Godverse Wiki

"Is good to see you again old friend."-The Old One to The Red Man

"Sit down young ones I have a story to tell."-The Old One to the New Gods and Goddesses.

The Old One is a pleasant elderly guy who roams through out the "TGV," assisting those in need and telling stories from the past.


The Old One is an entity that takes various forms but usually takes the appearance of an elderly man who walks around the "TGV" and other verses helping those in need and narrating stories from the past, as well as blessing heroes and guardians with godlike power and wisdom, but no other information about him is known, including his date of birth, location of birth, age, and even species, causing countless theories to arise.



"Some theorize that the mysterious man used to be a member of the Aeter Continuum, explaining his control over all divine power, perhaps he was weakened somehow, as he is no longer at his prime."

(Please feel free to contribute your theory.)



Aadidev is often presented as an elder father-type figure who uses firsthand experience of people and the world to help tell stories and provide advise that, in a mystical manner, may imprint onto his audience a feeling of who they are and who they could become, functioning as a mentor. Due to his fondness for introspective pastimes, he may appear as an absent-minded professor on occasion.


Aadidev's appearance is characterized differently depending on who you ask, but he is commonly depicted as an old man in his late forties with untidy white long hair and a white beard on his face. He wears a white tunic and black clogs, has ocean blue eyes, and wears a white crown with black stonesin it .


Divine Energy Embodiment[]

Aadidev has the ability to become the physical manifestation of divine energy, granting him limitless control over that energy and all divine-based powers.


Aadidev has complete control over anything and everything related to himself, including his own reality, space, time, particles, molecules, atoms, gravity, form, body, identity, perceptions, soul, existence, origin, change, habits, etc.

Any and all aspects or traits that define and relate to him and his identity are under his complete control, meaning if he is replicated in looks, powers, other dimensions of himself, or any other form of manipulation to harm him, the attacker will only be hurting themselves due to his personal control over himself on an absolute scale.


Short-Term Memory Loss: Aadidev has the inability to remember events for an extended period of time.

Safe Zone[]

The Safe Zone is a domain created by Aadidev. It is a paradise for anybody and everything that Aadidev has brought in, and it appears to create a Heaven for these people.


Aadidev likes instructing and training others, for whatever reason. Nobody knows why, yet the vast majority never complain. The majority of individuals Aadidev educates and teaches become significantly stronger and more brilliant than they would have been on their own.

The God in Red: Altan is lazy who puts in little effort, but don't be fooled; he can quickly fulfill any chores set to him. (I enjoy his humor and would be delighted to teach him again.)

The Red Man: Adam is a talented and bright man who can swiftly adjust to any situation, but he takes things too seriously. He needs to unwind, settle down, and have some fun. (I adore teaching him and would like to do it again.)

Bedouin: Malik met the old man as he was training an eldridge newborn about his skills. The man blessed Bedouin with knowledge and taught him how to improve his sand-manipulating abilities. Even if Bedouin was a temporary student, they still run into each other sometimes while they travel through the "TGV".

(Feel free to add more characters if you want.)


The New God/Nova[]

Nova Is an earlier version of Aadidev who takes over whenever Aadidev sleeps, giving him complete control over the body until Aadidev awakens. Aadidev will reclaim all of his forgotten memories and powers when he returns to Nova.


"I am an old man who has seen a lot of trouble, but most of them never happened."-Old One discussing the world's rules. -

"If life were predictable, it would lose its flavor and cease to be life." -Old One talking about life itself. -

"I'm nothing more than an old man whose prime has long passed." -Old One conversing with a young hero. -

"If you despise the world around you, use your own hands to make a difference."-Aadidev conversing with a child."

"There are no heroes or villains; only victors and losers exist." - Aadidev denying the hero and villain trope."


  • Almost everyone, including the gods, referred to him as Grandpa or Old Man.
  • Aadidev doesn't need to eat, breathe, or sleep, but do so anyways.
  • Aadidev has no recollection of his pass.
  • Aadidev has took in and train an uncountable of people.
  • The Gods and Goddesses see Aadidev as I crazy old man.
  • Aadidev is one of the most ancient beings that have ever existed.
  • Aadidev has the capacity to remove his amnesia, but forget to do it.
  • Aadidev likes astronomy and history.
  • Aadidev had visited the Shamasphere.
  • Aadidev had mentioned he had visited other godverses.
  • Aadidev is unaware of Nova's existence.
  • Aadidev has retired from fighting.
  • Aadidev also goes by the monikers "Royal Tutor" of the "Versal Traveler."
  • Aadidev hasn't slept once ever since he entered the godverse.

Nova Senan Trivia/Feats[]

  • Nova possesses a more advanced version of Self-Mastery.
  • Nova is Aadidev alter ego.
  • Nova nickname is Narrative Destroyer of ND for short.
  • Nova is the reason Aadidev have short term memory.
  • Nova eyes are red.
  • Nova strength alone he can tear entire narratives apart.
  • Nova rarely appear because Aadidev rarely sleeps.
  • Nova despise Aadidev.
  • Nova is aware of the "4 Wall."