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"Isn't it just wonderful? Like an abhorrent symphony in which all voices sing every tune." -Unknown

The Great Amalgamation is an aggressive expansionist created by DARTHOOM as a common hazard of Godverse, It feeds of sentience itself, keeping powers and abilities of absorbed victims while breifly keeping their memories and personalites.


An experiment gone horribly wrong. It's a cult classic. One that everyone is familiar with. The Mad Expirement that breaks free and backfires on its creator. It has a certain ring to it, a certian satisfaction. That's exactly what happened when Alphys was imprisoning the Amalgamations. Experimenting with the soul of Determination just after it was obtained from Frisk.

A fatal mistake from the misuse of the Soul of Determination allowed for the first bits of The Great Amalgamation to show. It started with Alphys attempting to reverse the amalgamations and restore them to their orginal conditions, infusing the inector blaster with determination and a psychic impression into the soul. If the soul of determination can be used to reset, surely it could restore them? Reseat them so they do not needlessly suffer this horrible life.

It was a noble cause, but ultimately naive and fell short of its intended cause. Instead of doing what has intended the soul of determination forcefully annihilated their minds with overwhelming amounts of determination to be whole. To be restored.

It twisted the first subject and drove it absolutely insane, growing in size and quickly mixing with the other subjects. They all were dragged into it. Alphys first attempted to terminate the subject. Shocked and frightened at the unexpected reaction within their natures. She realized the blaster must be faulty. it gave way too much soul

It'd repeatedly slam against the glass, driven by a desire to be whole. Alphys was too late in her attempt to terminate it, and before she could reach the controls it suddenly smashed through the glass. Now IT was filled with determination. It will not stop until it was whole. The psychic impressions that it was tasked with became its sole reason to exist, and it'd corrupt and pervert its reasoning thanks to the perfect storm of desire and fear.

Alphys was the first victim. She was snatched away from the controls and dragged into the Great Amalgamation. Screaming and flailing did her no good. She was promptly dissolved into the abomination, her yellow skin slowly melting away and its color fading away. Overtaken by the hollow white. The first taste of sentience came from Alphys, and her characteristics entered the amalgamation. She'd feel confused and panicked, quickly attempting to go over and evacuate from the lab.

Alphys entered the password, and exited the lab, noticing the other minds with her who were cowering with fear. Like many victims, she didn't know her current condition and was unaware that it was futile for her to escape. She was already dead. What thought itself to be Alphys would slowly have its "memories" and personality slowly erode. It would feel like a rapid case of dementia, everything she knew was slowly vanishing. Falling apart. Being slowly overtaken by the raw instinct.

The Great Amalgamation tore its way out of the lab. The AU itself would slowly fall against a sentient hungry beast who made quick work of the forces of the universe. Nobody saw it coming. They would all share Alphys fate.


The Great Amalgamation has currently devoured multiple AUs and OCs. With many of the verses being either parallel universes or alternate universes. It's still wandering around in a constant flux of morphing chaos forever as a wanderer. A devourer that mindlessly seeks out others to devour and absorb. Its existence has been encountered by Many, Including Jack/Virus404. He watched it from afar with brief curiosity and intrigue, trying to seem inconspicuous and unassuming.

He was promptly attacked, which led him to spirit away.



The Great Amalgamation has no baseline appearance. It comes in completely random shapes and sizes. Mouths, Eyes, tentacles, brief shapes of popular characters, solids, gases, liquids, and everything else. It's a shifting incomprehensible mass that exists in a complicated state. Forever growing and evolving. Always shifting and changing. It can be large enough to engulf entire superclusters and universes, absorbing everything within them. It may be small and appear as a boiling distorted sans or papyrus that quickly elongates, morphs, and splits its body in random fashions. Usually, it's like a flowing ocean that ravages all things around it. Bending and morphing at random.


The Great Amalgamations' primary personality comes from those it absorbs. Those who either have strong willpower or are the only minds contained within its hungry mass become the best candidates. Like Alphys these strong wills can briefly define who the Amalgamation is. Restricted to believing themselves to be.... themselves. They slowly erode away. Reverting it back, and forcing it to hunt.

The Amalgamation becomes frightening and horrifying in this way, with temporary personalities that last from seconds to minutes. To note, it's impossible for the Amalgamation to be fixed. Its Determination is perhaps one of the most powerful determinations to ever exist. It's absolute and set on a single goal, to devour and consume sentience. It is not to be confused with being determined to restore itself anymore, it's simply to dedicate to eating and digesting consciousness. This is corruption, all thanks to Fortran's influence when he briefly encountered and touched upon its being.


"A giant wave of white liquid chaos slowly elongates to the sky, arching a point downward as if it's an oncoming wave. Around it, random bits and pieces elongate or do whatever they please. The wave itself forms two giant hammers glowing with the power and the heat of the sun. Multiple bits form drill-like mouths and eyes, changing at random. It was like being attacked by an abstract painting. Nothing was constant, and everything happened instantly. Thousands of different attacks work together in sync. It changes and instantly adapts to your weaknesses and attacks. Winning was impossible."

A vortex of pure chaos, and it's absolutely insane how fast it attacks and absorbs its enemies. Utilizing powers and abilities from the souls like Overwrite and Reset to more exotic and powerful abilities like God-Like Gaster Blasters, Stone encasing stares, and reality-warping abilities. It's absolutely impossible to win against one-on-one for most. It's facing an ocean of characters and abilities all being utilized randomly and instinctually. Constantly adapting to your style of thinking and your range of abilities. It cannot be predicted nor analyzed.


The Great Amalgamation is a vast entity that remains incomprehensible to most who try viewing it in its true form. Its powers and abilities are too numerous to list and vary upon all the characters it's absorbed or adapted to. There is some speculation regarding it having hundreds if not thousands of different abilities and properties. All a hodgepodge from different OCs and AUs it's absorbed.

Among these are The Great Amalgamations immunity to both Psionics and Magic, the ability to cancel out other powers, stat and damage reduction that reduces most attacks into irrelevancy, The ability to morph into any form or substance, instant regeneration, adaptation, reality distortion, the ability to manipulate physics and corrode the laws of physics, and many more that all can't be accounted for. Minor and major abilities alike.

Notable Victims of Absorption[]

  • Mavtex, a God of Trickery
  • Sans666.exe
  • Omegaphys
  • The Sentient AU



Cosmic Manipulation:

Instant Regeneration:

Matter Transmutation:

Matter Movement:

Necrotic Presence:

Particle Evaporation:

Warping Chorus:

Warping Presence:

Supernatural Condition:

Supernatural Defience:

