Godverse Wiki


This page shall show the different scales of different characters that all exist in the chronicle of suffering

Jack Reaper[]

Man of Misfortune[]

The entire scaling history of Jack Reaper in the man of misfrotune itself


Jack Reaper is the main character of the story “Man of misfortune A story that is still under development and possibly appearing in other books as the main character or antagonist overall. The wiki name of the author is Author the false one. The story is however not canon anymore to the main plot of the story which is called "The Chronicle of Suffering".

Stats and profile[]

Tiering System/Tier: 10-B/9-B/9-A/Low 2-C/High 1-B/1-A/High 1-A/1-S/1-S

Name: Jack Reaper




Decay (can cause decay having caused his hand to slightly decay which however looked like it was a burn, Decayed a humanoid being skin), Mana sensing (He managed to sense the mana around him), Life&Death force sensing (As a dark magician he can sense the life and death force too, Sensed an archer hunderds of meters far away while running, It was stated that the life force itself is a metaphysical thing instead of a physical thing), Memory absorption (He has shown to be able to absorb memories of of a dead being by absorbing its death force), Dark arts (jack stated that dark magicians were mostly known for their necromancy but also for their curses, curses were described to be nothing more but death force, A dark magician words could actually curse someone if they are not careful) Life&Death force manipulation (Manipulated his life force to the death force to damage the werewolf inner oragns, Attacked the legs of the goblins specificly), Pain resistance (Even when his arm was ripped off he didn't scream), Weapon experience (He seems to have experience using daggers as he used it well against the goblins) Necromancy (A being stated that Jack was using necromancy and sentences later he gave it an order), Telepathy (He can give his undeads orders even with his mind alone), Reincarnation (Stated that he was ready to restart his life), Divine energy sensing (Could sense the divine energy of raco eldar), Fear inducemeant (,When he died he relesases a huge amount of death force that induces fear)


Previous abilities amplified to unknown degrees.

Life&Death manipulation(Killed the king of the fallen by manipulating his life force into death force destroying his avatar and true body had previously defeated his army also causing their bodies to crumble same with their true bodies), Body manipulation (Manipulated the avatar of the king with his body reacting to Jack movemeant)Immortality type 3,8, unlikely 9 (Regenereated his entire body piece to piece, He uses the souls that he absorbed via eating the bodies he had eaten, Regenerated his entire body only with his head, Created a mass of flesh from which Jack then crawled out regenerated,Stated even if totality itself collapsed that Jack would survive it with the being but could be just the being exegerrating), Tumor inducemeant (Can cause tumor like cells to appear making a body bulge up), Body manipulation (Jack seems to be able to manipulate ones body using the death and life force making many things happen to one, Jack caused prisoners body to get twisted and stretched he then manipulated the body of the piece of god), Memory recalling (recalled memories of his second life, had recalled his 8th life), Rust inducemeant (Caused chains to rust by manipulating life and death force) True-Godly Regeneration( Regenerated his entire body only via his head, made a new flesh arm by creating flesh there/ The god of time destroyed the entire body of Jack and his soul using his divinity stating that regeneration would be impossible to regenerate with Jack however coming back even then with seemingly no issue from the way the god of knowledge narrated the fight, The attacks should erase jack leaving not even his very idea behind however but it still remaining as he continued to regenerate from them from nothing and Jack and corruption just regenerating even when existence or non-existence don't even exist, Even when everything got destroyed after the defeat of the piece of god Jack is said to have survived it and just regenerated), Flesh creation (He can create massive amount of flesh hitting targets with it), Melting inducemeant (Caused a guard to melt and become just a puddle of liquid), Divinity (stated that the power he used was that of a dark priest and that such power can only be used if a god supported one confirmed to be divinity), Energy attack arsenal (Stated that in a theoretical sense Jack could use any form of energy attack thanks to the being), Immortality type 9,5 bypassion (Has killed the invaders real body which was not something meant to happen when destroying their avatars, god of knowledge stating that the goddess of death would be killed with the same powers that she uses being death as she is the goddess of death, Has killed the goddess of death bypassing her immunity as the idea of death to not be bound by death as divinity allows such controdicting things being described as divinity that defy common sense and logic depending how a god uses it), Conceptual Manipulation (Jack is stated to be the one who will kill gods who upon their death would remove everything related to the concept of theirs, upon Jack killing the king of the fallen the concept of the fallen also got brokem which is something that seemed not normal with later that what Jack did was something only a god could do, He has killed the god of time removing time itself with this after killing the god of time he killed the other gods stating that the gods were dying and the ideas were also disappearing), Non-Corporeal bypassion ( Jack will kill the gods who are ideas which are concepts), even the disapperance of time didn't affect Jack and instead it was him moving in a different time then the mortals in the sea of life), Acausality type 1 and 2 (The destruction of Jack past had not affected Jack)Lifeless bypassion (Bypassed beings who were not bound by life by forcing life force into them which seemed forcefully made it be part of them even if their bodies would normally reject all life force, stated that he doesn't exist in the past and future too but also not in the present), Nonexistent physiologie Type 3 aspect 5 (Stated that Jack doesn't exist and wasn't meant to exist and that he isn't even existing right now but has a body like a existing being it says how Jack never had a real history but that a history when reborn would be created which however also described as a illusion as all memories are fake when he emerges but upon his death they are stated to disappear whatever memories he had with the people and everything he had done there would also disappear leaving nothing left for anyone to remember), Creation (He recreated everything that had happened in the story in a form of a book)


Life manipulation Immunity (Resisteted the manipulation of his life essence which stated was able to affect the other fallen who did not retreat their avatars back), Time Immunity (When time itself had disappeared from the sea of life Jack was left as the only one with time in him, The god of time thinking destroying time would stop Jack remarked how even the disapperance of time didn't affect Jack and instead it was him moving in a different time then the mortals in the sea of life, The god of time using his power refeered as authority shattered the past of Jack however it was called to be not enough by the god of knowledge after saying that it stated how the god of time was shocked that Jack was unaffected by the destruction of his past, Jack resisted the attacks that the god of time threw at Jack as time of Jack seemed to not be related to the time that the god of time uses, As Jack time got tangled with the time in the realm of god had also not helped the god of time in the fight stating that it would have helped with others but didn't help with Jack with the god of time later on stating how Jack has no past or future even not existing in the present speaking in a manner) Attack resistance (Jack didn't react to the piece of god attack it stated how his body was not reacting to these attacks because of how they were moving outside linear time which is why his body was not reacting to these attacks even if he felt them) Erasure Immunity (Resisted the piece of god erasure coming from nothing easily by just regenerating, Even when everything got destroyed after the defeat of the piece of god Jack is said to have survived it and just regenerated), Story manipulation immunity (Corruption resisted the manipulation of the story and Corruption essentially is part of Jack with coruption breaking the manipulation)


Attack capability: Human level (Is shown to be as strong as an average human in the story)/wall level (Damaged a werewolf that broke through a wall easily)/ Small building level to small city block level (killed an invader after his resurrection with one invader even having needed the power of destroying a house and multiple acres to kill it completely)/ Possible Universal+ (The fallen as how the gods called the derons are said to be dimensionless beings that could because of them being dimensionless destroy every dimension in the physical world, He killed a deron actual body bypassing their avatar)/ Complex Multiversal (Mortals created with dimina 6 higher dimensions and that even then these 6 dimensions could not contain the derons, They are only able to perceive higher dimensions using complex magic formular but Jack was able to kill a deron bypassing their avatars even)/Outerversal (Jack killed a deron true body bypassing their avatars who cannot even contained by infinite dimensions and are existing outside the concept of dimensions, as ideas are nothing more but concept through the god of knowledge calling the other gods fellow ideas, with the gods not being bound by the concept of dimensions too or time as space while also not bound by the concept they are the god of)/Possible High outer (The god of knowledge confirmed that Jack would be the one who would kill them which would include the god of creation who created the concept of fallen who are not bound by the concept of dimensions themselve and making clear they exist as the fallen only because the god of creation made the concept for them and upon the death of a god the very concept they are the god off would disapear in the concept of realm too and the sea of life which is where the story takes place making them likely be higher form of platonic concepts as the concepts in the realm of concept would cause the same thing with the gods only able to make the concepteven when destroyed work using their divinity. A god of the fallen never existed and it is stated that the god of the fallen would have controlled the concept of the fallen if their concept were to get destroyed assumingly in the realm of concepts.) High Outer- Possible Extraversal (The piece of god viewed everything as nothing but a story with it being the supreme entity with the authority of the piece of god close to what Corruption calls gods which are superior to the gods that Jack killed as they were callled false gods for Corruption with the piecce viewing Jack as mere fiction even now as the gods would not bother with him as they exist far ahead while they are viewed as fiction they are not part of the piece of god creation as it wold otherwise be beyond their idea and existence However Corruption is said by the piece to be equal to him and corruption is part of Jack)

Destructive capability: Extraversal (He has recreated everything that had happened in the story being conceptually superior to them because he is not similar to the piece of god as everything in the book actually is real but for Jack is nothing but a mere book that he has created with none of the beings even the fake piece of god there able to reach in the void he is in as the void itself is also superior to the entities all in the book)

Strength: Human level (Is shown to be as strong as an average human in the story), Extraversal (can carry the book in which everything is inside that he went through having created it all persumingly with it able to carry all of them now as he is similar to the piece of god now to them)

Speed: Human level, Likely speed of sounds (Ran a mile in just some seconds)

Durability: Human level, Extraversal (Is superior to everyone in the book that is a recreation of everything that had happened in

Intelligence: Human level, possible above average because of absorbing the memories when dying of the spirits in him (Links to be added)

Range: meele range



Jack Reaper is the main character of the story “The villain I have become” A story that is still under development and possibly appearing in other books as the main character or antagonist overall. The wiki name of the author is Author the false one.

Stats and profile[]

Tier: 12-C, 11-B, low 10-C, High 2-A, low 1-B

Name: Jack Reaper




Decay (can cause decay having caused his hand to slightly decay which however looked like it was a burn, Decayed a humanoid being skin), Mana sensing (He managed to sense the mana around him), Life&Death force sensing (As a dark magician he can sense the life and death force too, Sensed an archer hunderds of meters far away while running, It was stated that the life force itself is a metaphysical thing instead of a physical thing), Memory absorption (He has shown to be able to absorb memories of of a dead being by absorbing its death force), Dark arts (jack stated that dark magicians were mostly known for their necromancy but also for their curses, curses were described to be nothing more but death force, A dark magician words could actually curse someone if they are not careful) Life&Death force manipulation (Manipulated his life force to the death force to damage the werewolf inner oragns, Attacked the legs of the goblins specificly), Pain resistance (Even when his arm was ripped off he didn't scream), Weapon experience (He seems to have experience using daggers as he used it well against the goblins) Necromancy (A being stated that Jack was using necromancy and sentences later he gave it an order), Telepathy (He can give his undeads orders even with his mind alone), Reincarnation (Stated that he was ready to restart his life), Divine energy sensing (Could sense the divine energy of raco eldar), Fear inducemeant (,When he died he relesases a huge amount of death force that induces fear)


Previous abilities amplified to unknown degrees.

Life&Death manipulation(Killed the king of the fallen by manipulating his life force into death force destroying his avatar and true body had previously defeated his army also causing their bodies to crumble same with their true bodies), Body manipulation (Manipulated the avatar of the king with his body reacting to Jack movemeant)Immortality type 3,8, unlikely 9 (Regenereated his entire body piece to piece, He uses the souls that he absorbed via eating the bodies he had eaten, Regenerated his entire body only with his head, Created a mass of flesh from which Jack then crawled out regenerated,Stated even if totality itself collapsed that Jack would survive it with the being but could be just the being exegerrating), Tumor inducemeant (Can cause tumor like cells to appear making a body bulge up), Body manipulation (Jack seems to be able to manipulate ones body using the death and life force making many things happen to one, Jack caused prisoners body to get twisted and stretched he then manipulated the body of the piece of god), Memory recalling (recalled memories of his second life, had recalled his 8th life), Rust inducemeant (Caused chains to rust by manipulating life and death force) True-Godly Regeneration( Regenerated his entire body only via his head, made a new flesh arm by creating flesh there| The god of time destroyed the entire body of Jack and his soul using his divinity stating that regeneration would be impossible to regenerate with Jack however coming back even then with seemingly no issue from the way the god of knowledge narrated the fight, The attacks should erase jack leaving not even his very idea behind however but it still remaining as he continued to regenerate from them from nothing and Jack and corruption just regenerating even when existence or non-existence don't even exist, Even when everything got destroyed after the defeat of the piece of god Jack is said to have survived it and just regenerated), Flesh creation (He can create massive amount of flesh hitting targets with it), Melting inducemeant (Caused a guard to melt and become just a puddle of liquid), Divinity (stated that the power he used was that of a dark priest and that such power can only be used if a god supported one confirmed to be divinity), Energy attack arsenal (Stated that in a theoretical sense Jack could use any form of energy attack thanks to the being), Immortality type 9,5 bypassion (Has killed the invaders real body which was not something meant to happen when destroying their avatars, god of knowledge stating that the goddess of death would be killed with the same powers that she uses being death as she is the goddess of death, Has killed the goddess of death bypassing her immunity as the idea of death to not be bound by death as divinity allows such controdicting things being described as divinity that defy common sense and logic depending how a god uses it), Conceptual Manipulation (Jack is stated to be the one who will kill gods who upon their death would remove everything related to the concept of theirs, upon Jack killing the king of the fallen the concept of the fallen also got brokem which is something that seemed not normal with later that what Jack did was something only a god could do, He has killed the god of time removing time itself with this after killing the god of time he killed the other gods stating that the gods were dying and the ideas were also disappearing), Non-Corporeal bypassion ( Jack will kill the gods who are ideas which are concepts), even the disapperance of time didn't affect Jack and instead it was him moving in a different time then the mortals in the sea of life), Acausality type 1 and 2 (The destruction of Jack past had not affected Jack)Lifeless bypassion (Bypassed beings who were not bound by life by forcing life force into them which seemed forcefully made it be part of them even if their bodies would normally reject all life force, stated that he doesn't exist in the past and future too but also not in the present), Nonexistent physiologie Type 3 aspect 5 (Stated that Jack doesn't exist and wasn't meant to exist and that he isn't even existing right now but has a body like a existing being it says how Jack never had a real history but that a history when reborn would be created which however also described as a illusion as all memories are fake when he emerges but upon his death they are stated to disappear whatever memories he had with the people and everything he had done there would also disappear leaving nothing left for anyone to remember), Creation (He recreated everything that had happened in the story in a form of a book)


Life manipulation Immunity (Resisteted the manipulation of his life essence which stated was able to affect the other fallen who did not retreat their avatars back), Time Immunity (When time itself had disappeared from the sea of life Jack was left as the only one with time in him, The god of time thinking destroying time would stop Jack remarked how even the disapperance of time didn't affect Jack and instead it was him moving in a different time then the mortals in the sea of life, The god of time using his power refeered as authority shattered the past of Jack however it was called to be not enough by the god of knowledge after saying that it stated how the god of time was shocked that Jack was unaffected by the destruction of his past, Jack resisted the attacks that the god of time threw at Jack as time of Jack seemed to not be related to the time that the god of time uses, As Jack time got tangled with the time in the realm of god had also not helped the god of time in the fight stating that it would have helped with others but didn't help with Jack with the god of time later on stating how Jack has no past or future even not existing in the present speaking in a manner) Attack resistance (Jack didn't react to the piece of god attack it stated how his body was not reacting to these attacks because of how they were moving outside linear time which is why his body was not reacting to these attacks even if he felt them) Erasure Immunity (Resisted the piece of god erasure coming from nothing easily by just regenerating, Even when everything got destroyed after the defeat of the piece of god Jack is said to have survived it and just regenerated), Story manipulation immunity (Corruption resisted the manipulation of the story and Corruption essentially is part of Jack with coruption breaking the manipulation)


Attack capability: Human level (Is shown to be as strong as an average human in the story)|wall level (Damaged a werewolf that broke through a wall easily)| Small building level to small city block level (killed an invader after his resurrection with one invader even having needed the power of destroying a house and multiple acres to kill it completely)| Possible Universal+ (The fallen as how the gods called the derons are said to be dimensionless beings that could because of them being dimensionless destroy every dimension in the physical world, He killed a deron actual body bypassing their avatar)/ Low Complex Multiversal (Mortals created with dimina 6 higher dimensions and that even then these 6 dimensions could not contain the derons, They are only able to perceive higher dimensions using complex magic formular but Jack was able to kill a deron bypassing their avatars even)/Low Complex Multiversal (Jack killed a deron true body bypassing their avatars who cannot even contained by infinite dimensions and are existing outside the concept of dimensions, as ideas are nothing more but concept through the god of knowledge calling the other gods fellow ideas, with the gods not being bound by the concept of dimensions too or time as space while also not bound by the concept they are the god of)/Possible Complex Multiversal (The god of knowledge confirmed that Jack would be the one who would kill them which would include the god of creation who created the concept of fallen who are not bound by the concept of dimensions themselve and making clear they exist as the fallen only because the god of creation made the concept for them and upon the death of a god the very concept they are the god off would disapear in the concept of realm too and the sea of life which is where the story takes place making them likely be higher form of platonic concepts as the concepts in the realm of concept would cause the same thing with the gods only able to make the concepteven when destroyed work using their divinity. A god of the fallen never existed and it is stated that the god of the fallen would have controlled the concept of the fallen if their concept were to get destroyed assumingly in the realm of concepts.) Complex Multiversal- Possible High Complex Multiversal (The piece of god viewed everything as nothing but a story with it being the supreme entity with the authority of the piece of god close to what Corruption calls gods which are superior to the gods that Jack killed as they were callled false gods for Corruption with the piecce viewing Jack as mere fiction even now as the gods would not bother with him as they exist far ahead while they are viewed as fiction they are not part of the piece of god creation as it wold otherwise be beyond their idea and existence However Corruption is said by the piece to be equal to him and corruption is part of Jack)

Destructive capability: High Complex Multiversal(He has recreated everything that had happened in the story being conceptually superior to them because he is not similar to the piece of god as everything in the book actually is real but for Jack is nothing but a mere book that he has created with none of the beings even the fake piece of god there able to reach in the void he is in as the void itself is also superior to the entities all in the book)

Strength: Human level (Is shown to be as strong as an average human in the story), High Complex Multiversal (can carry the book in which everything is inside that he went through having created it all persumingly with it able to carry all of them now as he is similar to the piece of god now to them)

Speed: Human level, Likely speed of sounds (Ran a mile in just some seconds)

Durability: Human level, High Complex Multiversal (Is superior to everyone in the book that is a recreation of everything that had happened in

Intelligence: Human level, possible above average because of absorbing the memories when dying of the spirits in him (Links to be added)

Range: meele range, Likely High Complex Multiversal

Extended canon=[]