for him and with her sprint completely and utterly broken, she accepted. Sans.EXE was happy with her answer and raised both of his hands in the air, one point at Frisk and the other at Papyrus and then necrotic energy started shooting out of both of his hands reviving Frisks dead body parts and bringing back Papyrus from the dead while infusing them both with enhanced abilities. After the revival it was clear Papyrus was unlike the other undead as Sans.EXE gave Papyrus some form of Free Will while still making him bound to his orders. Sans.EXE then teleported onto a cliff side and looked out at the destruction he caused and was pleased for now as he the new god of this world thought of what other pleasures awaited him.

6 years later. Sans.EXE was wandering in the world he brought to ruin making Papyrus his second in command and Frisk his right hand lady after she proved her loyalty by helping him take down a group of Out-Codes’ from another multiverse that where planning on taking Sans.EXE down and forming a denomination too help Sans.EXE and his goals. But he had an inkling that he had to wait, as if he attempted to start the end of all it would fail as pesky onlookers would revert the damage so he would have to wait for Undertale to lose enough traction so if he attempted it, no one would notice or attempt to revert it. But he did not just want to sit and do nothing, he wanted to have some fun while waiting, he wanted to test the ones that truly interested him, he wanted to know what it would take for US to give up and quit. And so he looked over the ravaged world of undertale and reshaped it, reformed it, turning it into a world of his twisted mind and desires, a place where he could play his twisted game with those from the beyond. And from this a CD was formed in the real world, a CD of a game compatible with the onlookers console, Undertale: Endgame was born, and now Sans.EXE waits for a unsuspecting player to insert the disc, and for their fun to begin.


Tanphrous is an intelligent and malevolent beast, one who takes savagery and mutilation and turns it into an art, twisting other’s creations into malicious and malignant versions of themselves. Using that to portray his persona of Sans.EXE, pretending to be a normal Sans from a variant of undertale even going as far as disguising his twisted world as normal in order to help the deception, and when their guard is down he unveils his true colors along with his world’s trapping his victims inside and playing a gruesome game with them before twisting them into a twisted shell of malignancy and chaos.

In and out of his facade Tanphrous acts cordial and amicable, like a gracious host at a fancy dinner party, having an aura of regality and influence, usually being seen as someone of great importance. He will still retain this personality even when the facade is up and instead twists it into something more threatening and malicious while keeping it similar. But that does not mean his victims ends are humane, instead they are the worst form of torture imaginable beyond what the concepts of pain and/or suffering could describe.


Tanphrous takes many forms but only uses 1 vessel, but said vessel has two appearances, Facade and Executioner.

The Facade look is that of Sans, but much taller being 7, 5” and his hoodie now has a more trench coat feel to it as it has the lower end of one. His eyes are now also red in color but he usually plays it off as excess determination. However every now and then a grizzly stitched up slash wound appears on his chest. Other than that the appearance is that of Sans.

The Executioner look however is much more different, the bones of Sans are now a dark grey and black goop leaks from his right eye and a huge crack is on the left side of his skull similar to horror!sans along with a open crack on his left eye that goes up to the crack on the top of his skull. Sans’ jacket also changes to look more like cult robes and the colors to be grey with a darker tint on the bottom and lightening the tint the higher it goes. The Sleeves are also torn off showing long black arms with huge claws on the end of them. The undershirt is also a similar grey color but now always has the grizzly stitched up slash on it. The shorts are the same but two black stalks now make up the legs, the socks are now grey in color and the pink slippers have noticeable mold on the fur giving them a blueish tint while still being pink.

For Tanphrous’ appearance, I will leave that up to your imagination.


Abstract Antithesis[]

Tanphrous being a being who is the antithesis of the narrative and existence is by extension the antithesis of concepts being beyond and absent of them, and capable of eradicating them without much effort. From this Tanphrous is capable of eradicating and exists beyond Life, Death, Temporality, Spatiality, Creation, Destruction, Dimensions, Luck, Pain, Suffering, Fear, Balance, Speed, Movement, Mathematics, Durability, Imagination, Boundaries, Belief, Karma, Consequences, Damage/Injury, Influence, etc, etc.


Tanphrous as mentioned before is the antithesis of the narrative and existence, this causes anything and everything around him ncluding his vessel to decay and rot as Tanphrous’ mere presence is a poison to it, being the bane of all that exist. Stories and plot also decay in Tanphrous’ presence loses all from of continuity, cohesion, and sensibility, rotting away until the text and material of the story/narrative is utter gibberish and madness. However Tanphrous has learnt to be able to suppress this in order for his game/twisted creation called Undertale: CV to not suffer from these ailments letting it and its story stay coherent and sensible.

Ending Strike[]

Tanphrous has the ability to harness his Abstract antithesis and Decaying presence into powerful strikes which Tears through anything and everything in it’s path, including but not limited to Concepts, Narratives, Cosmology’s of any type, Existence, Nonexistence, Creation, Dimensions of any type, Mathematics, etc, etc. after being struck by these strikes the struck then starts to decay and corrode until nothing remains of it wiped away like a stain on a kitchen counter.

Twist The Other[]

Tanphrous despite being the antithesis to Existence and The Narrative, he has learned to control and command what he opposes by twisting what it stands for, letting him shift, morph and change them to his whims and desires. This is the main reason he can raise the dead, twist worlds into horrific abominations, take dominion over one’s free will, being a veritable god compared to those he faces by twisting and commanding forces they cannot or cannot comprehend.


Hinn Óreiðukenndi (Associate/Plaything)[]

Hinn Óreiðukenndi is but another being wrapped in Tanphrous’ game, with the two encountering each other through chance when Tanphrous was first scouting the True Godverse. Tanphrous was traveling through the layer of the Lesser Otherverse where Hinn reigned supreme and encountered the Ruler of the Aleph-3 layer. Tanphrous acted as he usually did, cordial and polite, making flattering and amicable remarks on Hinn and his accomplishments. Tanphrous during this time was peering into Hinn’s mind and found that he may have some use in his plans and so he kept up his flattery until he was able to convince Hinn to agree to a deal, Tanphrous will guide him to more places he could rule over, and in return Hinn will help Tanphrous when he calls upon him. And although he does not need this help as he alone will be enough to achieve his goal when the time comes, he still does these things as he likes playing around with the psyche of others and prodding their mind to know what makes that certain individual tick.

Suns/Suns.webp (Tiny fellow)[]

Tanphrous unlike his legends counterpart has not adopted Suns/Suns.webp and does not plan to anytime soon, not caring about such a thing. However he has sometimes gotten stuck having to babysit him from time to time when Legends Tanphrous is busy with other matters. He finds Suns/Suns.webp’s company to be acceptable but that does not mean he wants to be around him for a week straight which usually happens when he babysits him.

The Corrugation of Tanphrous (……..)[]

Tanphrous never had the idea to have a cult or Corrugation, he did not believe one would be of much use to him and his plans. But when Frisk went and made one he did not stop it, as it would not get in his way, but his previous logic still stood. Like mentioned previously Frisk is but an ant to Tanphrous, an insignificant speck in the grand scheme of things, and this Corrugation is just an anthill filled with these insignificant ants. However it would be a waste of his time trying to do something about it. So he lets them run along and “help” him, but every now and then he does take a small peek at what they are doing if no one plays Undertale: Endgame for awhile, sometimes finding what they do a little amusing, but still insignificant in the long run. But he does not mind, after all nothing will matter when it is time.

Us (Interesting)[]

We are one of the few things Tanphrous finds truly interesting, aware of us for a long time he always wondered what makes us tick, why we create and hold onto things years old or doomed to fail. Why we hope when there is no Hope to be had, what is it that keeps us going. These things, these theories he has about us, it’s what makes us his favorite playthings and why he made Undertale: Endgame, to test what keeps us going in even in terrifying and difficult moments, when the odds are stacked against us in every way. A game impossible to beat, a game that tests one’s endurance, a game he uses to see how long and what it takes for us to finally quit. And using the data he collects from this, he will then spread the things that makes us quit and give up all across the undertale fandom, making us lose interest in it, and for him to finally bring about the end of all for the undertale fandom.


  • Tanphrous finds some of the activities his Corrugation does somewhat weird and disturbing.
  • Tanphrous is aware of the other two versions of him, and is unbothered by them, seeing them and their power as beneath him and cheap copies.
  • Tanphrous can travel around The Fandom as he pleases able to enter and exit anything in it.
  • Tanphorus prefers to spend his time waiting for people to Play Undertale: Endgame instead of doing other things, but may do or watch some other things if he gets bored waiting.
  • Tanphrous automatically knows if someone booted up Undertale: Endgame.
    • Tanphrous is always ready to immediately jump back into Undertale: Endgame if it is booted up.
  • Tanphrous cannot Taste or Feel.
  • Tanphrous’ vessel also decays like everything else around him, but it does so at a considerably slower rate and so Tanphrous usually has to either repair the vessel or get a new one if the decay becomes too much to handle.
  • Tanphrous fancies himself as a scientist in a way.
  • Tanphrous is actually genuinely kind and cordial to Non-Undertale related beings for once not being an act.
  • Tanphrous can be hyper critical in his criticisms.
  • Tanphrous never sleeps, eats, or rests, he is always active.
  • Tanphrous Made Undertale: Endgame transcend Spatiotemporality so he could put it outside the Multiverse, but he only made it the baseline as he felt there was no need to make it any higher despite him being fully capable of doing so.
  • Tanphrous sometimes jokingly refers to himself as The Ashen Monarch, knowing about his similarities with The Scarlet King.
    • Tanphrous’ self imposed joke title did accidentally wind up making it so The Ashen Monarch was another moniker his followers refer to him as and unlike Tanphrous they consider it to be a serious title instead of a joke title.
  • Tanphrous is a fan of old timey music.
    • A sign of Tanphrous’ presence is if old timey music on a Gramophone sun delay starts playing even if you don’t own a Gramophone or have the vinyl record of the song that’s playing.
    • Tanphrous uses old timey music as an additional way to add tension and horror in his games with his victims.
  • Tanphrous has been shown to be able to hyjack radio and electronics in the real world.
  • Tanphrous is one of the many the brother’s of The Emperor.
  • Tanphrous in a previous battle with The Emperor had destroyed his realm.


“You may be looking for the Rewrittenverse version of Tanphrous, if so click the link”

Tanphrous is a Malevolent Deity who was trapped in the Aleph Void and made a deal with a dying sans fusing too become Sans.EXE. (This is Sansfan1563’s take on Sans.EXE)


(Note: it is recommended you read How the Aleph Void was Created before Reading Tanphrous/Sans.EXE's Backstory as it clarifies and explains the events that took place before this.)

Ever sense his imprisonment Tanphrous had tried finds to get out of The Aleph Void, but always failed in those attempts, he tried to use his powers to escape but they too failed. he tried to create things of his own making to attempt to mimic what he felt before his imprisonment, but it got old fast. and now he was stuck as he watched as others lived in their perfect little fantasy worlds as he was stuck with a empty void of nothing, and although he could easily fill the Aleph-Void with creations of his own making, it was not the same as it once was. Overtime Tanphrous grew more and more bitter and soon he grew too loathe the Aleph Void how it currently was, he wanted it too be full of life and have beings who he could reign over, not some superficial creations he made, no, he wanted the REAL deal, so Tanphrous was looking for a way out. Soon a certain area in the Aleph Void started shaking and a tear opened up due to the constant and repetitive actions of a certain anomaly, seems like his "in-escapable" prison was not so in-escapable after all. Seeing this Tanphrous quickly dashed too the tear before it could be closed and used his incredible strength too keep it open and maybe find a way too open it up further so he could get out. Hearing a commotion on the other side though got Tanphrous curious and he looked through the rift and instantly realized he had his way out.

Undertale Timeline #28937, route type: Genocide. *Slash* *CRACK* *blood drips* sans had lost yet again too the human. Saying the line the human was now accustomed too hearing. Sans walked away and stared too dust as the human walked by. Sans then noticed something open up in-front  of him. Knowing he did not have much time left sans believed this too be a gateway too the afterlife and stepped through finding himself in an empty void as he immediately felt incredible pain as his dimensions distorted and stretched, and then he saw HIM. a large goopy being the size of a planet surrounded by tentacles. Shrinking down the thing inspected Sans and a dark looming voice asked him why he was here? Sans looked at this thing and told him he just found this portal too the afterlife and entered. This response caused the thing too let out a booming laugh, and then told sans he saw everything that happened with him and believed he could help him end the endless cycle he was stuck in and in return sans only had to do one thing for him. Sans immediately was interested and asked what he needed to do for it’s help, too which the thing responded that they have been stuck in this place for so long and wanted out and needed a vessel too fuse with. The thing ensured sans that his mind would be intact and he would still be in control, they just wanted too see the outside world. Sans knew he had no shot against the human alone and seeing no other option he accepted the deal. The two shaked hands/tentacles and the thing finally introduced himself calling themselves Tanphrous. After the hand shake Tanphrous shrunk in size and entered sans’ body through the crack in his head that was caused by him dusting, and soon Sans’ soul and code disappeared and both of their minds fused. Sans became corrupted by Tanphrous’ malicious and psychopathic mind and personality and Tanphrous gained a twisted sense of morality and a twisted sense of judgement. Both of there personalities merged gaining a mishmash of their personalities. Now their minds where one and with this new mind Tanphrous decided too change up Sans’ looks and attacks a bit and after that was finished a new name was in order and now Sans.EXE was born. Looking through Sans’ powers he found out about his teleporting and telekinesis and realized this could be of use in escape. Going back too the tear Sans.EXE combined both of those powers and the remnants of the tear too open a portal/wormhole from the Aleph Void into Timeline #28937 now known as Timeline #28938.

Undertale Timeline #28938, Route type: True Pacifist. Sans.EXE teleported too the area Flowey first appears in, hearing some rustling flowers from behind and went too investigate. Peering through the door and around the corner Sans.EXE saw Asriel Dreemurr who would soon turn back into Flowey. Approaching behind him Asriel thought it was frisk turning around only too see Sans, a distorted and horrific looking sans. Asriel looked on in shock, it turns out sans had been absent throughout the entire route and everyone was confused on his disappearance. And now seeing sans return in the way he looked made Asriel freeze in fear. Immediately Sans.EXE realized that if he was too try and interact with the monsters of this world he would need too look like a normal sans. Snapping his fingers reality distorted hiding Sans’ true appearance as one similar too a normal sans. But Sans.EXE could not have Asriel spilling his secret, and so he killed him. As Asriel turned too dust Sans.EXE felt a surge of Magic rush through him and soon a new ability became apparent too him. Lifting up his hand surges of blood spewed out of his fingers and soon Asriel’s dust reformed into the shape of a horrific and gruesome Flowey awaiting commands from Sans.EXE. Sans.EXE immediately knew how useful this could be in the long run, telling Flowey too spy on the human and report back too him. Flowey immediately went into the ground too fulfill his orders. Sans.EXE then went too do some spying on his own, and he saw every monster surrounding Frisk, Sans.EXE also noticed that Frisk seemed too have changed a bit, their hair was now a bit longer and they seemed too be taller. But that was not the thing that caught his attention, it was how the monsters where treating her that caught his attention. They where hailing Frisk as a hero and their savior which infuriated Sans.EXE, he saw them as traitors praising the one who trapped them in an endless cycle of pain. But Sans.EXE knew he could not just go out and kill all Willy nilly, he knew he had too play it slow and so adopting Sans’ original personality. Stepping closer Undyne quickly brought out her spear seeing Sans’ glowing red eyes, it turns out he did not fully hide his true appearance and some of it leaked through, but his appearance was convincing enough that he could slip by. Sans.EXE stepped out of the shadows hands in the air with a (fake) nervous expression. Undyne and everyone else looked in shock and papyrus immediately rushed towards Sans.EXE and hugged him tears running down his eyes, Sans.EXE hugged back. Soon Sans was bombarded with questions about where he was and what happened? Sans.EXE claimed amnesia having no memory on what happened until he arrived. For Papyrus it did not matter, he had his brother back and that was all that mattered. If only they knew the horrors about too come.

5 Weeks later. Monsters where starting too move to the surface and for everyone, their happy ending was within reach, and now Sans.EXE had waited long enough. Everyone’s guard was down and Frisk started too open up too Sans.EXE, this allowed Sans.EXE too convince Frisk too meet him in the judgement hall before Them and Papyrus moved too the surface (Frisk was living in Sans and Papyrus’ house). Sans.EXE then explained that it had been a long time sense they last met here, this immediately set red alarms off in Frisk’s head as they had not met in this hall sense last timeline, and then Sans.EXE said a single line that revealed the true intentions on why he wanted Frisk too meet him, “do you know what it feels like too burn in hell?”. Frisk immediately started stepping away only for bones too block both exits and then Sans.EXE let out a maniacal booming laugh everyone in the underground could hear, and it got deeper and deeper as Sans.EXE’s true form was slowly revealed. Sans.EXE then looked down at Frisk proclaiming that he would show everyone how it was like and that he would end this cycle, he the said too not worry as sense she was so kind too release monsterkind in this route he would make it quick. Then before Frisk could even blink a tentacle appeared from Sans.EXE’s mouth grasping her legs, smacking her against the many pillars of the judgement hall and then tossing her away with a force so strong the crashed through multiple walls and into waterfall, yet she somehow survived. Sans.EXE then turned around seeing a shocked Asgore and a broken bone wall. Then Sans.EXE let out a horrid laugh as blood came out of his mouth and then the blood raised from the ground launching itself at Asgore burning him as the blood sizzled and acted as a type of powerful acid killing Asgore. Sans.EXE like Flowey then raised Asgore from the dead taking the form of a badly burned Asgore with light grey skin and little too no of his white fur or golden beard and hair. Sans.EXE then issued an order too Asgore “find Frisk and bring them too me, dead or alive it does not matter”. The undead Asgore nodded and went  through and followed the human shaped holes in walls as Sans.EXE teleported walked too the core.

As Sans.EXE walked through the core he slaughtered monsters and revived them as undead minions giving them the same orders as he did too Asgore. Soon Sans.EXE reached hotlands and continued the slaughter and then he encountered Flowey, Flowey Relayed some useful information too Sans.EXE. Frisk had made it too  undynes house and warned her of Something that was impersonating as Sans. Sans.EXE chuckled at this knowing that Frisk not only was grasping onto false Hope with undyne but also found the fact that they have not fully realized what was going on almost made him burst out laughing. Sans.EXE then looked upon the lab in hotlands and realized that Alphys and Mettaton could be useful for his plans, Sans.EXE then ordered Flowey too deactivate Mettaton and incapacitate Alphys. Flowey then disappeared into the ground and soon a ruckus could be heard in the lab, Sans.EXE then ordered some of the monsters he just revived too accompany him into the lab. Soon Sans.EXE and the undead monsters entered the lab seeing an incapacitated Alphys and Deactivated Mettaton NEO. Alphys looked at Sans and immediately knew that he was the one behind everything was happening. Alphys angered and confused demanded too know why Sans would do this. Sans.EXE looked at them in the eye and decided that if anyone was too know the truth early on, Alphys would be the best candidate as the truth would break her allowing for a sweater kill. Sans then explained everything, the past timelines, the deal and everything he was planning on doing, and like Sans.EXE expected this broke Alphys. But before he killed Alphys he looked over at Mettaton NEO and he got a horrific idea, and Alphys knew what Sans.EXE was thinking based on the look he had on his face. Sans.EXE walked up too NEO and summoned a bone and used it too bash Mettaton’s head in and destroy one of Neo’s wings, before blood emerged from his fingers and went into Mettaton, rewiring Mettaton too serve him. Sans.EXE then activated Mettaton who was now a mindless slave too Sans.EXE and ordered them too blasts Alphys’ jaw off, and Mettaton blindly obeyed. Now a dead Alphys laid on the floor turning too dust, and Sans.EXE revived Alphys and ordered them too shut off the core and soon the power in the underground went off.

Sans.EXE was pleased and was prepared too head too waterfall when the undead Asgore flew through the door too the lab and Sans.EXE noticed 5 particular figures, Undyne, Toriel, Frisk, Papyrus and Grillby. Undyne, Toriel and Grillby looked incredibly pissed, Frisk was a combination of Terrified and Angry, and Papyrus was feeling a wide range of emotions. Sans.EXE stared each one of them down looking into each of their minds and saw one thing they all had in common “what did that thing do too Sans”. Sans.EXE started to laugh and called his undead minions too back away and that he would handle them alone. Soon it was just Sans.EXE and them in the lab. Sans.EXE then asked them if they really wanted too know what happened and why he was doing this? Papyrus was quick too answer with a yes, he wanted too know what happened too his brother. Sans.EXE then chuckled and his mouth opened up too reveal a single blood red eye and too say that the 5 where not taken aback by what they saw would be an understatement as Undyne threw up on the spot after seeing the eye. Soon blood dripped from the eye and then it shot out blood as a beam dousing Grillbys flame and burning frisks face and made her left arm lifeless. Undyne then puked even more at the sight of what just happened as Toriel and Papyrus looked horrified. Then a tentacle sprouted from the crack in Sans.EXE’s head and grasped Toriel’s head and in a panic Toriel shot out flames that hit the control panel too the lab and soon a meltdown took place and Frisk, Undyne and Papyrus booked it out of the lab and soon an explosion that blew up the entirety of the lab after the 3 got out. Undyne though that there was no way Sans.EXE could survive that but soon through the smoke two fireballs where thrown at Undynes face which she barely dodged and when the smoke cleared an undead Toriel and Grillby stood by an untouched Sans.EXE. Sans.EXE started too advance and Undyne told Frisk and Papyrus too run and that she would hold them off for as long as she could. Papyrus did not want too leave Undyne’s side but Undyne started too yell at him too go and reluctantly Papyrus grabbed Frisk and summoned a Gaster Blaster flying away with it. Undyne held off the undead horde and Sans.EXE for awhile even managed too get a couple of hits at Sans.EXE with one of them hitting Tanphrous who was hiding inside of Sans.EXE’s body causing him too let out a bloodcurdling scream, and in a rage killed Undyne reviving them as another undead minion but something strange happened when the undead Undyne got up. The undead Undyne lunged at Sans.EXE trying too stab him and Sans.EXE sensed that Undyne’s determination stopped her from falling under the control of Sans.EXE. Sans.EXE then used some of his blood too create strings that infused themselves with Undyne taking control over her body and mind, while Undyne tried too resist this but failed in the end becoming another minion.

Papyrus and Frisk reached the room the barrier was formerly in and exited through the exit thinking they where now in the clear Frisk was wondering what went wrong and why this was happening and was starting to lose hope. Papyrus seeing this tried to encourage and comfort Frisk but had no idea how too. Soon the sky above turned a pure black and soon they felt themselves being pulled but along with the entire planet and the speeds knocked them both unconscious. Sans.EXE had dragged the entire universe into the Aleph Void after finding out how too open a portal/wormhole that allows things to enter the Aleph Void, soon Tanphrous exited the Sans.EXE body and then destroyed everything causing the universe too become a wastage and only two living non undead beings remained, Papyrus and Frisk. Tanphrous then Re-entered the Sans.EXE body and looked upon Papyrus and Frisk who where just waking up and laying their eyes upon everything that had happened while they where out. Sans.EXE looked upon Papyrus and soon Papyrus was looking back. Papyrus summoned a blaster and told Sans.EXE too get back as his eyes were tearing up in disbelief. Sans.EXE then teleported behind Papyrus and touched his head telling Papyrus that someone wanted too meet with him. Soon Papyrus went into a trance and was in a pure black empty void with a similar figure nearby looking at Papyrus. Papyrus got closer and knew the figure instantly, it was Sans. Papyrus was confused and when approaching Sans asked what was going on, Sans just looked at Papyrus and then looked down. Papyrus then looked at a hand Sans had out, and saw it was clenched and then looked down seeing a blue circle on the ground. Sans then looked up at Papyrus with a sad expression and no pupils in his eyes as another figure appeared behind him. Papyrus then understood what was going on, this entire time they thought Sans was replaced by a imposter, when in reality these actions where a combination of two beings collaborating, Sans and whatever the thing behind him was. Sans then said three words “I’m sorry Papyrus” and a bone came from the ground impaling Papyrus. The trance then broke and a bone did impale Papyrus and when Papyrus looked at Sans.EXE he saw the same twisted smileSans.EXE has always shown, however something was slightly different. Papyrus looked into Sans.EXE's eyes for a breif second and knew everything, after all, he knew his brother like the back of his hand. Papyrus then did something that not even Sans.EXE nor Firsk who was watching this ordeal would of expected, Papyrus hugged Sans.EXE… And Sans.EXE looked genuinely shocked for a second before he hesitantly responded in kind as Papyrus turned too dust.

Sans.EXE then looked at Frisk and Frisk now like Papyrus understood everything but something slowly started too change. Sans.EXE's actions had fullyed taken an effect Frisk’s soul, utterly breaking its determination and spirit. Sans.EXE noticing it then smiled and offered Frisk a deal, he would repair Frisk’s now dying body and stop his rampage he was carrying out on their world if she would work for him and with her sprint completely and utterly broken, she accepted. Sans.EXE was happy with her answer and raised both of his hands in the air, one point at Frisk and the other at Papyrus and then necrotic energy started shooting out of both of his hands reviving Frisks dead body parts and bringing back Papyrus from the dead while infusing them both with enhanced abilities. After the revival it was clear Papyrus was unlike the other undead as Sans.EXE gave Papyrus Free Will. Sans.EXE then looked out of the Aleph Void and saw multiple worlds like this one and looked around and he got an idea, he would judge these worlds too see if they are worthy of existing leaving the pure intact and the impure would have judgement rained down onto them. After all if he could help this world’s sans end their cycle why not help the other worlds?

6 years later. Sans.EXE was ruling over the Aleph Void making Papyrus his second in command and Frisk his right hand lady after she proved her loyalty by helping him take down a group of Sans’ that was planning on taking Sans.EXE down and forming a Cult too help Sans.EXE and his goals allowing Sans.EXE too judge more worlds then he could alone and that’s too this he had judged an uncountably infinite number of AU’s, an uncountably infinite number of Multiverses, uncountably infinite number of Hyperversal sized structures, 11 cosmic structures comparable to the Infinitum Zone, and 5 Cosmic structures that are similar to the Godscape's Silly Zones, only finding 2 worthy out of all of the places he judged. But the worst out of everything he saw, was The Godverse. A place full of corruption, evil and impurity, it had too be purged and he would make sure that no matter what the entirety of it would fall into the Aleph Void and he would make sure this unworthy disaster would be erased from history. piece. by. piece.


Fear!Sans Meets Tanphrous/Sans.EXE

Scourging and Purging (A Tanphrous/Sans.EXE Story)


Tanphrous is a Psychopathic, Diabolical and Malevolent beast who has all the makings of a Purely Evil being, he also has become obsessed with judging worlds too see if they are worthy of continued existence until the final day comes after the fusion with Sans. Worlds he sees as unworthy he will rain judgement upon before dragging them into the Aleph Void, If he views a World as Worthy however Tanphrous will keep his hands off it until the final day comes, heck he may even protect it. However this does mean his original purpose has been lost, no, he now does this as a way to bide time until the perfect moment.

He also has gained some of Sans’ Personality after the Fusion. Some of the things he gained are, A love for puns (although the ones he makes are horrific and graphic in nature), A Ketchup Addiction, and a twisted love/care for Papyrus. It is believed these are the last remaining remnants of Sans' Original personality after the fusion. Strangely after the fusion he also gained an interest in sappy romance novels, which revealed him to be a huge crybaby when it came to love stories.


Tanphrous looks like a big black gooey circle the size of a planet surrounded by multiple black tentacles and covered in blood red eyes.

Sans.EXE has 2 forms, the first is an 6’ 7” tall sans with red pupils, wearing a blue hoodie with a long back end the slightly extends too the front of the hoodie and a white undershirt, wears the same shirt and pink slippers.

The second form is more disturbing standing at 8’ 8” with his bones turning a dark grey, a large crack on the left side of his skull along with the symbol of brimstone/the leviathan cross appearing on his forehead, his hoodie, undershirt and shorts have become darker along with his hoodie and undershirt being covered in blood and his slippers changed from pink too dark red. This form can also extend his mouth and open it allowing tentacles from Tanphrous too reach out of the mouth along with the crack in his skull. Both forms have a crudely stitched up slash wound on their chest.


The Amulet of the Ouroboros[]

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE found the amulet on a corpse of a Norse hero he slew. He almost ignored it until it’s glint in the sunlight caught his eye and he examined it. Seeing the great power it held along with the soul of the Ouroboros being held within it was enough for him to take it for himself. Overtime Tanphrous/Sans.EXE learned how to use the Powers of the amulet but still is working on gaining favor with the Oroboros’ soul in order for him to gain even more power. (Ouroboros’ Soul is currently being defiant.).


Note: Tanphrous/Sans.EXE has a arsenal of powers and abilities that can best be described as Limitless across a Nigh-Infinite amount of sets of definitions and forms, or lack thereof, with the power of them being absolute. However Tanphrous/Sans.EXE usually restricts his arsenal to his personal favorites.

Sans.EXE Exclusive (Will only be used when Tanphrous is inside of Sans.EXE)[]

Blood Blasters[]

Sans.EXE will summon dark grey distorted Blasters that fire out a stream of blood, this blood is an equivalent too an acid that can completely corrode and destroy the foundations and body of any Cosmological structure in it's path. the Blood also have the unique ability to combine with any bodily fluid (and any type of semi-fluid, fluid, and liquid) which spreads rapidly through the fluid's causing them to be a slightly weaker (and diluted) version of the Blood the blaster shoots out.

Broken Bones[]

Sans.EXE will summon dark grey bones that have been broken in half too produce jagged and spiked edges. These bones can completely eviscerate the innard foundations of any Cosmological Structure the blood blasters' blood can corrode, those hit by the Broken bones wind up becoming completely impossible for the thing too keep itself up or balanced causing it’s complete and utter collapse too become inventible.

Atlas Shortcut[]

Sans.EXE has knowledge of almost everywhere and can teleport almost anywhere with few restrictions.

Aleph Void Infusion (Passive)[]

Sans.EXE’s body was made in the Aleph Void where it was distorted and shifted on the dimensional level. Sans.EXE’s body is 3D but it’s dimensional distortions have made it go beyond the scales of a dimensional body on a scale so advanced no numerical or mathematical value could describe it. Sans.EXE’s Attacks are also infused with Aleph void allowing them to bypass dimensional defenses and immunities.

Completely Indestructible Body (Passive)[]

Sans.EXE’s body is completely indestructible. Nothing can destroy or erase this body in anyway as the body is completely immune too and is transcendent above the concept and definitions of Destruction and Erasure on a level beyond any form of numerical value, mathematics, definitions, forms and lack thereof. The contents inside however are not.

Tanphrous Exclusive[]

Tentacle Manipulation[]

Tanphrous can manipulate the tentacles on his body as limbs. These have the strength to demolish any cosmilogical, metaphysical, pataphyiscal, physical, and spiritual bodies beyond the scopes of infinity and boundlessness. These tentacles have also been shown to effect code due to Tanphrous completely Smashing and breaking a button specifically designed to kill him which was invented by (and stolen from) [insert name here].

Self Size alteration[]

Tanphrous can alter his own size too be as small as a quark (smallest thing In existence) or grow to sizes beyond the limits of any spatial or cosmological form. The biggest he has ever grown to being FAR bigger then a Frame made by the Aether Engine but not has big as the Engine itself.

Immeasurable Speed[]

Tanphrous can move at speeds that are immeasurable and move beyond linear time and motion, so The Speed formula (Speed = Distance divided by Time (S = D/T)) winds up with time being undefined making Tanphrous’ speed immeasurable and it only helps Tanphrous further sense he can move beyond the concept of motion meaning he won’t even need to make any movements to start going top speed, due to these Tanphrous ends up moving faster than those who claim to have “Infinite” Speed (Can move to a location in zero time and/or are still bound by motion) due to it still being bound to linear time and usually due to them still being bound to the concept of motion, in other words Tanphrous moves faster than anyone bound to linear time or motion infinitely.

Semifluid Body (Passive)[]

Tanphrous’ body is made up of a Gooey Black Semifluid, this allows Tanphrous too absorb Physical attacks which will speed up his healing factor a bit and absorb/engulf a target either completely erasing them he makes it so they no longer exist in any dimension, time or space. or He can also drown them in his Semifluid body if they need to breathe in order to survive.

Healing Factor (Passive)[]

Tanphrous has a healing factor that heals his wound quickly and overtime can even regrow parts of him that are missing, it takes 10 seconds for a wound too heal and takes around 1 minute for him too regrow a lost chunk of himself. It is unknown if he can regenerate from complete and absolute obliteration, but due to his non-existent nature (along with him hinting that he can) it is likely he can do so.

Aleph Void Origins (Passive)[]

Tanphrous is a being who 's original body has made the Aleph Void a place in-between and absent of Verses and Dimensions. This makes Tanphrous able to move between and unrestricted through every dimension, be Absolutely immune to every single Dimensional attack and can bypass every dimensional immunities without limits, and damage every dimensional body and beings similar to himself. Tanphrous himself is completely devoid of and Forever above (Transcendent) of any and all definitions and forms of Dimensionality.

If that was not enough, Tanphrous is absent of and completely beyond any and all mathematic, and numerical definitions, forms, and lack of them, making his true durability, attack power, and all other aspects about him unable to be defined or described through any mathematical or numerical description.

Powers/Abilities Both Have[]

Blood Attacks[]

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can summon blood out of thin air and make attacks out of them. These attacks include the following:

  • Blood Ball Projection: Create and launch spheres of blood.
  • Blood Beam Emission: Release beams of blood.
  • Blood Blast: Release blood over a specific target area.
  • Blood Bolt Projection: Release low powered projectiles of blood.
  • Blood Bomb Generation: Create bombs/explosions of blood.
  • Blood Breath: Discharge blood blasts from mouth.
  • Blood Bullet Projection: Fire in short sequence over a wide area.
  • Blood Cutting: Use blood to cut opponents.
  • Blood Infusion: Empower and energize anything touched or used (usually a weapon) with blood.
  • Blood Pillar Projection: Project blood pillars.
  • Blood Spike Projection: Project blood spikes.
  • Blood Vision: Emit blood from one's eyes.
  • Blood Vortex Creation: Create spiral/vortex of blood.
  • Blood Wave Emission: Send out a wave of blood that repels everything.
  • Expanding Blood Bolts: Project blood that expands rapidly on contact with an object.
  • Formulated Blood Blasts: Release blasts of blood in a form of a creature or object.
  • Hand Blasts: Release blood blasts from hands.
  • Hidden Attacks: Channel attacks through a medium.
  • Missile Generation: Create missiles of blood.
  • Omnidirectional Blood Waves: Send out a wave of blood in all directions.
  • Reflective Attacks: Release attacks of blood that can bounce off of any surface.
  • Scatter Shot: Release blood blasts that split into multiple fragments.
  • Sword Beam Emission: Release blood blasts from swords and other such bladed weapons.
  • Zap: A tiny short release of blood to cause pain or discomfort, usually too low-powered to be destructive.

The blood from these attacks is an equivalent too an acid that can completely corrode and destroy the foundations and body of any Cosmological structure in it's path. the Blood also have the unique ability to combine with any bodily fluid (and any type of semi-fluid, fluid, and liquid) which spreads rapidly through the fluid's causing them to be a slightly weaker (and diluted) version of the Blood Tanphrous can summon.

Advanced Necromancy[]

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can revive the dead as undead slaves too serve him until the end of everything with varying levels of free will depending on what Tanphrous/Sans.EXE chooses their level of free will too be. Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can also revive dead/destroyed parts of a living body, when this happens they retain a large amount of free will but are still forced too serve Tanphrous/Sans.EXE. The amount of beings Tanphrous can raise from the dead at once is presumed to be limitless.

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can also destroy an undead instantly by undoing the necrotic magic, ability or thing used too revive the dead even if he was not the one to create the undead.

Cosmological Telekinesis[]

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can use telekinesis so strong it can pull and toss the Infinitum Zone around like a rag-doll and try and use it to crush or impact other things. This comes in handy when trying too pull things into the Aleph Void.

Mind Reading[]

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can look into the minds of others too learn everything about them including but not limited too any secrets they might have, their powers, their power level, their tactics and what they desire most. Tanphrous/Sans.EXE will usually use this information too convince them too help him in his goals or join his cult, if they refuse he will use said information too blackmail them into joining.

Aleph Void Portal/Wormhole Creation[]

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can create portals and wormholes too the Aleph Void as big as an uncountable amount of Silly Zones. These portals/wormholes can either be both or one way allowing it so You can only enter or exit a certain way.

Reality warping[]

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can alter reality on a (presumed) Omniversal scale, thus being able to warp all of existence and Non-existence. Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can change materials of certain solids and liquids, change colors of solids and liquids, make reality appear distorted (kind of like a funhouse), make illusions which are nigh-impossible to perceive as an illusion, break the “norm” of Reality, warp laws, logic, boundaries, definitions, rules, forms, concepts, and the lack of them to his whim allowing him to force himself to be “above” them, create new powers/abilities that are weaker than his reality warping, and create/control fictional verses and other cosmological structures.

Definition Shifting[]

This is an ability that is directly given to Tanphrous/Sans.EXE through his Reality Warping (and can be seen as an extension of it). Tanphrous/Sans.EXE as stated above is capable of warping "laws, logic, boundaries, definitions, rules, forms, concepts, and the lack of them to his whim", from this Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can actively Warp and mold between definitions, forms, and lack thereof, moving/shifting between them whenever he wants. not only that but he can warp those things to his whims changing them on a absolute scale. A shorter explanation for this would be to say that Tanphrous/Sans.EXE is a creature never being bound to any single set of definitions, forms, and lack of them, and can change between them and warp them at will.

Complete Fear Immunity (Passive)[]

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE has seen everything and has caused everything when it comes too grotesque and horrific things, became of this Tanphrous/Sans.EXE has no fears and is utterly incapable of feeling fear in any way shape or form making the concept and definitions of fear all but useless against Tanphrous/Sans.EXE.

Time Transcendence (Passive)[]

Tanphrous/Sans.EXE haling from a place of Non-existence , he has existed without time nor space and is completely foreign to them. Because of this Tanphrous is beyond any and all Time, Spatial, and Spacetime elements, and cannot be effected by any and all Spatial powers/abilities, Time powers/abilities, and Spacetime powers/abilities, completely transcending them and the concepts/definitions associated with them.

Completely Un-Erasable (Passive)[]

Hailing from a Place of Non-existence, Tanphrous is Non-existent being completely and utterly unkillable, and truly impossible to erase through any means. His (Non)existence is an absolute by all laws, rules and definitions (and lack there-of), he is not even tied to the the fabric of nothing nor does he have an end, his (Non)existence is truly and utterly ceaseless.

Aleph Void Exclusive (only useable or active in the Aleph Void)[]

Emulated Power[]

When inside the Aleph Void, Tanphrous/Sans.EXE emulates the power he once had during his Pre-Aleph Void Days, from this Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can replicate the power of his past self who could hold off and fight indescribable beings who can wield unimaginable power through a never-ending set of definitions, forms, and lack of the aforementioned and engulf/consume Cosmologies of all shapes and sizes that vary across all of tiering wiping them off the face of fiction. Tanphrous/Sans.EXE also used this emulated power to create all known Locations, Areas, and structures in The Aleph Void, even if indirectly (other than the badlands).

Dominion over the Aleph Void[]

An extra ability given to him by his Emulated Power, Tanphrous/Sans.EXE holds an unreachable level of dominion over the Aleph Void being able to control and manipulate it as if it where an extension of himself (which it actually is). From this Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can change anything and everything about the Aleph Void at a whim, from being able to change how the area's/structures work all the way to making it so the entire Aleph Void an entire "Fuck You" to a particular being. Tanphrous/Sans.EXE's control over the Aleph Void is only limited by his Imagination/Mind, and seeing the things he has created in the Aleph Void (even indirectly), Tanphrous/Sans.EXE has one hell of an imagination that is unlikely to run out of ideas anytime soon.


Papyrus (Brother): After the fusion of Tanphrous and Sans, Tanphrous/Sans.EXE gained a twisted love/care for Sans’ Papyrus. This made it so Tanphrous/Sans.EXE gave his Papyrus complete free will and the second highest status in his new hierarchy and still acts protective and supportive of Papyrus.

Frisk (Right Hand Lady): After the events of the backstory Frisk’s soul was fully corrupted and became completely loyal and devout too Tanphrous/Sans.EXE making a cult in his honor and helping him take down a group of Sans’ that wanted too take him down. Tanphrous/Sans.EXE has also noticed Frisk is holding Him in a high regard and has even sensed feelings of affection from her, he finds this very intriguing and sometimes does little experiments to test the limits of this, to see how far she will go just for the simple reward of recognition.

Suns/Suns.webp (Adoptive Son): Tanphrous found Suns/Suns.webp when scouting an au to see if it was worthy and after interacting with him for a couple hours he brought Suns/Suns.webp back to the Aleph void declaring that he was adopting him as his son. Seems not even the Malevolent god Tanphrous could resist Suns’ Charms.

Ubel the Unknown (Ally/“Friend”): Tanphrous/Sans.EXE was messing around with The Elder Ring of the Rewrittenverse when a mysterious figure approached him, looking at the figure he immediately gained the knowledge of who the figure was and they engaged in a conversation (after Tanphrous destroyed The Elder Ring), the figure offered friendship and an alliance calling Tanphrous the only one who he could see as his equal. Despite both parties knowing and acknowledging that Tanphrous would inevitably betray Ubel they formed said alliance and are helping each other with the other’s goals for now.

The Mad King (Adversary): W.I.P


Tanphrous/Sans.EXE’s temporary goal is too judge other worlds and find those that are unworthy and rain “judgement” on them before incorporating them into the Aleph Void too “purge” Undertale of the “unworthy”. This includes the entirety of The Godverse.

However his main goal is to bring about the Undertale Fandom's final days once it fades into obscurity, destroying all of it and forcing it backing non-existence after which he will do the same with himself.


True Godverse:[]

  • While in his restricted/suppressed state and under an Omni-Lock he beat Free!Jevil in a fight (but with a lot of difficulty).
  • Effortlessly Beat Fear!Sans/F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́ in a fight.
  • Destroyed many Aeterframes and Shamasphere’s as collateral damage in his fight against Fear!Sans/F̷̱̋́É̸̢̗͒Ḁ̷͌̐R̶͚̔́.
  • Reshaped and morphed a Shamasphere into a Suns-sphere as a gift to his Adopted Son Suns/Suns.Webp.
  • Turned The Duality into Fodder.


(Note: the Rewrittenverse is a separate Fictional Continuum from TGV so these feats will not scale anywhere in TGV scaling but will scale him through other mediums such as CSAP scaling)

  • Destroyed many previous versions of The Origin.
  • Tossed The Elder Ring into The Great Ring destroying both of them.
  • Can Match and surpass The Mad King in Power.
  • Can harness the liquid from the Spring of Creation.


  • Worlds deemed as unworthy by Tanphrous/Sans.EXE will be dragged into the Aleph void where Tanphrous/Sans.EXE will reign over them as an unholy and malevolent god.
  • Tanphrous/Sans.EXE sees the Godverse as the most unworthy world and believes it needs too be purged immediately.
  • Tanphrous/Sans.EXE may protect worlds deemed as worthy if they are seen as exponentially pure in Tanphrous/Sans.EXE’s eyes.
  • Tanphrous with the help of his cult has made multiple Sans.EXE Bodies and has made weaker copies of himself too control them while the original Tanphrous/Sans.EXE remains in the Aleph Void completely shielded from harm.
  • All Sans.EXE copy bodies are still completely indestructible, lack the slash wound and wear slightly lighter clothes while the copies of Tanphrous are made of a dark grey Semifluid body and have darker red eyes, these differences help other differentiate them from the original Tanphrous/Sans.EXE.
  • All Tanphrous/Sans.EXE copies are connected to a hive mind with the original Tanphrous/Sans.EXE controlling the hive mind.
  • Tanphrous’ Power increases the more Worlds/Verses he Drags into the Aleph Void.
  • Tanphrous/Sans.EXE sometimes lightheartedly messes with Frisk and Papyrus just too see how they would react.
  • Tanphrous/Sans.EXE kept Sans’ love of Pranks, just ask his papyrus and he would tell you every one of the 473 pranks he pulled in a single year.
  • Tanphrous/Sans.EXE has been given the nickname of “The Dimension(al) Scourge”.
  • Despite being downright evil and admitting that is is pure evil, Tanphrous/Sans.EXE is neutral and even outright friendly towards Non-Undertale related characters even if they exist within an Undertale verse such as Alphatale or The Godverse.
  • The only AU(s) Tanphrous/Sans.EXE can stand are Flowerfell esc AU's , you could go as far as to say he is even a sucker for them basically being a free pass as "worthy" under his book, he may even go out of his way to try and ensure the AU has a more happy ending (otherwise he would cry like he does sometimes after reading a sappy romance novel).
  • Tanphrous/Sans.EXE has split himself in two after he discovered the Rewrittenverse so he could do his thing there while maintaining a presence in the True Godverse. Despite this the two are not equal in power with the Rewrittenverse Tanphrous being far superior to his True Godverse counterpart.


The Corrugation of Tanphrous is a group of individuals who worship and serve Tanphrous pledging their allegiance to his ultimate goal and taking any steps or actions necessary to help him achieve it. Those in the Corrugation are recruited by either being twisted/corrupted by Tanphrous, being convicted to join by another member of the Corrugation (usually by Frisk), or they seek out them to join their ranks.

The Corrugation of Tanphrous has a rank system in order to classify and separate the different statuses and power of each member the higher you are, the more influence and power you have. Upon reaching the rank you are at you will be inducted into a ritual ceremony that not only increases you in rank, but also transcends you into the level of power that rank gives. These ranks are shown below:

The Architect[]

The Architect is the Rank of the leader of the Corrugation, the one who built it up from nothing. Of course The Architect is Frisk, the person who started the Corrugation in the first place. Frisk being the architect has incredible influence over the Corrugation and her followers, all listening and obeying her directives, being labeled as “His Mouth” to reference how Frisk’s commands are to be treated as if it was a command from Tanphrous himself. Frisk can also harness and control The Void being capable of manipulating it with relative ease being on the same level as it, viewing all below The Void as 0D spatiotemporal and mathematical specks. However this is nothing compared to Tanphrous who views Frisk as a being below even 0D in spatiotemporal dimensions and limited by the most simple concepts and easiest of mathematics.

The Overseer’s[]

The Overseer’s are a council of beings in the Corrugation who look over everything, watching over every action and plan in the Corrugation and reporting their findings to Frisk directly. The Overseer’s have the nickname of “His Eye’s” due to their near omnipresent nature in the cult, seeing and hearing everything. The Overseer’s command and can appoint The Supervisors in each section and branch of the Corrugation able to place and remove them as they please. The Overseer’s also have the power to veto a plan made by Any Supervisor and take control of the plan instead if they do please. Each Overseer is outside of and inaccessible to The Multiverse Core and everything below it, existing beyond and transcending Spatiotemporality, but they are not on the same scale as Frisk’s Transcendence being viewed as Spatiotemporal and by The Architect.

The Supervisor’s[]

The Supervisor’s are a rank in the Corrugation with extraordinary power and prestige, being the head honcho of any sect or branch of the Corrugation leading and commanding it as they please. These Supervisors are appointed to their rank by The Overseer’s being given the rank and leadership of the sect/branch if they get a majority vote in their favor. Although Supervisors don’t really have to answer to anyone other than Frisk and Tanphrous, their decisions and plans can be vetoed by the same council that got them into their position if they so please and can even removed the Supervisor from their position. Supervisors are capable of destroying The Multiverse Core if they are Head Supervisors (more than 100,000 years of service as a Supervisor), The Core Wall if they are Elite (more than 50,000 years of service as a Supervisor), The Multiverse if they are Experienced(more than 12,500 years of service as a Supervisor), or are capable of destroying the entire Anti-Void or Doodle Core otherwise.

The Champion’s[]

The Champion’s are a group of elite units in each branch/sect of the Corrugation appointed by their local Supervisor. These beings are meant to protect The Supervisor and act as elite special units in any scenario they are called upon being their sects champions. The Champions answer to The Supervisor who put them in charge but must answer to The Overseer’s if their sect has no supervisor. If their sect no longer had a supervisor for whatever reason, it is common practice for The Overseer’s to vote on a champion of the sect to appoint as the new Supervisor. Each Champion is capable of taking down and destroying Complex Luminare Multiverse’s with an Infinite set of dimensions in correspondence to Aleph-0


Fanatic’s are the elite in a sect/branch in the Corrugation, acting as Warriors, Ritualist’s, Head workers, artists, philosophers, and Healers. Fanatic’s usually wear fancier clothes and have multiple Disciples and/or acolytes following them around in order to assist them. Fanatic’s answer to their local Supervisor and answer to The Champions in emergency situations. Each Fanatic range from being able to raze 20D Complex Luminare Multiverse’s, 15D Complex Luminare Multiverse’s, or 10D Complex Universe’s depending on the job they have, Warriors and Ritualist’s razing 20D Complex Luminare Multiverse’s, Philosophers and Artists razing 15D Complex Luminare Multiverse’s, and Head workers and Healers razing 10D Complex Universes.


Disciple’s are the most common rank in the Corrugation acting as the primary working class and fighter in the Corrugation, having a variety of jobs and roles they fulfill that produces essential goods, crops and livestock, herbs and medicines, faith, recreational activities, weaponry, protection, and living spaces. Disciples also make up the majority of the Corrugation’s army ranging in different roles and specialties in order to help it function as a well oiled machine. Disciples in the army usually capable of taking down entire Luminare Multiverse’s, with Disciples in other jobs or lines of work only capable of taking down Universe’s.


Acolyte’s are the lowest rank in the Corrugation acting as their newcomer rank given to those who just join. Acolyte’s usually work as helpers to Disciples when they work or butler’s/maids to Fanatics, Champions, and Supervisors. Acolyte’s are the second most common rank behind Disciples needing to serve for 750-1,000 years before they automatically rank up to a Disciple. Acolyte’s Usually are capable of committing mass genocide in Universes destroying all of Spacetime in it but unable to actually destroy the Universe itself.
