"歡迎,這裡紀錄的是舊版的TToM,我想你應該已經看過新版的了,對吧?" - Hollow
(Translate: "welcome, the old version of TToM is recorded at here, i guess you read the new version already, right?")
! Warning: The informations after this, all are translated by Google Translate, so if you want to read correct informations, you'd better find a "friend" who knows how to read Chinese. !
基本資訊 / Basic Informations[]
(目前不到V-Logic。目前可以用的只有Timelines ~ Shattered-Space 跟 Omniverse及往上,中層世界,過時信息請先忽略,因為目前還在重製中。)
(盒子的計算詳細在 "補充資訊" 那一欄)
阿列夫不动点<<<……不可达基数<<<......<<<马洛基数<<<......<<<弱紧致基数<<<......<<<不可描述基数<<<......<<<强可展开基数<<<......<<<拉姆齐基数<<<......<<<强拉姆齐基数<<<......<<<可测基数<<<......<<<强基数<<<......<<<伍丁基数<<<......<<<超强基数<<<......<<<强紧致基数<<<......<<<超紧致基数<<<......<<<可扩基数<<<......<<<殆巨大基数<<<......<<<巨大基数<<<......<<<超巨大基数<<<......<<<,n-巨大基数<<<......<<<0=1莱茵哈特基数<<<......<<<伯克利基数<<<......<<<一切大基数<<<......<<<终极V=Ultimate L
终极V=Ultimate L的构造为
Lo=0 L1 = Def(Lo) = Def(0) = [03 ... In+1= Def(Ln) Lw=LoULiU.·ULn U.·=U Lk K<W Def(La)若入=α+1 Lx= U Ln 若入是极限序数 K<入 L=ULk,K跑遍所有序数
这是数学上理论的最高模型: 内模型计划(Inner Model program) 简单地说,设V是真实的集合论宇宙,但由于哥德尔提出的集合论内模型L无法容纳大基数的存在。 在此之后的集合论学家们所做的就是:构造类似于L的内模型,同时能够容纳大基数。 Woodin证明了:如果存在一个类似于L的模型M,它能容纳一个超紧致基数(supercompact) ,那就存在一个模型UU可以容纳已知的所有大基数; U非常接近集合论宇宙V。Woodin将这个模型U称为终极L(Ultimate L) 冯诺伊曼宇宙: η - extendible 3a and j: Vk+ → so that (η 0:η - extendible 在集合论中,终极数学宇宙 L(Ultimate L)是在集合论宇宙 V 内构造的一个特殊的模型。L 模型是 Gödel 提出的内外分离原则(Gödel's Constructible Universe)的一种实现。 终极数学宇宙 L 的构造是通过逐步定义一个满足一系列条件的序列来实现的。这个序列被称为可构造层次(Constructible Hierarchy)。 构造所有层:对于所有自然数 n,重复步骤 2,直到得到终极数学宇宙 L。L = ⋃ₙ Lₙ,即 L 是所有 Lₙ 的并集。 集合论宇宙V构造: V₀=∅ V₁={∅} V₂={∅{∅}} … Vₙ₊₁=P(Vₙ),其中P表示幂集 … Vω=V₁∪V₂∪…∪Vₙ∪…=U(ₖ<ω)Lₖ … Vλ=P(Vα),若λ=α+1/ U(ₖ<λ),若λ=极限序数 V=UₖVₖ,K跑遍所有序数 V-逻辑: 间接指出V的外模型,定义不可数宇宙的外宇宙 V-逻辑(V-logic) V-逻辑具有以下的常元符号: a¯ 表示V的每一个集合a V¯ 表示宇宙全体集合容器V 在一阶逻辑的推理规则上添加以下规则:
∀b,b∈a,ψ(b¯)⊢∀x∈a¯,ψ(x) ∀a,b∈V,ψ(a¯)⊢∀x∈V¯,ψ(x)
作为宽度完成主义者,我们不能直接谈论外模型,甚至不能谈论不属于V的集合。然而,使用V-逻辑,我们可以间接地谈论它们。考虑V-逻辑中的理论,我们不仅有表示V的元素的常元符号 a ¯ 和表示V本身的常元符号 V¯ ,而且还有一个常元符号 W¯ 来表示V的 "外模型 我们增加以下新公理。 1. 宇宙V是ZFC(或至少是KP,可接受性理论)的一个模型。 2. W¯ 是ZFC的一个传递模型,包含 V¯ 作为子集,并且与V有相同的序数。 因此,现在当我们采取一个遵守V-逻辑规则的公理模型时,我们会得到一个模拟ZFC(或至少是KP)的宇宙,其中 V¯ 被正确地解释为V, W¯ 被解释为V的外模型。请注意,V-逻辑中的这一理论是在没有“加厚”V的情况下提出的,实际上它是在 V+=Lα(V) 内定义的。由于我们采用了高度(而不是宽度)潜在主义,后者又是有意义的。 最终我们成功避免了直接谈论V的“增厚”(即“外模型”),而是谈论用V-逻辑制定的理论的一致性,并在 V+ 中定义使得满足宽度潜在主义。 在可数模型上,宽度完成主义和激进潜在主义是等效的。 通过V-逻辑,我们可以得到V+(V-逻辑+ZFC的模型)也就是逻辑多元 通过V-逻辑,我们可以得到V+(V-逻辑+ZFC的模型)也就是逻辑多元 V-逻辑足够广泛,可以包含各种外部。与超宇宙的概念相反,V-逻辑不能化简为可数传递模型的集合,因为V不需要被认为是可数的。)
(這裡的時間線不是指"時間"這種4D概念,而是類似Multiverse和AUs的那種關係) Timelines,每個時間線都是一個世界,每個世界,又有無限的維度空間,可以從0D往上沒有限制的擴展,要說整體維度的數量,那便是∞,每個維度的空間大小也是∞。
每個維度由上一個維度構成,像是,0D是萬物衍伸的起點,而0D本身的"空間大小"是∞。我們先用3D來迅速解釋(把2D空間當作起點),3D是 長 x 寬 x 高 , 2D是 長 x 寬,2D中沒有"高"的概念,所以在3D空間,即使"高"的數值[無限趨近於0],那也有無限個2D空間,由於0.00000......(∞).........00000001有"1個[∞]"個2D空間,所以如果"高" = 0.00000......(∞).........00000002,那便有"2個[∞]個"2D空間,那麼如果"高"是1,那就是"[∞]個[∞]個"個2D空間,也就是"[∞]^2",而因為因為3D空間的大小沒有限制,所以就會出現"[∞]個[∞]^2個"2D空間,也就是說,一個3D空間,會有 "[∞]^3"個2D空間。而4D空間,依然適用這個算式與邏輯,首先,在3D中,時與空是相對的,有空間就會有時間流逝,我們用"量子力學"可以合理的解釋3D與4D的關係,3D空間,就是一個巨大的現實,時間軸上的過去與現在都是"已觀測的現實",未來則是"未觀測的現實",因為時間無窮無盡,所以"一般來說的時間軸"(也就是一般Undertale AUs的Timelines那樣子的東西),是由"概念上的∞"個現實構成的,就算不是,也可以將每個時間點當作一個現實,而每個現實,都是一個實際存在的3D空間。套用上面的算式,我們已經得到了"[∞]"個3D空間在4D空間中只是一個小到"無限趨近於0"的一部分,接下來由於"量子疊加"的存在,"未觀測到的現實"在被觀測到前,會有無數的可能性疊加在這個"狀態"上,所以,有"無限"多種未來。因此,彼此之間"波粒二象性"那樣去影響各種"排列組合",所以會有"概念上的∞"個"一般來說的時間軸",去組成4D空間。所以以2D空間為基準,會有"[∞]^5",最後,由於The Tales of "Omniverse"的單個"Timeline"就有了"[∞]"個維度,所以單個Timeline不論以哪一個維度當基準,最後都會是"[∞]^[∞]",因為維度的總數沒有上限。(維度間的量級差距自然是無限)
Multiverse / Space[]
Hyperverse / Hyper-Space / The Reality[]
Multiverse是一個包含了可以被"下層敘事"給表達出的所有東西,合理的、不合理的... 等等,而Hyperverse是一個整個"下層敘事"的概念,"上層敘事"絕對的優越於"下層敘事"(偽現實概念),就像我們現實中的一隻螞蟻絕對的優於虛構世界中的一個無所不能的上帝,Hyperverse便屬於"上層敘事",絕對的優於Multiverse,Multiverse對於Hyperverse來說,不過等同一個虛構出來的故事,一個巨大的"Multiverse"可以當作完全獨立的作品,那麼當然,自然也有其他的獨立作品,其的結構也不完全與上方的一樣,但是量級是一樣的,除了被Hyperverse中的"作家"自行創作而添加的一些結構使量級上升,不然基本上每個Multiverse基礎了量級都與這裡提到的Multiverse一樣。Hyperverse比起一個"結構",反而更像是一種"定義",一種對"範圍內的上層敘事"的定義,絕對優於下層的上層,便可稱為Hyperverse,Hyperverses之間的關係也像"上層敘事"與"下層敘事"因此每個Hypervese之間的"大小"也都不盡相同,就這麼說好了Hyperverse在數量上也是∞,我們假設有一個"最小"的Hyperverse,雖然這麼說,但Hyperverse沒有最小,只有更小,但即使在怎麼往下無限延伸,仍然無限優於其Hyperverse所擁有的Multiverse,而且是Multiverse,不管乘上多少∞都無法超越。
每個Hyperverse都有著"Timelines ~ Multiverse"這一段的結構,因為Hyperverse是一種對範圍內的"上層敘事"的定義,所以上層Hyperverse的0D角色,甚至是"不存在之事物"都會比下層Hyperverse的Inf-D角色還要強大,上層Hyperverse的角色在下層Hyperverse中就是無所不能者,再加上是仿製了偽現實概念,這意味著什麼? 這意味著兩之間,前者乘上無限個自身,都不會超過後者的0D,而且後者的Multiverse會比前者的大。
每一層都是不同的Hyperverse集群,每格階梯也都代表了一個Hyperverse集群,第一格階梯最大的Hyperverse,對於第二格階梯最小的Hyperverse的0D來說是下層敘事,第二格的最大對三格的最小來說是下層敘事... 就這麼循環下去。直到走完第1圈,接著走第2圈,再循環一次計算,循環∞次走了∞圈後,進入第2層,接著繼續循環,直到走完第∞層。
走完∞層到了第∞+1層後,沒有更多煩人的階梯去走了,在你面前的是 - 通往天堂的大門
(補充: 實際上,這只是讓你方便理解的敘述方法,你在第一格階梯內,也就是第一個的Hyperverse集群內時,當突破其內部最大的Hyperverse,這會讓你進入到第二格階梯中最弱的,也就是第二個Hyperverse集群的第一個Hyperverse,並成為其中的0D存在。)
The Gate of Heaven[]
樹葉的枯萎過程,會持續性發生"衰變",直到一個極點,也就是穿過雲海的那一刻。 (然而,每一次衰變,衰變前和衰變後,可是有著不可逾越性的差距,而衰變的次數,達到了∞... 至於不可踰越性,就是將"上、下層敘事"的概念玩得更徹底的產物了)
除了樹之外,天堂還有其他結構,比如說"監獄"...之類的,只是相比起樹,沒那麼重要。樹可以說是造成下層世界誕生的原因,它是下層世界一切概念、邏輯...... 等的集合體,因此,它超越了下層世界的一切。但是,即使樹如此之大,相對於天堂來說,依舊是微不足道的一部份,天堂由數不盡的浮島構成,給個浮島上所擁有的結構,其所擴展到的量級也都不一樣,即使是量級相差最近的仍有不可踰越性。浮島的數量是∞,而一個一個的浮島,會聚集在一起變成空島領域,空島領域也是∞個,第一個空島領域的最大者,在另一個空島領域中,可能是最小者,也可能是最大,可能性不受限。
敘事層(偽現實概念)的不斷上疊加,敘事階梯陣出現了裂痕,無邊無際往上無止境疊加的敘事層組成出了一個沒有盡頭的"牢籠",你以為Heaven已經是敘事層階梯的頂點,但這不過是一個假象除了這個基本的Heaven之外,還有無限制往上延伸個Heaven,每個Heaven都會把上一個Heaven當作下層敘事疊加,無限延伸個Heaven,一個牢籠,但是隨著無止境的疊加,出現了人為的裂痕,隨著裂痕越來越大,有一處"地方"有足夠大的洞,通往敘事層階梯陣之外,一片破碎的"空間",通往Outer-Space / Eden-Space。
Shattered-Space在Hollow的設計下,它在敘事階梯陣之外,包含了敘事階梯陣內部的一切結構,並擁有在其之上的更大"結構",不過它也仍只是一個橋梁,一個過渡期的結構,"結構"上的過渡,各種意義上的過渡... 概念、邏輯、可述性、不可述性、一切維度...等,這些"事物"在這裡變的"支離破碎",對於Shattered-Space來說,它們早已無關緊要。
Outer-Space / Eden-Space[]
"外部之外,無邊際之內",Outer-Space的本質,在精心包裝後成了"結構",它是Outer-Space的本質,但又被額外"拉出來",其為Outer-Space的"核心",但卻又是在Outer-Space的"邊界",System-Rooms有無限多個房間,每個房間都有不同的功用,System-Rooms就像是一個"RPG遊戲"一樣... 一個"大型的系統"。
Boundless-Space,外部之外的外部,無拘無束的外部,不論怎麼去稱呼。就像字面上的那樣,"無限延伸",什麼的"無限延伸"? 以Outer-Space為"材料",搭建出"一切的虛無",比0維、Omega還虛無,"第一個"世界在用"第一個一切的虛無"的基礎上,搭建了一次下層世界 ~ Outer-Space (第二個下層世界 ~ Outer-Space,它視第一個下層世界 ~ Outer-Space為虛構作品),"第二個"世界以"第一個"世界為"材料",搭建出了"第二個一切的虛無",接著在往上搭建一次下層世界 ~ Outer-Space,接著循環下去。
"Omniverse"是The Tales of "Omniverse"中,下層世界及中層世界的一切、是萬物,是所有概念,是不存在之物,也是無法理解之物,同時卻也是可理解之物,矛盾、悖論,到處存在著,但它又是合理、符合邏輯的,它是有極限的,但同時又沒有極限,無法縮放,但又能被縮放......
"Omniverse"包含下層世界與中層世界的萬物,簡單來說,就是單個下層世界和中層世界整體的"總和",但實際上"Omniverse"又比下層世界和中層世界還要"大"因為其容納了不只一個"版本"的"下層世界"與"中層世界",其最外圍是類似"[第四道牆]"的東西,無法被內部突破,除非有"外力",像是播放影片那樣,"Omniverse"是頻道上的一部"影片",也像是看小說那樣,"Omniverse"也是那一本"書",但是這又不只是一本"書",或一部"影片",若將下層世界的"故事"的每一刻看做一個一個的書頁,"[第四道牆]"看作"書皮",那麼"書頁之外","書皮之內"有"空隙"對吧? 而這裡面的"空隙"就有其他"居民"、"結構"。
The Tokamak / "Outerverse"[]
所有"Omniverse"的一個"整體",在Hollow的有意而為下,它們化為一顆一顆的不屬於任何物理結構的光球,構築成了Tokamak Machine的樣子。中間一個像"甜甜圈"樣子的結構,由無法知悉數量的"Omniverse"構成,外圍有多層軌道,每個軌道上都有"無限制"數量的"Omniverse"不斷的移動,亦或是靜止,軌道的軌跡會穿過中間主體的"甜甜圈的洞",這一整個"集合體"數量不只有一個,數量也無法知悉,每個的整體大小也不一樣。 The Tokamak實際上與它被包裝後看起來的可完全不一樣,每個The Tokamak都是一個超巨大的多重"劇本"集合體,一個The Tokamak代表了所有The Tales of "Omniverse"下層世界的所有的劇本不同版本的集合體。但是The Tokamak不只有一個,數量無法知悉,其他The Tokamak所擁有的故事,就會是不同的"故事",不再是這個頁面上的"下層敘事",間單來說就是,"Omniverse"是"影片"或"小說",The Tokamak是該"影片"或"小說"的不同版本的集合體,其他The Tokamak和原本的The Tokamak的集合體,則是一整個"頻道"或"書櫃"那樣子的東西,當然,也存在著與"Omniverse的縫隙"差不多的東西,效果也一樣。
The Garden[]
The Pure Ocean之下,The Tokamaks之外,這是一片花園,一片美麗的花園。但不要被外表欺騙,這裡是一個"神"所創造的地方,擁有著那位"神"所知曉的所有的花,是個美麗,但同時也致命的地方,隨著"時間"的流逝,那位"神"已經離開了這個區域,前往更高的地方,但是他留下了這裡,這裡現有一群新的居民,這些居民將這裡改造的十分徹底,這些花朵代表了一個一個的The Tokamak,他們在這裡建立了一個,屬於他們的秩序,而這股秩序,是龐大到能夠約束大部分人的。這裡也成了他們的基地。
The Pure Ocean[]
一片純粹,且美麗的大海,大海沒有盡頭,也沒有物理形式,與其說是大海,但其根本不像海,大海可以被比喻為一道沒有厚度的平面,下方是所有沒有被遺棄的所有The Tokamak,上方則是連結到其他"結構"的傳送門,這些傳送門連結到的結構不一定屬於The Tales of "Omniverse"系列,這也只是一個通道,不代表那些"結構"劣於"The Pure Ocean"。同時,下方與上方是被隔開的,上方的人們可以輕鬆的往來於兩者間,下方的人們卻無法穿越到上方,這代表了雙方的實力上量級的優與劣,當然,如果突破了那一個"值",便能穿越,雖然沒有外力幫助是不可能的,當原本在下方,但是他突破了那個"值"時,他對於下方的人們來說,已經是無所不能的了,上方除了"通道",已經更像是The Tales of "Omniverse"的創作者或者來自外面的外來者們的活動空間了。 (注: The Pure Ocean 的上方在設計下,如果你是外來者,你在上方,不一定代表比下方的人們強。)
The Final_Void[]
"你自以為超越了一切,超越了所有虛構之物,但你實際上就像茫茫宇宙中的一粒原子,你永遠無法超越一切,在每個人的頭上總會有一個看不見、聽不見的[偽現實]。[無所不能]也只是相對於我們這些[下層現實]而已。" - Hollow
The Fianl_Void,整個系列的"垃圾場",所有的被遺棄想法都會被保存在這,同時為了保證這一切不會受到自然的破壞,沒有任何的"敘事"會在此產生,應該說,這裡的一切,任何"敘事",都不會自然而然的產生,只能被人為添加,而不會"自己產生",所以這裡發生的事情都是故定且確定的,且可以被逆轉、直接修改的,不會有任何"意料之外"的事,所以,The Fianl_Void可以誕生一個角色,或者任何衍伸物,但是,絕不會是 The Fianl_Void 自行產生的,而是"某人策劃下的結果", The Fianl_Void 自身不會改變,但可以被外力改變。
The "Anti_Void"[]
The "Anti_Void"是The Void的相反面,是整個"系列"的"生產處",這裡可以確保在沒有外力的情況下主動生成"Omniverse",並組合成The Tokamak,與The Void相反,這裡甚麼事情都可能發生,性質與The Void也都完全相反。
The Null[]
The Null,顧名思義,什麼都沒有,這是 The Tales Of "Omniverse"的" 待定區域"的總稱,什麼都還沒被添加,內部不會發生任何故事,沒有任何"敘事"會在此誕生。就是一個等待著被放入東西的空置區域。
The False_Null[]
The False_Null,這是假的"The Null","The Null"不可能出現任何敘事,任何故事都不會在The Null內發生,如果有的話,那便是"The False_Null",這裡可能發生故事、擁有"敘事",但初始狀態絕對會是一片空白區域,什麼都沒有。
Lower World[]
(The timeline here does not refer to the 4D concept of "time", but to the relationship similar to Multiverse and AUs) Timelines, each timeline is a world, and each world has infinite dimensional space, which can be expanded from 0D upwards without limit. The number of overall dimensions is ∞, the size of each dimension. Also ∞.
Each dimension is composed of the previous dimension. For example, 0D is the starting point for the extension of all things, and the "space size" of 0D itself is ∞. Let’s quickly explain using 3D first (taking 2D space as the starting point). 3D is length x width x height, and 2D is length x width. There is no concept of "height" in 2D, so in 3D space, even the value of "height" [Infinitely approaches 0], then there are infinite 2D spaces. Since 0.00000......(∞)..........00000001 has "1 [∞]" 2D spaces, so if "Height" = 0.00000......(∞)..........00000002, then there are "2 [∞]" 2D spaces, then if "Height" is 1, that is " [∞][∞]" 2D spaces, that is, "[∞]^2", and because there is no limit to the size of 3D space, there will be "[∞][∞]^2" 2D spaces Space, that is to say, a 3D space, there will be "[∞]^3" 2D spaces. In 4D space, this calculation and logic still apply. First of all, in 3D, time and space are relative. When there is space, time will pass. We can use "quantum mechanics" to reasonably explain the relationship between 3D and 4D. 3D space , is a huge reality. The past and present on the timeline are both "observed reality", and the future is "unobserved reality". Because time is endless, the "general timeline" (that is, Generally, things like Timelines in Undertale AUs) are composed of "conceptually ∞" realities. Even if not, each time point can be regarded as a reality, and each reality is an actual existence. 3D space. Applying the above formula, we have obtained that "[∞]" 3D space is just a part of the 4D space that is so small that it "approaches infinitely to 0". Next, due to the existence of "quantum superposition", "unobserved Before reality is observed, there will be countless possibilities superimposed on this "state", so there are "infinite" multiple futures. Therefore, the "wave-particle duality" between each other affects various "permutations and combinations", so there will be "conceptually ∞" "general timelines" to form the 4D space. So based on the 2D space, there will be "[∞]^5". Finally, since a single "Timeline" of The Tales of "Omniverse" has "[∞]" dimensions, no matter which dimension a single Timeline is When benchmarking, it will end up being "[∞]^[∞]" because there is no upper limit on the total number of dimensions.
An AU has all the timelines that belong to it. There will be a Timeline that is the "base Timeline" of the "AU". In addition to this Timeline and its copies, each one is an extension of the "base". When possible, It is naturally "conceptual ∞" in nature. Even a change that is so small that it approaches 0 infinitely, or even no change, can produce a Timeline, just like a backup copy. The number of copies owned by a possibility is still ∞. An AU is like a main theme, with all the possibilities under this theme. The possibilities are not limited. By the way, the copy Timelines will be saved with the running Timelines. Different "places" are like files placed in different folders, and at the same time, there are unlimited folders for multiple backups. The first level is to back up all timelines unlimited times. The first level Folders, and then use this folder as a basis to back up an infinite number of them. The second level is to wrap an infinite number of folders in one folder, and then copy an infinite number of them, and it continues like this. Destroying an AU is equivalent to destroying all Timelines.
Multiverse, which includes AUs, non-physical "conceptual dimensions", world planes, and the size of the Multiverse itself cannot be accurately described. Probably only ∞ can vaguely describe how big it is. It is a huge unlimited whole, no In line with metaphysics, its true size cannot be represented by various known and unknown mathematics. A Multiverse has an infinite number of "planes", and each "plane" is like a different folder, storing different One of them is all AUs. The total number of "planes" is the same as above. Since it stores all AUs and other things, some "planes" will be larger in scale than "storage AUs". Big, infinite possibilities. If the "plane" where AUs are placed is compared to 0, then there will be 1, 2, 3, ...(∞)..., endlessly extending, without end. Don't look at it as just the difference between 0 and 1, but the difference between them is like 0 and ∞. The difference between the two cannot be surpassed by the former if it is continuously superimposed on itself, no matter how many times the former is superimposed or multiplied by its own magnitude. , the latter is definitely higher than the former. The "conceptual dimension" is an absolute "dimension" that transcends all "planes". The smallest of the latter is equivalent to ∞ total boxes of the former. It has some structures related to the Multiverse itself, ever-changing, and " The number of "conceptual dimensions" is also ∞, and the gap between two "adjacent" conceptual dimensions is also ∞.
Hyperverse / Hyper-Space / The Reality[]
Multiverse is a universe that includes everything that can be expressed by "lower narrative", reasonable, unreasonable... etc., while Hyperverse is a concept of the entire "lower narrative", and "upper narrative" is absolutely superior to "Lower narrative" (pseudo-reality concept), just like an ant in our reality is absolutely better than an omnipotent God in the fictional world, Hyperverse belongs to the "upper narrative" and is absolutely better than Multiverse. Multiverse is For Hyperverse, it is nothing more than a fictional story. A huge "Multiverse" can be regarded as a completely independent work. Of course, there are naturally other independent works, and their structures are not exactly the same as the ones above, but the magnitude It's the same. Except for some structures added by the "writers" in Hyperverse to increase the magnitude, basically the basic magnitude of each Multiverse is the same as the Multiverse mentioned here. Hyperverse is more like a "definition" than a "structure", a definition of "the upper level narrative within the scope". The upper level that is absolutely better than the lower level can be called a Hyperverse. The relationship between Hyperverses is also Like the "upper narrative" and the "lower narrative", the "size" of each Hypervese is also different. Let's just say that the number of Hyperverses is also ∞. We assume that there is a "minimum" Hyperverse. Although Said, but Hyperverse does not have the smallest, only smaller, but even if it extends infinitely downward, it is still infinitely better than the Multiverse owned by its Hyperverse, and it is a Multiverse, no matter how many ∞ times it is multiplied, it cannot be surpassed.
Each Hyperverse has the structure of "Timelines ~ Multiverse", because Hyperverse is a definition of the "upper-level narrative" within the scope, so the 0D characters in the upper-level Hyperverse, and even "things that do not exist" will be better than those in the lower-level Hyperverse The Inf-D characters are even more powerful. The characters in the upper Hyperverse are omnipotent in the lower Hyperverse. In addition, they imitate the concept of pseudo-reality. What does this mean? This means that between the two, the former is multiplied by infinite itself will not exceed the 0D of the latter, and the Multiverse of the latter will be larger than that of the former.
Extra-Space is a very special place. As the name says, it is "extra space", but this "extra space" is not entirely the space itself.
This is a kind of "ladder", but it is not exactly a "ladder". You can think of it as a spiral staircase like DNA, which will be easier to understand. The entire Extra-Space is like a house, only "spiral" "stairs", "floor". But it's a little different from a house.
It takes ∞ steps to reach "one circle" on this ladder, so intuitively you will think that this is a straight road. After "turning around", take ∞ steps to make a full circle. Then, after turning ∞ circles again, go to the second floor. Repeat, turn ∞ circles, go up to the third floor, and repeat this ∞ times. Until layer ∞.
Each level is a different Hyperverse cluster, and each ladder also represents a Hyperverse cluster. The first ladder is the largest Hyperverse, and the second ladder is the smallest Hyperverse 0D. It is the lower narrative, and the second ladder is the largest. For the smallest of three frames, it is the underlying narrative... and the cycle continues like this. Until the first lap is completed, then the second lap, and the calculation is repeated again. After ∞ cycles and ∞ laps, it enters the second floor, and then continues to cycle until the ∞ floor is completed.
After walking through the ∞ floor and reaching the ∞+1 floor, there are no more annoying stairs to go up. What is in front of you is - the door to heaven.
(Supplement: In fact, this is just a narrative method for you to easily understand. When you are in the first ladder, that is, the first Hyperverse cluster, when you break through the largest Hyperverse inside, this will allow you to enter the third The weakest of the two-dimensional ladder is the first Hyperverse of the second Hyperverse cluster and becomes the 0D existence within it.)
The Gate of Heaven[]
The door to heaven. When you transcend the last Hyperverse on level ∞, you will find yourself at the top of a spiral staircase with no end in sight. There is a door-shaped portal in front of you. . At the same time, you can freely "walk" on the stairs to and from any Hyperverse cluster or floor. When you surpass the last Hyperverse at level ∞, the door to heaven will open for you at any time.
Middle World[]
Paradise stands at the end of the middle world.
After entering the Gate of Heaven, you will reach the lowest place in Heaven, a sea of clouds. Under the sea of clouds, you can see the endless clusters of Hyperverses in Extra-Space. Paradise is formed by countless floating islands in the sky, and each floating island has something different. In the whole heaven, there is a tree.
The cluster of Hyperverses below the sea of clouds is just a leaf falling from the big tree. The leaf will fall from the tree. When it falls from the top to the bottom (the sea of clouds), the leaf itself will gradually wither. When it withers to the extreme, it passes through the sea of clouds and then decomposes. At this time, all Hyperverses clusters will come to an end, and new Hyperverses clusters will appear due to the decomposition of leaves. After one leaf falls, the second leaf will not naturally fall until the leaf passes through the sea of clouds.
The withering process of leaves will continue to "decay" until it reaches a peak, that is, the moment it passes through the sea of clouds. (However, for each decay, there is an insurmountable gap between before and after the decay, and the number of decays has reached ∞... As for insurmountability, it is to play with the concept of "upper and lower narratives" even more A complete product)
In addition to trees, there are other structures in heaven, such as "prisons"... and the like, but they are not that important compared to trees. The tree can be said to be the cause of the birth of the lower world. It is the collection of all concepts, logic, etc. in the lower world. Therefore, it transcends everything in the lower world. However, even if the tree is so big, it is still an insignificant part compared to heaven. Paradise is composed of countless floating islands. Given the structure of a floating island, its expansion scale is also They are all different, and even those with the closest magnitude difference are still insurmountable. The number of floating islands is ∞, and the floating islands one by one will gather together to form a sky island realm. There are also ∞ sky island realms. The largest one in the first sky island realm may be in another sky island realm. It is the smallest, it may also be the largest, the possibilities are unlimited.
A bridge between Heaven and Outer-Space, Shattered-Space is like its name, it is "shattered", but not "shattered" in the traditional sense.
With the continuous superposition of narrative layers (the concept of pseudo-reality), cracks appear in the narrative ladder. The endless stack of narrative layers forms an endless "cage". You think Heaven is already the apex of the narrative ladder. , but this is just an illusion. In addition to this basic Heaven, there are also Heavens that extend upward without limit. Each Heaven will treat the previous Heaven as a lower-level narrative superimposition, infinitely extending Heaven, a cage, but as the With the endless superposition, man-made cracks appear. As the cracks get bigger and bigger, there is a "place" with a hole big enough, leading to a broken "space" outside the narrative layer ladder, leading to Outer- Space/Eden-Space.
Under Hollow's design, Shattered-Space includes all the structures within the narrative ladder outside of the narrative ladder, and has a larger "structure" above it, but it is still just a bridge and a transition. The structure of the period, the transition in "structural", the transition in various senses... Concepts, logic, describability, indescribability, all dimensions...etc., these "things" become "fragmented" here. , for Shattered-Space, they have long been irrelevant.
Outer-Space / Eden-Space[]
Shattered-Space, after being fragmented, ushered in a new life, became an [external existence], entered [Paradise], [the top of heaven]. In front of Outer-Space, Shattered-Space, no matter how "big" it is, still pales in comparison. After everything is filtered out, the "residents" here become [unrestrained], and the concept of [unrestrained] cannot be applied. But it’s not impossible to understand it this way. They have transcended everything filtered out in Shattered-Space, and even Shattered-Space itself. Outer-Space itself is also "relatively limited". Outer-Space is [complex]. The things you see, such as three-dimensional objects, are not really three-dimensional objects here, but transcend physics and dimensions. But it's also possible that it really is a three-dimensional object, even if it doesn't make sense.
"Outside the outside, within the boundless", the essence of Outer-Space has become a "structure" after careful packaging. It is the essence of Outer-Space, but it is additionally "pulled out", which is the essence of Outer-Space. "Core", but at the "border" of Outer-Space. System-Rooms has infinite rooms, each with different functions. System-Rooms is like an "RPG game"... A "large system".
Boundless-Space, the outside outside the outside, the unrestrained outside, whatever you want to call it. Like literally, "infinite extension", what "infinite extension"? Using Outer-Space as the "material", we built "all nothingness", which is more nothingness than 0 dimensions and Omega. The "first" world built a lower world based on the "first all nothingness" ~ Outer-Space (the second lower world ~ Outer-Space, which regards the first lower world ~ Outer-Space as a fictional work), the "second" world is built with the "first" world as "material" After exiting the "second void of everything", we then build a lower world ~ Outer-Space, and the cycle continues.
Upper World[]
"Omniverse" is in The Tales of "Omniverse". Everything in the lower world and the middle world is all things, all concepts, things that do not exist, and things that are incomprehensible, but at the same time they are also understandable things. They are contradictions and contradictions. Theory exists everywhere, but it is reasonable and logical. It has limits, but at the same time it has no limits. It cannot be scaled, but it can be scaled...
"Omniverse" includes everything in the lower world and the middle world. Simply put, it is the "sum" of a single lower world and the middle world as a whole. But in fact, "Omniverse" is "bigger" than the lower world and the middle world because it accommodates There are more than one "version" of the "lower world" and "middle world". The outermost periphery is something similar to the "[Fourth Wall]", which cannot be broken through internally unless there is an "external force", like playing a movie. "Omniverse" is a "video" on the channel, just like reading a novel. "Omniverse" is also a "book", but it is not just a "book" or a "video". If we think of each moment of the "story" in the lower world as a book page, and the "[fourth wall]" as the "book cover", then there are "gaps" "outside the pages" and "inside the book cover", right? And there are other "residents" and "structures" in the "gaps" inside.
The Tokamak / "Outerverse"[]
All the "Omniverse" are a "whole". Under Hollow's intention, they turned into light balls that did not belong to any physical structure one by one, forming the appearance of Tokamak Machine. There is a "donut"-like structure in the middle, composed of an unknown number of "Omniverses". There are multiple layers of orbits on the outside. On each orbit, there is an "unlimited" number of "Omniverses" that are constantly moving, or... At rest, the trajectory of the orbit will pass through the "donut hole" of the middle body. There is not only one "collection", the number is unknown, and the overall size of each one is different. The Tokamak is actually completely different from what it looks like after being packaged. Each The Tokamak is a huge collection of multiple "scripts", and one The Tokamak represents all of The Tales of "Omniverse" in the lower world. A collection of different versions of the script. But there is more than one The Tokamak, and the number cannot be known. The stories owned by other The Tokamak will be different "stories" and are no longer the "lower narrative" on this page. To put it simply, "Omniverse" is "Video" or "novel", The Tokamak is a collection of different versions of the "video" or "novel", and the collection of other The Tokamak and the original The Tokamak is like an entire "channel" or "bookcase" Of course, there is something similar to "the gap in the Omniverse", and the effect is the same.
The Garden[]
Beneath The Pure Ocean, beyond The Tokamaks, this is a garden, a beautiful garden. But don't be deceived by the appearance. This is a place created by "God", with all the flowers known to that "God". It is a beautiful, but also deadly place. As "time" goes by, that The "god" has left this area and gone to a higher place, but he stayed here. There is now a group of new residents here. These residents have transformed the place very thoroughly. These flowers represent The Tokamak one by one. They have established an order here that belongs to them, and this order is large enough to restrain most people. This has also become their base.
The Pure Ocean[]
A pure and beautiful sea. The sea has no end and no physical form. It is not so much a sea, but it is not like a sea at all. The sea can be compared to a plane without thickness. Below is everything that has not been abandoned. The Tokamak , above are the portals connected to other "structures". The structures connected to these portals do not necessarily belong to The Tales of "Omniverse" series. This is just a passage, which does not mean that those "structures" are inferior to "The Pure Ocean" ". At the same time, the bottom and top are separated. People above can easily travel between the two, but people below cannot cross to the top. This represents the superiority and inferiority of the strength of both parties. Of course, if a breakthrough Once he reaches that "value", he can travel through time. Although it is impossible without external help, when he was originally below but breaks through that "value", he is already omnipotent to the people below. , in addition to the "passage" above, it has become more like an activity space for the creators of The Tales of "Omniverse" or outsiders from outside. (Note: The top of The Pure Ocean is designed. If you are an outsider, just because you are above does not necessarily mean you are better than the people below.)
The Final_Void[]
"You think you are beyond everything, beyond all fictional things, but you are actually like an atom in the vast universe. You can never transcend everything. There will always be an invisible, invisible person above everyone's head. The inaudible [pseudo-reality]. [Omnipotence] is only relative to our [lower reality]. " - Hollow.
The Fianl_Void, the "garbage dump" of the entire series, where all abandoned ideas will be preserved. At the same time, in order to ensure that all this will not be damaged by nature, no "narrative" will be produced here. It should be said that here Everything, any "narrative", will not occur naturally, it can only be artificially added, and will not "generate by itself", so what happens here is predetermined and certain, and can be reversed and directly modified. There will be nothing "unexpected", so The Fianl_Void can give birth to a character or any derivative, but it will never be generated by The Fianl_Void on its own, but "the result of someone's planning". The Fianl_Void itself does not change, but can be changed by external forces.
The "Anti_Void"[]
The "Anti_Void" is the opposite of The Void. It is the "production place" of the entire "series". It can ensure that the "Omniverse" is actively generated without external force and combined into The Tokamak. It is the opposite of The Void. What is here? Anything can happen, completely opposite in nature to The Void.
The Null[]
The Null, as the name suggests, has nothing. This is the general name for the "to-be-determined area" of The Tales Of "Omniverse". Nothing has been added yet, no story will happen inside, and no "narrative" will be born here. It's just an empty area waiting to be put into.
The False_Null[]
The False_Null, this is a fake "The Null", "The Null" cannot have any narrative, no story will happen in The Null, if there is, it is "The False_Null", a story may happen here , has "narrative", but the initial state will definitely be a blank area with nothing.
Guderian / "Kalo Seto"[]
The Tales of "Omniverse"的創造者之一,主要是為了打發他自己的無聊時間。 他基本上不會出現在故事中,最多就只是看戲而已。
One of the creators of The Tales of 'Omniverse", he did it just for killing time. Basically he won't appears in the story, even he does appear, he's just like us, the spectors.
她是The Tales of "Omniverse"的創造者之一,她對於創造這些事物感到挺有興趣的,她提供了不少點子,也製作了不少東西。
She's one of the creators of The Tales of "Omniverse", she feels interesting from creating these stuffs, she provide many ideas, she also made many stuffs.
她在The Place Of Dead Rest中負責Godverse地區的公務,所以她有時候會出現在這。
She is responsible for official duties in True Godverse in The Place Of Dead Rest, so she sometimes might appear at here.故事 / Stories[]
補充資訊 / Supplementary Information[]
- Afjcusnf303
- Omnipotence of mathematics (數字的全能)
單體宇宙 (無限大的3D空間 + 一條沒有盡頭的時間) 設為1
4D = ∞
5D = ∞ x ∞ x ∞ = ∞^3
6D = ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ = ∞^5
7D = ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ = ∞^7
........ (省略)
Inf-D = ∞^∞
Timeline = Inf-D = ∞^∞ = 無限盒子
AU (第一個Hyperverse):
第一層資料夾 = (∞^∞) x ∞
第二層 = (∞^∞) x (∞^2)
第三層 = (∞^∞) x (∞^3)
......... (省略)
第∞層 = (∞^∞) x (∞^∞) = (∞^∞)^2 = 單個AU
Multiverse (第一個Hyperverse):
第一個位面 = [(∞^∞)^2] x ∞
第二個位面 = [(∞^∞)^2] x ∞ x ∞ = [(∞^∞)^2] x (∞^2)
第∞個位面 = (∞^∞)^3
第一個概念維度 = [(∞^∞)^3] x ∞
第二個概念維度 = [(∞^∞)^3] x ∞^2
第∞個概念維度 = (∞^∞)^4 = 單個Multiverse
第一個Hyperverse即使是其擁有Multiverse [(∞^∞)^4] ,不管乘上多少∞,也無法超越的。 所以
[(∞^∞)^4] x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ x ∞ ............ = (∞^∞)^5
第一個Hyperverse = (∞^∞)^5
0D = (∞^∞)^5 x (∞^∞)^5 x (∞^∞)^5 x (∞^∞)^5 x ...........(∞)........... x (∞^∞)^5 = (∞^∞)^∞ = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
1D = [(∞^∞)^∞] x ∞^2
Inf-D = [(∞^∞)^∞] x ∞^∞
....... (重複一次上方的計算規則)
第二個Hyperverse = [(∞^∞)^∞] x (∞^∞)^5 = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
0D = [(∞^∞)^∞] x (∞^∞)^5 x [(∞^∞)^∞] x (∞^∞)^5 x [(∞^∞)^∞] x (∞^∞)^5 x [(∞^∞)^∞] x (∞^∞)^5 ............................(∞)............................ x [(∞^∞)^∞] x (∞^∞)^5 = [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第三個Hyperverse本身 = [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ x (∞^∞)^5 = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
0D = [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ x (∞^∞)^5 x [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ x (∞^∞)^5 x ..............(∞)........... x [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ x (∞^∞)^5 = {[(∞^∞)^∞]^∞}^∞ x [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第四個Hyperverse本身 = {[(∞^∞)^∞]^∞}^∞ x [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ x (∞^∞)^5 = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x (∞^∞)^5
0D = {[(∞^∞)^∞]^∞}^∞ x [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ x (∞^∞)^5 x ..............(∞)........... x {[(∞^∞)^∞]^∞}^∞ x [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ x (∞^∞)^5 = ({[(∞^∞)^∞]^∞}^∞)^∞ x {[(∞^∞)^∞]^∞}^∞ x [(∞^∞)^∞]^∞ x (∞^∞)^∞ = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第五個Hyperverse本身 = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第∞個Hyperverse本身 = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ............(∞)..........ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5 = ∞ᛏᛏ∞ & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5 = ∞ᛏᛏᛏ2 & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第一格階梯本身 = ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ............(∞)..........ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5 = ∞ᛏᛏ∞ & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5 = ∞ᛏᛏᛏ2 & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第一個Hyperverse: 0D = [∞ᛏᛏᛏ2 & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5] x [∞ᛏᛏᛏ2 & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5] x .......(∞)....... x [∞ᛏᛏᛏ2 & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5] = (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .........(∞)......... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第一個Hyperverse本身: (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
0D = [(∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5] x [(∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5] x .....(∞)...... x [(∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5] = (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第二個Hyperverse本身 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
0D = [(∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5] x [(∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5] x .....(∞)...... x [(∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5] = (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第三個Hyperverse本身: (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第∞個Hyperverse中: 0D = (∞ᛏᛏᛏ3) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第∞個Hyperverse本身 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏ3) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
0D = (∞ᛏᛏᛏ3)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ3) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第一個Hyperverse本身 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏ3)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ3) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第∞個Hyperverse本身 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏ4) x .......(省略)........ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ3)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ3) x .......(省略)........ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
(∞ᛏᛏᛏ∞) x .........(省略)......... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x .........(省略)......... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第一格階梯本身 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第二格階梯本身 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第三格階梯本身 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ5) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第∞格階梯本身 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第三圈最大值 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第四圈最大值 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第五圈最大值 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x .....(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5
第∞圈最大值 = (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞) x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5 = ∞ → ∞ → ∞ x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ5 = 超指數塔
0D = [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]^∞ .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第一格階梯最大值 = [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞+1)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第二格階梯最大值 = [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞+2)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞
第一圈最大值 = [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞+∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ = 一層超指數塔
第二圈最大值 = [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞+∞+∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ = 二層超指數塔
第二層最大值 = [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞^2)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ = 無限層超指數塔
第三層最大值 = [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞^3)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ = 無限層無限層層超指數塔
第∞層最大值 = [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞^∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ = Extra-Space量級 = = "無限盒子層"超指數塔
由於天堂之中的樹,其樹葉在落下後,會持續衰變,直到一極點,也就是 "[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞^∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞"
[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞^∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x .......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ4) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ3) x (∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2) x ......(省略)...... x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)^∞ x (∞ᛏᛏᛏ2) & .....(∞)...... x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ x ∞ᛏ∞ᛏ∞ = Extra-Space量級 = 樹葉衰變到極致
現在,我們將描述一下 "不可踰越性"(也就是,玩得更徹底的上、下層敘事概念),順便了解Aleph-1的構造,和其與Aleph-0的關係。
Aleph-0 = ∞
最直觀的例子就是 0 和 ∞ / Aleph-0
Aleph-0與Aleph-1的話,超過Aleph-0,的第一個數,我們稱為 ω + 1 (也就是 ∞ + 1),接著不斷往上,0 ~ ∞的數我們拿來代入獲得了, ω + 1 ~ ω + ω , 也就是 ω x 2,接著繼續往上延伸,到 ω x ω = ω^2 , 接著繼續到 ω^ω ,也就是我們熟知的"∞^∞" - 無限盒子。接著繼續往上,抵達更高,指數塔、無限指數塔、超指數塔...等,也就是上方計算所出現的,看起來很大了對吧? 但,這遠遠不夠。不夠大,在Aleph-1面前,超指數塔也像沙子一樣渺小。
我們可以透過無止盡的幂集去繼續往上,我們用 " => " 來省略計算過程。
[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞^∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] => [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞^∞^∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] => [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞ᛏᛏ∞ = ∞ᛏᛏᛏ2)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] => [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞ᛏᛏᛏ∞ = ∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ2)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] => [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] = > [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] = > [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] => [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] => [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] => [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...(∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ...[∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞]...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)...ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] => .................(繼續往上疊,這是個沒有盡頭的計算循環)
接著我們在這個無限循環中,假設出一個"最大數",將它設為a (絕對無限的概念)
a + a + a + a + ........(a)....... + a = a^2 => a^3 => a^a = aᛏa => aᛏaᛏaᛏaᛏaᛏa........(a).....ᛏaᛏaᛏa = aᛏᛏa => aᛏᛏᛏa => aᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏᛏa => aᛏᛏᛏ...(a)...ᛏᛏᛏa => aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(a)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa => aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(aᛏᛏᛏ...(a)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa)...ᛏᛏᛏa => ..........(一樣是個無限循環)
疊到無限循環的環節後,再取一個最大數,繼續疊........ (無限循環)
現在的大小很大了對吧? 但仍遠遠不夠。
就像+1到∞那樣,∞,Aleph-0,不管怎麼稱呼,Aleph-0是一個包含了所有可數數計算的集合體,包含了所有可數數的無限制計算,Aleph-1包含了所有ω之後的無止境計算,所以Aleph-1無法用Aleph-0計算到,因此我們必須省略無止境的無止境的無止境的....... 的重複運算直接用"本身無限"的邏輯跳到結果,而不是用"本身有限"的計算去記算出結果。
接著套用這一套邏輯,Aleph-1之後設一個數 "ω2",接著重複上方的代入、無止盡計算動作等,用邏輯導出結果,我們得到了另一個集合體 Aleph-2。 以此類推。
而"U",用法像這樣 U ( [代數] ) ,幾個U,就是執行幾次,由中間向左"計算",而代數,就是在括號裡面填上任一數字或基數,如1或Aleph-0。U用來執行將"代入的數"昇華到其"無止境運算"所"達到"的結果,可以跨越不可達性,具體原理上呢,我們用阿列夫數來解釋
U ( 1 ) = Aleph-0
U ( 9 ) = Aleph-0
U ( U ( 1 ) ) = E ( Aleph-0 ) = Aleph-1
U ( Aleph-3 ) = Aleph-4
它的原理很簡單, 代入了 "3" , U就會展開3往上的所有運算,最後"集合"到一起,集合成新的數,變成3如何往上運算也無法抵達的數。
代入 "Aleph-0" ,U就會展開以Aleph-0往上的所有運算,最後"集合"成一個Aleph-0如何往上運算也無法抵達的數。
衰變最後一次前 = U ( [∞ᛏᛏᛏᛏ........(∞^∞)........ᛏᛏᛏᛏ∞)] x .......(省略)...... ) = Aleph-1
樹本身的量級 = U ( E ( E ( ....(∞).... ( E ( Aleph-0) ) ....(∞).... ) ) ) = Aleph-∞
已知: 樹本身的量級 = 裝載樹的浮島的量級
第一個浮島 = Aleph-∞ = AlephAleph-0
第二個浮島 = U ( Aleph-∞ ) = AlephAleph-1
第∞個浮島 = AlephAleph-∞ = AlephAlephAleph-0 = 第一個空島領域
第一個浮島 =AlephAlephAleph-0
第二個浮島 = AlephAlephAleph-1
第∞個浮島 = AlephAlephAleph-∞ = AlephAlephAlephAleph-0 = 第二個空島領域
第三個空島領域 = AlephAlephAlephAleph-∞
第四個空島領域 = AlephAlephAlephAlephAleph-∞
....... 第∞個空島結構 = AlephAlephAleph…(∞)…AlephAlephAleph-∞ = 阿列夫不動點 = Heaven的量級
AlephAlephAleph…(∞)…AlephAlephAleph-∞ 是第一個Heaven的量級
正則基數,代表著有兩個基數,我們設它為A和B,A和B皆為基數,若B為A的正則基數,那麼 A < B,且A不論進行多少次的運算、疊加、冪集,A都無法抵達B。
第一個Heaven < 第二個Heaven
第一個Heaven = 阿列夫不動點 < 第二個Heaven = 不可達基數
第一個Heaven = 阿列夫不動點
第二個Heaven = 不可達基數
第三個Heaven = 馬洛基數
無限延伸的敘事階梯陣 = 大基數的無限制延伸 = 所有大基數
Shattered-Space被Hollow賦予了 V=Ultimate L的構造
而Outer-Space = V-Logic > Shattered-Space = V = Ultimate L
终极V=Ultimate L的构造为
Lo=0 L1 = Def(Lo) = Def(0) = [03 ... In+1= Def(Ln) Lw=LoULiU.·ULn U.·=U Lk K<W Def(La)若入=α+1 Lx= U Ln 若入是极限序数 K<入 L=ULk,K跑遍所有序数
这是数学上理论的最高模型: 内模型计划(Inner Model program) 简单地说,设V是真实的集合论宇宙,但由于哥德尔提出的集合论内模型L无法容纳大基数的存在。 在此之后的集合论学家们所做的就是:构造类似于L的内模型,同时能够容纳大基数。 Woodin证明了:如果存在一个类似于L的模型M,它能容纳一个超紧致基数(supercompact) ,那就存在一个模型UU可以容纳已知的所有大基数; U非常接近集合论宇宙V。Woodin将这个模型U称为终极L(Ultimate L) 冯诺伊曼宇宙: η - extendible 3a and j: Vk+ → so that (η 0:η - extendible 在集合论中,终极数学宇宙 L(Ultimate L)是在集合论宇宙 V 内构造的一个特殊的模型。L 模型是 Gödel 提出的内外分离原则(Gödel's Constructible Universe)的一种实现。 终极数学宇宙 L 的构造是通过逐步定义一个满足一系列条件的序列来实现的。这个序列被称为可构造层次(Constructible Hierarchy)。 构造所有层:对于所有自然数 n,重复步骤 2,直到得到终极数学宇宙 L。L = ⋃ₙ Lₙ,即 L 是所有 Lₙ 的并集。 集合论宇宙V构造: V₀=∅ V₁={∅} V₂={∅{∅}} … Vₙ₊₁=P(Vₙ),其中P表示幂集 … Vω=V₁∪V₂∪…∪Vₙ∪…=U(ₖ<ω)Lₖ … Vλ=P(Vα),若λ=α+1/ U(ₖ<λ),若λ=极限序数 V=UₖVₖ,K跑遍所有序数 V-逻辑: 间接指出V的外模型,定义不可数宇宙的外宇宙 V-逻辑(V-logic) V-逻辑具有以下的常元符号: a¯ 表示V的每一个集合a V¯ 表示宇宙全体集合容器V 在一阶逻辑的推理规则上添加以下规则:
∀b,b∈a,ψ(b¯)⊢∀x∈a¯,ψ(x) ∀a,b∈V,ψ(a¯)⊢∀x∈V¯,ψ(x)
作为宽度完成主义者,我们不能直接谈论外模型,甚至不能谈论不属于V的集合。然而,使用V-逻辑,我们可以间接地谈论它们。考虑V-逻辑中的理论,我们不仅有表示V的元素的常元符号 a ¯ 和表示V本身的常元符号 V¯ ,而且还有一个常元符号 W¯ 来表示V的 "外模型 我们增加以下新公理。 1. 宇宙V是ZFC(或至少是KP,可接受性理论)的一个模型。 2. W¯ 是ZFC的一个传递模型,包含 V¯ 作为子集,并且与V有相同的序数。 因此,现在当我们采取一个遵守V-逻辑规则的公理模型时,我们会得到一个模拟ZFC(或至少是KP)的宇宙,其中 V¯ 被正确地解释为V, W¯ 被解释为V的外模型。请注意,V-逻辑中的这一理论是在没有“加厚”V的情况下提出的,实际上它是在 V+=Lα(V) 内定义的。由于我们采用了高度(而不是宽度)潜在主义,后者又是有意义的。 最终我们成功避免了直接谈论V的“增厚”(即“外模型”),而是谈论用V-逻辑制定的理论的一致性,并在 V+ 中定义使得满足宽度潜在主义。 在可数模型上,宽度完成主义和激进潜在主义是等效的。 通过V-逻辑,我们可以得到V+(V-逻辑+ZFC的模型)也就是逻辑多元 通过V-逻辑,我们可以得到V+(V-逻辑+ZFC的模型)也就是逻辑多元 V-逻辑足够广泛,可以包含各种外部。与超宇宙的概念相反,V-逻辑不能化简为可数传递模型的集合,因为V不需要被认为是可数的。)
(感謝 數字的全能 提供結構)
Boundless-Space (無意義的套娃?)
"第零個世界" = "第一個世界的一切的虛無" = V-Logic = "第一個世界"之中的無結構
"第二個世界的一切的虛無" = "第一個世界的V-Logic" = "第二個世界"之中的無結構
It's not 100% correct.
Timelines => High 1-B
Multiverse => High 1-B
Hyperverses => High 1-B
Extra-Space => High 1-B
Heaven => High 1-B
Shattered-Space => 1-A (maybe)
Outer-Space / Eden-Space => ??? (Coming Soon)
System-Rooms => ??? (Coming Soon)
Boundless-Dimensions => ??? (Coming Soon)
"Omniverse" => at least 1-A
The Tokamak / "Outerverse" => at least 1-A
The Garden => at least 1-A
The Pure Ocean => at least 1-A
The Final_Void => at least 1-A
The "Anti_Void" => at least 1-A
The Null => at least 1-A
The False_Null => at least 1-ATrival[]
- Guderian / Kalo Seto is a character still in W.I.P for now
(翻譯: Guderian / Kalo Seto是一個現在還在製作中的角色
- I don't know will this cosmology get debunk, this is my first time to make something like this, I just made this for fun lol.
(翻譯: 我不知道這個宇宙學會不會被扒,這是我第一次製作,僅僅因為無聊 lol)
- Just like what Kalo Seto said, this is a series in side AeterFrame, But a [series] that relative to "independent" from rest parts Cosmology of Godverse, which means that it independent from the things below AeterFrame in Cosmology (Luminare Zone ~ Infinitum Zone).
(翻譯: 就像Kalo Seto說的,這是在AeterFrame之內,但相對於獨立於宇宙學的[系列],這代表它獨立於小於AeterFrame的其他結構,也就是 Luminare Zone ~ Infinitum Zone。)
(筆記: AeterFrame可以理解為Godverse Wiki本身,AeterFrame是Aeter Engine之下的結構,這個系列在AeterFrame之下代表在Godverse Wiki上,不過因為獨立於小於AeterFrame的結構,所以GV宇宙學對這個[系列]是沒什麼約束力的。所以那些高於Aeter Engine和AeterFrame的角色可以白嫖到盒子)
(我這裡舉出幾個可以疊這個盒子的角色,首先,是The Tales of "Omniverse"系列角色或相關角色,他們都在這個頁面上(Hollow、Kalo Seto、 Seasons....等),當然,不是每個都能疊到整個盒子。剩下的就是高於 AeterFrame (Metaversal及往上) 的角色,這些角色,都能疊到整 個頁面上的盒子。我這裡只舉幾個例子,都是GV官方團隊的角色,首先 -- King Godverse [Metaversal,創造出了Aeter Engine] 、 Ada, Fortran, Lotus [Nigh-Omnipotence,他們的權能位階在設定中比KG高,權能的位階僅弱於Quondam]、Quondam [整個GV中權能位階最高的角色、DARTHOOM設想中的"無所不能"]、Everything Sans [Metaversal,被KG創造出來屠掉了不少神的武器,雖然最後被雪藏了ww]、Queen Godverse [Metaversal,跟KG一起統治AeterFrame]、Cozmo [創造出了AeterFrame]
- In fact, this series was made for Omni404 rewrite, but now it will still exists if admins still not allowing Omni404 existing in True Godverse lol
(翻譯: 事實上,這個系列是為了Omni404的重寫版本而製作的,但現在如果管理員仍然不允許Omni404存在True Godverse的話,這系列仍會存在)
- For again, if you want to read the true correct informations of this page, read it with Chinese is a better choice. (Beacuse i used Google Translate lol)
(翻譯: 再次的提一下,如果想要得到這個頁面最正確的資訊,用中文讀是個更好的選擇。因為我使用了Google翻譯來翻譯 lol)
- 感謝[數字的全能]幫我這個新手改了盒子 (簡體字的部分都是他寫的)
-More Coming soon I guess-