Godverse Wiki

The Cosmology of the extende canon[]

the extended canon follows this cosmology when the characters mentioned are not the characters from other people. The plot and stories all take place in this very place with Jack also following the canon of this specific cosmology and the wiki it came from.

Realm of mortal[]

The Realm of mortal or how I like to call the only freaking place that I use as I'am like the only one in the entire wiki who does like use the cosmology yea the realm of mortals is just the universe really nothing more than that most likely depending on what I put in the story of the chronicle of suffering as that is where all the mortals are having their beef and so on. As the story is being written in the chronicle of suffering this place will get more updated.

In this lower cosmology, there can be dimensions bound by these spaces, like a universe having a sub-universe which isn’t a dimension but just a universe in a universe that can be in any of the lower tiers with no problems.

For extra context when the word absolute infinity is used iit is meant to describe the idea of as a number that is bigger than any other conceivable or inconceivable quantity, either finite or transfinite numbers no matter what which was proposed by Georg Cantor a number that is essentially above all other even the inaccessible or strong inaccessible as the number was said to be thought of related to god as a thing that cannot be surpassed no matter what this is the genereal idea of what the absolute infintiy in this cosmology is meant to be.


Universes a universe is in most instances a 4-dimensional construct with the existing of space-time in them with time being the 4th dimension. The number of universes that exist follow a transfinite number that of set-theory always being below the absolute infinity(Ω) a said thing that exceeds the transfinite hierarchy of set-theory.

The number of universes use (Aleph) as to describe but the exact (aleph) is not known except that the said aleph is meant to exceed (aleph 1), (Aleph 2), (Aleph 3) and so on with the infinity always exceeding the infinity one thought to describe them. So, even if one were to travel across infinity universes and the higher infinity universes that all exist, they would never reach the end of the universes what they would need is to have a form of speed that is Ω itself to be able to move across all the universe amounts. Everything in the universe follows set-theory and its transfinite hierarchy or the Ω hierarchy.


The number of dimensions in a universe can be 4D as a normal universe; however, they can follow set-theory and have a transfinite/Ω hierarchy of dimensions. Each dimension is like its own form of realm on its own with them containing their own set of universes following the set-theory. The universe structures do use set-theory for all and everything from dimensions, size and more.  

The principle of what the universe follows is that all and everything is possible in the said universes. This is a sort of almighty rule bypassing the concepts of possibility, probability and more. This almighty rule was enforced by the great architect. The great architect is the creator of the cosmologies that the mortal follows.

Through this almighty rule even if a being is in the 0th dimension there will be not only a transfinite number of universes but each of the transfinite universes will not only be 0 dimensional ones but also universes that have 1D, 2D, 3D (aleph 1), (aleph 2), (aleph 3), following the transfinite logistic of set-theory of dimensions here and each of the universes with a different set of dimensions have their own transfinite number of themself which they themselves being unique on their own as there are the ones all the perfect copy, the ones with own law of physic, ones where the said mathematics of set-theory may not exist but are part of and beyond even universes where the space and time don’t exist but exist above universes that have a transfinite number of dimensions and see them as mere fiction with them able to have universe structures even exceeding them and viewing these structures as mere ideas that just exist as a dream or fantasy.  

These things are not even bound by the idea of concept itself even if a universe is not meant to have set-theory existing that corresponds to timelines as an example thanks to the almighty rule bypassing them all it ignores the idea of the concepts not existing in universes even universes where they are not universes themselves will exist when paradoxically they should not exist all because of the almighty rule that the great architect has created. A universe can contain things even that are bigger than them, have a higher dimension than them or entirely cosmology that would normally be beyond the universe that contains them without a doubt.


Universes will have timelines that come from them. While it depends all on the story a transfinite number or Absolute infinite of timelines will happen just the ones who have not set theory said to exist in their timeline will be unaware of it as they are in an isolated bubble from all the other timelines while existing within the other timelines.

A timeline is contained by the universe and how each universe is unique to them having any possible and impossible number and set of dimensions, concepts, amount the same goes for the timelines themself. A timeline in normal cases follow the idea of being bound by time itself however with there being every possible and impossible variable each having their own sets there will even be timelines that do not have the concept of time are beyond time entirely all contained by the universe which contains them, and the universe contained by the dimension above it.

These timelines are part of the universe they are existing from and can branch off to their own alternate timelines which are never-ending following the same set-theory as their universes. These branches will branch constantly off it will not stop even if the concepts that are fundamental laws of the universe or needed to create a timeline are missing except if a force that exceed the timeline of the dimension they are in (with the dimension not the dimensions their universe they are in have but the dimension that the universe is meant to be in for example the 0th dimension.

So, a being that exists in the 1st dimension would be able to stop the things happening in the 0th dimension) with each timeline counting as their own universe on their own and having alternate universe versions of different possibilities of even the timelines itself and can contain timelines in the timelines themself which is a cycle on its own.

As mentioned previously a dimension can be counted as a spatial dimension so something adding a new form of length, height, and distance while also able to be seen to gain a new perspective or viewing dimensions not as things to add new metric of measurements but instead as realms on their own. It all depends on the very universe of course but as the law tends to do all there are things that can happen.

With the dimensions able to count as their own realm or “constructs” containing said universes no matter how superior the universes they contain are. Dimensions are products of space and reality but even when beings that the dimensions hold are ascending beyond the concept of dimensions or reality, they remain stuck at the dimension they are in because of the higher dimensions being so much more complex and unable to get beaten by the lower ones this is part of the second almighty law.

Alternate universes[]

There are then the alternate universes. These alternate universes unlike the timelines are not contained in the inside of the universe instead are branching of from the universe itself they follow the same set theory or are Ω and hierarchy like everything else.

The alternate universes of course can have a transfinite or Ω near perfect copies of one another with no major changes but as said through the almighty rule these alternate universes that branch of from the main universe will be vastly different thanks to the possibilities of all and everything even when said things should not apply anymore. The alternate universe of the universe itself are branching outside of it but the timelines with count on their own as universes too so they have alternate universes branching off from the timelines that are however contained in the universe.

The alternate universes in the universes contained unlike the ones outside are forever inferior to the ones outside as the very universe that contains them all is above the things it contains no matter how big the said thing is. This counts the same for all alternate universes with the alternate universes when branching off from the main universe like every other one. With the dimensions right on their track and working on the alternate one the same as how it would at a normal universe the dimensions are not the same as the one from the main universe every dimension in every universe even if alternate is their own set of dimensions.

The possibilities[]

There is the constant mentioning of all possibilities but what is meant exactly with this? Regarding the possibilities instead of thinking of a simple infinite or Ω stuff that are always slightly more different they can be completely different containing their own form of hierarchy or even set of story not following the one from the universe itself. Each story written in this place have with this a 100% garantie to appear within the universe if it doesn't exceed the nexus the story when a part of a story exceeds the nexus it would not be part of these possible universes.

Because of all these possibilities is why every universe, dimension generally all of these can have every possible outcome and possible version of each and every story that is to be written in this place meaning if one story mentions something or has been written there are countless other possible varies already of the same thing across the dimensions and its barriers branching off and beyond.

Dimensional layer[]

There are, however, things exceeding the dimensions which are the dimensional layers. A dimensional layer on their own are not meant to be bound by the concept of space and time to their entirety they are outside the concept of space and time also outside the concept of dimensions, and such contain every said dimension and the universe each dimension can contain.

These dimensional layers are one of the 3 barriers that exist in the universe structure a dimensional layer is contained by another dimensional layer these following the same transfinite hierarchy of set-theory being greater than the previous one and there being a number of infinities that are countable, uncountable, never ending no matter what being an absolute infinite amount of them.

These dimensional layers do not have variants that have space or time neither of them, as they are not things not meant to be affected by the almighty rule but hinderance towards others to be stuck at the place they are in. These dimensional layers are however the weakest of the three barriers that exist even than bypassing them all is already near impossible. The dimensional layers are their own set of hierarchical structures on their own with each dimensional layer containing a far greater form of the things that the layer below them contains this hierarchy is also part of the set-theory and the third almighty law. As this is part of the 3 barrier it is also seen as its own structure even.


With there being dimensional layers there are the normal layers all of it can be seen as their own form of things the dimensional layers are the furniture's of a house containing all the things in them with that being the dimensions and what they contain, and the layers are the rooms. These layers are exceeding the things that the dimensional layers could ever be.  

If the things at dimensional layers viewed the lower dimensional layers as mere dreams or thoughts the ones in higher layers would view them the same way even if the layer contains them for the ones who exist at the layers. The second barrier as it is referred to the hierarchy of the layers are more unique as when one goes beyond the layer, they it is not only like its own unique structure the structure when one wants to go beyond the layer itself there is a gate to indicate that through there they can try to reach the next layer which however is inaccessible by the ones below.

A layer exceeds certain concepts on its own like the concept of boundary and distance even though it is missing the two concepts like these there is still no way from to go to the higher layers of this hierarchy it is a paradoxical thing nothing more things that are missing and should allow beings to reach higher levels of the hierarchy but through the almighty rules are blocked from achieving that. That is not the only thing of the layer, the layer is just that the idea of a barrier a boundary that is not meant to be bypassed which makes it more paradoxical.


The final barrier of the 3 the narrative the narrative is the very idea, the plot, the story of all the things it contains. The narrative layer hierarchy shows the truth of it all with everything being just a thought in a thought going endlessly or that is an awareness that happens when a being bypasses a narrative layer. The endless narrative layers of narrative each viewing the ones below as stories inside of fiction and nothing more the higher narratives actually see the ones below them as mere fiction one can find books, movies, stories of all the things below the narratives is what the higher ones view them as.

Which is why a being of higher narratives is feared the most throughout cosmology. Through them viewing all the things below them as fiction and nothing more, any higher narrative entity would be shown what it would be like if an all-powerful entity were to come down to them.

These narratives are not something only in the universe structure the entire cosmology is just existing in narratives that are not even part of the platonic concept of narrative. There are with this not only higher narrative and lower narrative containing universes or other cosmological structures with their higher and lower there being said higher narratives of the entire cosmological structure all together with it following the same laws as it was explained multiple times already.

The hierarchy[]

The hierarchy as mentioned in the universe structure exists across the cosmology structures while the platonic idea of hierarchy does exist it is not fundamentally needed. The great architect as it created the cosmology made it so that the hierarchy each structure has and follows is not bounded by the concept of hierarchy all together instead the intention of the hierarchy is to separate all and everything the ones below with the ones above.  

There is always a form of hierarchy with it being like the nature of the place here. Each time a being that ranks higher in the hierarchy will view the ones below as mere ideas as that is the fundamental way it all works. The higher beings are the things that decide if one shall exist or not. The being above is the dreamer, the creator, the author of the ones below even if they do not actively know it or think of it these things do not require active thinking for the ones to “exist.”

All of this is just a hierarchy of fiction on top of greater fiction is a way to describe this thing that is happening the concepts are not needed even if the being is not bound by the concepts of dream, mind, fantasy or things like that it most certainly still think of there being things below it as these type of beings are just doing what other’s would do just something in a meaningless place.

Now let us go in depth of how each hierarchy works.

The hierarchy of universes there are universes stacked on top of one another with the dimensions being what makes sure that these higher universes do not destroy the universes below them. These higher universes are just that their own universe with the higher ones seeing the ones below always something that never existed to begin with which is why a being no matter which hierarchy cannot go to the higher one without another higher one helping the lower one.

That is however also not simple for an example how it works if A is in the 4th layer and B in the 5th layer B cannot put A in the 5th layer as 5th sees 4th as something that only exist as B says A exist however C who exist in the 6th layer can put A in the 5th layer but not in the 6th layer with it.

This is how the layer works and how one can achieve something there now the ones in the Ω the end of the transfinite hierarchy exist in the very top and the way one can get to that hierarchy it needs the help of the ones existing above the universal structure all together as the ones who are above the universal structure see the structure as their own fantasy and play thing where they can do whatever they want.

There are then the dimensions these dimensions as mentioned act as a form of barrier however contains the universes in them there are the positive dimensions and negative dimensions existing. The negative dimensions are different than the positive ones, with their dimensions working in different ways.

These dimensions can have their own settings and themes in these transfinite number of the hierarchy they are in. A being when going through dimensions if a form of ability given by higher entity would see that the barriers are not accessible the barrier would always be further away than the being approaching it even if the thing like distance is gone entirely, they are not meant to be reached and will not get reached.

The dimensional layers in there are different as said they can be seen as their own structures at this point. Each dimensional layer contains transfinite dimensions with each higher one having a higher transfinite number of all the things they contain. A being would always be required to go through all the things the dimensional layer contains to reach the first barrier of the true universe containing them. A way to imagine is an endless staircase to get to the floor you need to climb the stairs with the dimensions being the stairs and the dimensional layer the staircase.

Layers on the contrary are just their own structures and do not have any theme at all they are what can be said the entire building itself with the only exit being to go beyond the transfinite dimensional layers entirely to exit one building. The Layers are not unique just pure barriers they are not transparent looking but much denser and thicker where one cannot see through at all.

Then the layers of narrative can be said to be the architects, the ones who build the entire building but can also destroy the entire building just like they made it. If one to get out of the building had to go up every stair than to meet the architect, they must go through every building to even reach one of the narrative layers. Which only continues there is just no end to it all.  

The hierarchy is endless with the thing that can be thought of an end being Ω.

The Extended Realms[]

This place is where locations that exist beyond the universes are. Now they are less likely put in the story of the chronicle of suffering but will more likely appear in like oc short stories but not novel lenght stories of course all depending on really

The Great Machine[]

The great machine is a structure above all the universes even if somehow all the universes that exist in every barrier were to be stacked upon one another, they could never reach this structure with any number of universes this structure is just that unreachable for them all. The great machine has no geological structures or anything like that all the things like cities, mountains and landscape are artificial made by the beings that came to this cosmological structure from either below as they were allowed to or from the ones existing even higher than the great machine with the avatars having gone to that structure for their own reason.  

The great machine's main feature is not only above all the universes and all the things they hold in them but also that it represents something unlike the universes themselves. The great machine represents the cycle of the birth of everything and the death of everything a cycle in simpler term the cycle of creation and life. They are the machines that create the universes and all that they contain not only creating the universes but also the barriers that they have and the beings existing in the great machine being the creatores themselve as without the beings nothing in the great machine would create as they are what make things be created in the great machine not the machine itself but the beings. As things are then created they can see how these very universes disappear from the great machine as they cannot exist in the great machine through it being a structure that no matter what no unvierse can exist for this structure the idea of the universes doesn't exist for them.

With the great machine existing above all the layers and barriers of the universes the great machine is said to be their “totality”. In the great machine as mentioned before are a lot of artificially made things as the only natural thing existing in the great machine are the pillars. Pillars have the shape of a rectangle which is only 10cm long and wide these pillars have dimensions enforced on them which is why they have measuremeants. The amount of them is uncountable and indescribable and each of them hold all the universes each and one of the pillars hold these never-ending number of universes with their never ending layers but each pillar have a higher never ending.  

The great machine has layers, and the layers act the same but the difference here now there is no new great machine there is only one great machine which is always the same across all the layers but in each higher layer there are a higher never-ending number of pillars and the “universes” in them with the layers they have. There is another special thing about the great machine, not only that it represents the cycle of creation/life but that it exists outside many concepts and with many it truly does exist outside many.  

In said to be exact the great machine and all the higher structures are not bound by any true concept as what they truly do is “represent” things. However, to really say the great machine does only represent the said cycle so all the other concepts would be none existing the reason however why the great machine and all the higher structures have any other concept affect them is because of the great designer. The great designer while having created each and one of them in that way his force is across all its creations and forcing its will upon them all and such these structures which were not meant to be bounded by anything when left alone abut re bounded by their own creator.  

However just because mathematics are lacking and so the numbers do not mean there can be "two" of something or an "absolute infinity" of something as concept of quanity and such still exist so in the end while numbers do not exist there is still the so called stated number of layers or narrative layers mentioned as long as there can be a different amount of quanity of something wouldn't stop there being a "number" of layers. As one may state here there is only 1 apple but if a different being states there being 2 the 1 apple can become 2 apples as the concept of mathematics and numerals do not apply.

The concepts that the great designer made the great machine unbound from are the concepts of space&time, Probability, logic&illogical, and location&destination the things related mathematics and numerals even. With space and time non existing no dimensional layers are there, probability being gone there are no alternate realities or anything like that in the great machine that naturally exists.  

Now the first thing how does the great machine possess layers when it is already unbound by the numeralics and mathematics there could not be possible number of layers this is going back to the almigty rules everything is in a hierarchy and there will be always things above one another so even if the concept of mathematic is none existing here meaning there is essentially no number of layers the layers themselve continue to exist with the number just unable to be explained as there is no numbers existing to begin

To explain it simpler, being A that is from the 4th layer cannot destroy the pillars that are also from the 4th layer however their avatars could destroy the same kind of pillar that is in the 3rd layer or any other ones below. So, none of the pillars do not contain even any universes because here in the great machine universes are mere fictional, non-existing describe it however you want but in the end the in the great machine no universes all of them no matter what are for them never been there (will be better explained in certain ocs story)  

Vacuus Deorum[]

This place, if it can be called a place, is more like a void a void that is empty by all means. This void has nothing in it naturally at least. Beings in this place can manipulate it to their will while the layers the never-ending amount can still not be manipulated the rest can, however. When inside this void you are like that of a god able to manipulate things with your very mind and the one with the greater mind and can utilize more of the power that is inside this void.  

This very void uses two of the barriers the layer and narrative the very things remaining at this point of what can be used at the structures above Vacuus Deorum as their Ω. With the void and starting all the next structures have  “Ω” layers and narrative layers.

This void of mind that is, is even though beings fight with their mind it is also a place where they can relax. In this place just like before concepts are disappearing things like the cycle of birth and death do not exist meaning nothing is destined to be born or to die anymore while life and death still exist the cycle does not exist in that void.  

This very void exists outside every mathematical concept l things with it too. So absolute infinity, layers all these are just beings trying to somehow explain what is happening or the amount that is there. Not only that, but the concept of physics does also not even exist in this void.  

As mentioned, before here beings can use their mind to manipulate the very void. Like a dream it could be said to how the things here could get manipulated by the beings' thoughts. However, there are no secrets from one another. They may use their voice. However, at the same time their thoughts will always leak out they would need to always block it while being aware of it to stop the leaking of their thoughts, so others don’t see it.

This very void the beings are the bringer of thoughts of what the great machine is. The concept of the great machine and its entirerity that is what the beings here give birth to one can describe. The beings thoughts are why the concepts all below them even exist to begin with.

Cubes of existence[]

TThe cubes of existence are a never-ending number of cubes representing all of existence themself. They contain the vacuus deorum and what it contains these cubes contain and infinite amounts of them with each and one of them being a different kind. This isn’t them holding alternate realities or such as these concepts do not exist anymore it is more of them holding alternate versions of all of them not realities or so but complete alternate versions of the stories and narratives that they hold in them.

The cubes represent all of existence but also the non-existing so the metaphysical things that are deemed as Non existing or even mythological beings and pataphysics the things existing beyond the metaphysical space. The cubes represent all these things themself and not simple existence. The reason why they got this name is because existence is a brought term and these concepts are words that exist, and the beings wanted a simple name for these cubes.

The cubes cannot be broken from the inside meaning all beings are trapped in the cubes which is a good thing for all the beings in the cubes and all they contain. The cubes are surrounded by a thing that is referred to as a simple thing called the unknown void. The void, unlike the other properties, is extremely dangerous for many beings if they are not used to not having certain things and beings are certain that it is a void and the destruction of the cube of existence surface has led to many catastrophes that destroyed the cubes entire inside without any of them able to defend themselves against the invaders.

The cube of existence is outside the concepts of the likes of Geometrical structures and geometry itself, science and philosophical concepts too. Things that in the two structures below would been actual things existing and possible here now all just gone nonexistent. A entity in this place is the holder of the existence and non-existence of what the void of thought is to begin with. If the beings were not bothering then the entire existence of the void of thoughts and what they themselve do would not be possible and all crumble down.

The Unknown Void[]

The unknown void is, as the name may suggest, an actual void as it represents the concept of void and the unknown. These two concepts and the void itself are the steppingstone for the following structures and the path to reach the realm of gods. Starting here no concepts exist, instead beings' belief there are concepts or to be more exact concepts are enforced that do not even exist anymore. The concepts that are not enforced in this void are the concepts of fate,destiny,myths,legends,history,origin and all other concepts that are important for existing, for example codes that game beings need and more such ones. All the other concepts are included of course excluding the other concepts that are also gone already in the other cosmological structures or that were always gone.

This unknown void is never ending, there being nothing at all and when something is there that is made artificially which means that someone else creates the things in there. The unknown void is inhabitant with entities capable of ripping through all the beings that dare to come close to them. These inhabitants are so powerful that they are avoided by all beings who even go in the void there is rarely anybody who even challenges them as this is often a suicidal try to do so.

In this unknown void there is something interesting to say the least. Bubbles that are correct this unknown void contains bubbles, but these bubbles are not just any normal bubbles these bubbles are narratives. Endless bubbles of narratives that never end and are always there.

The inhabitants of the void are guardians of these narrative bubbles. They will roam around the void, they will be everywhere, and nowhere watching everyone that enters this place. These inhabitants are part of the void itself which makes them omnipresent in the void across all layers that exist and are enforced in the void with them capable through that the almighty rules that are set in the layers as they are part of the void itself.

This void is also something used by one of the powerful entities who are known as “creators” simply these creators or better said the creator of evil known as CoE is one of the more well-known creators that there is. However, all the creators do not exist in the realm of mortals neither do they truly “exist” as we would describe it. They exist in a “realm” that was made by Natasha who is seen as the creator of the creators themself. While Natasha is referred to as a she and like all her creations she possesses no gender or anything like that those are just attributes that the avatars from them all use and are associated with.

Creators use the void often throwing other beings in there and watching them get slaughtered by the beast of the void these beasts that are there seem to be loyal to the creators and listen to all their orders and creators will strengthen these beasts if needed to make sure that they can slaughter all opponents to matter how strong they are if the creators desire to do so. CoE is the one using the void the most often. He always throws beings in it that are traitors making them all get slaughtered by the beasts in the most brutal way.

The unknown void with it housing the narratives bubble itself all the narratives there is no more narrative above it there is just no such things anymore. All the narratives are in the unknown void and stay there forever. The reason they are staying there is not known on the page itself. It does not say it just that they will be in this void alone and alone there only.

In this place the beings do not do anything as everything falls into oblivion except the narrative balls.

Higher verse[]

The throne of Deus a structure created by the creator of gods or also called CoG. This structure was not part of the great designer part but when the creator came having a discussion with the great designer the great designer agreed upon letting the creator of gods the creator than made this realm appear which represents divinity and godhood with all beings who come in this realm reaching a form of godhood and gaining divinity. A being reaches a new layer depending on the divinity amount that they can accumulate in this realm of the creator. The divinity is also the main way to kill the other beings as using the divinity is much faster and allows beings to grow faster in divinity while really the divinity count does not matter as the creator of gods decides when a being shall go to a higher layer and shall not go to one.

As mentioned, this place represents the divinity and godhood of all. Making these two things easily accessible in this realm of the creator unlike all other places with this divinity and god-like powers and status they are the main entities who are often mistaken for the “gods” of the verse and cosmology this place with starting here they exist outside all narratives and stories making them also 4th wall aware through reaching this place. Their existence outside of narratives and stories makes them there truly only a “singular” of them not any different variants in different stories or narratives there. The layers are just mere decorations there to indicate when a being is stronger than the ones below. However, with them being mere decorations, they are not much value anymore to anyone or anything anymore.

The creator of gods who is the all-powerful entity in his own realm will when he feels like it makes some beings his direct apostles granting them immense powers or his warriors, they will be mostly the warriors of the lower cosmology however some may get him to also make him that he makes one of them a warrior of the place where the gods like him all resign. The creator of gods has a sadistic nature in his own realm making sure that all the beings in his realm will follow the rules that he may enforce in his realm to make the life of the others all hard,

The Cylinder of Transcendence[]

The cylinder of transcendence represents all of it all. There are structures in this structure, however all of them were made by other beings not by the great designer who created this structure. If geometrical concepts had still existed, they would been described as looking like a cylinder. When entering it the beings will feel immense energy inside this structure and the power to transcend this transcend and how often a being does it all depends on how they utilize the “energy” that is inside this “cylinder.” The layers here are easily bypass able as there is no need for the help of higher beings this is truly only a place meant for beings to transcend and nothing more.

The creator of transcendence or CoT called had created this place to make beings not be dependent on higher entities and instead grow in actual power by using the transcending “energy” that was within the cylinder and make it to clever use to theirs and go beyond these layers. The great designer said to be the one having created this was not the actual creator of this realm just like the higher verse these two places were things not things that were created by this very designer.

This structure is beyond the many concepts of all energy related concepts and all types of energy while also being outside the concept of divinity.

Wrath Fragments[]

Wrath fragments are like it says actual fragments these fragments are remints of the past reboots and past cosmologies that were before the current one. The reason them being well it is not known why they have this name however the name wrath it is thought to indicate of them having been replaced by always a newer one and them being removed from making present beings unable to go back to the past cosmologies and beings a barrier that is made to make the newer ones never entangle with the old ones.

They are like the very embodiments of wrath itself they are the gate ways to the next structure the only one they are existing in a near conceptual unbounded place with the concepts still existing wrath, emotions, mind, thinking and some others but most others like strength, speed, hope, meanings.... all are just gone all gone and nothing more. Beings may feel all powerful here they may feel all powerful in this place they are in.

There is no layer or anything anymore truly nothing a singular thing and that is it a singular writing no what if well there had never been any anymore, but beings do not have anything to do here so no one can die, no one can grow stronger no nothing they can or may use avatars to go in the well if they imagine the fictional structures they can explore them all as they want to or go in this wrath fragment to reach the next structure.

Going in the fragment a being will have regret only. The fragments exist there as beings who made the reboots happen placed them there and made them more powerful even though the being going in there has all concepts removed on it the being will suddenly feel pain, despair, agony no reason there was no way to explain for the being even if they tried to know all and everything the higher beings are forcing it on. The being body which there does just not is there, but it feels like it is getting ripped apart being destroyed and more things that should be impossible to feel like will be felt there happening when it should not have happened and never would have happened. These fragments go above one another so basically “transcending” when the concept of transcendence does not exist anymore being and always going above one another. Nobody can know how long it takes for one when entering the fragment and reach the next structure. They cannot know it because the wrath fragments themselves are things above any being that enters them for the first time to go the next layer.

They are above them all which is why when a being enters, they will become part of “something” that something is not known by anyone except by the beings that are at the last “structure” that exist in the realm of mortal they only know what this “something” is and what beings become. The total count of wrath fragments is not known as in the place they are in is seemingly boundless and the “amount” there is can range with no one able to know the exact number.

Plane of Stories[]

The plane of stories as it is called is different this place is more of a relaxing place than anything more as here beings start to not kill, fight, or commit deeds called evil as the realization that nothing matters hits them all. No one will die here, no one can die, and no new thing will be born destruction, restoration all other concepts are nothing but mere fiction that is the realized in this place. This is not a plane as this concept does not exist anymore. This place is just where all beings can watch all narratives and stories that exist, being written, do not exist yet and all these. Watching fictional stories being written in the plots and narratives that their avatars could only enter.

This place has structures causing quite literally paradoxical things from their shape and form and them even being there as they are naturally occurring thing which of course defies everything below as this is becoming even closer to boundlessness and all concepts are now truly gone with only a few lefts. Also, the concept of all emotion related ones is gone in this place. There were no emotions anymore so fights, love, happiness, all these were just not there anymore in this place.

As, in the end why do the beings watch the stories, the narratives all these things when they did not matter anymore there was no concept of narrative long already time was not there neither any fate related things existence and non-existence all the other concepts and more leaving few concepts behind where the beings have merely a mind and can still think there.... was not much else the meaningless the thing all meant how meaningless everything was that is a realization that the beings already knew the meaning well if there was even any meaning as there was none. This was all to say about this “place” before the oc’s and creations of the creators start to go to the last place to reach one final place before it all it would be described as a gate to lead to the next and final “location” that is just there in the realm of mortals the last end that this so-called gate would lead a place where actual gods are made but are not gods at the same time as the concept was no more.

A Gate?[]

Was it a gate or not there was no way to honestly say for some it looked like a gate for others a door and for others just a mere stone there was no true thing that it was all it was known that it was leading beings to the final place this gate is also in the plane of stories making this thing lead to the next thing the thing that will make them become the gods that they are meant to be but would never be in the lower cosmology the realm of mortals as there is weakness only in that place with the oc’s there going to reach it soon.

The gate will not destroy any being who tries entering it just that a gate even if the concept of gate,location none exist anymore but it does not matter anymore what is possible and what is not when in the end all of this is only a tool to climb this cosmology to make the ones who are written to be strong to become stronger. Paradoxes are meaningless, contradictions all these are in the past all there is if the being made enters the gate or not that is all that matters by this point only.

The glorified gate seen as important or said to be important by the beings is nothing but a steppingstone the steppingstone to become more powerful than even now reaching heights that no-one would be able to reach and reaching the next place on their own with a single decision they can make to reach it what is there to not choose to reach the godhood that all and everyone dream off and when the creation of yours can also reach it when you make them go in it.

Boundlessness (WIP)[]

Boundlessness is the thing that it got called what this place is that is not limited by anything anymore. Nothing limits here all limitations are removed this place is the purest “state” that is there in the entire lower cosmology all mortals if they were to reach this place are in the godhood the nigh omnipotence that they can go and continue to grow more as the ones who are beyond the realm of mortals allow them to be even more powerful than the other beings. The boundlessness of this place is above all structures there is no structure above it that has any concept neither any higher boundlessness that is the highest boundlessness of the realm of mortal there could be lower boundlessness below this place however they are all irrelevant and these lower ones are things that only beings who reach the highest boundlessness would know if there were any irrelevant lower boundlessness.

The boundlessness of the final place is above the nexus. While the nexus exists inside this boundlessness it is below the boundlessness and the reason beings however need to go beyond the boundlessness, they are in is because the nexus is still empowering them to the degree they are in and when they are allowed to be beyond the nexus and beat the final boss protecting the nexus and with that destroy the nexus they have one less limitation and are closer to the nigh-omnipotence of having only fiction as their limitation.

All beings who enter this place become utterly boundless but not true boundless as such thing does not exist in the fictional world. The beings are first limited by the nexus and beyond that they are limited by the beings that are even above them. Beings in this area are virtually omnipotent above all the things below them not the cosmology however all the tiering all together. They are above them all as they are at the final place of all the things below unbound by all, all fictional the things below entirely and always been the alpha and the omega, beginning and the end, the all-powerful ones they can be named whatever a being wants to call them like it can be said to be accurate and it will remain accurate as they are beyond the boundless and such.


The nexus, the object known as the nexus, is the final thing that exists in the cosmology on its own. The nexus is the absolute totality of the entire cosmology and that even exists in the cosmology to begin with. The nexus is what could be called the primordial force of all, the beginning, the end the alpha and the omega or the omnipotent structure if that was true.

The nexus is everything that exist in the cosmology, at the same time above them all and existing outside them all. It is three things at the same time paradoxically but something like a paradox does not affect the nexus who gave the meaning of paradox itself. The nexus was created by the ones above it as the thing to be totality of it all.

The nexus is not stuck in a hierarchy across all narratives, it will be always the same nexus. The nexus is an eternal structure only destroyable by the ones above it. Towards the cosmology itself the nexus is omnipotent it is the almighty of all beyond everything that is there no matter what.

However that is only for the things that it contains, that are inside of it, that are limited by it as when a thing is above it the nexus is all powerless against them and is a measly structure to be destroyed whenever it is wished for.

The nexus that represents it all and is beyond all is at the boundlessness itself being the absolute infinite all across narratives and stories with a guardian protecting it which is just to be another hinderance towards the beings as either way they can only bypass the nexus when a being above the nexus itself allows them and makes them strong enough to defeat the guardian and destroy the nexus.


-Why is everything meaningless? The reason for it is because all is just a greater fiction a fiction is just that fiction inside fiction and more fiction of narratives and no narratives all of that is why it is in the end meaningless the reason many oc’s climb the cosmology is because they do not realize the truth that this it is a truth that is to be explored as with this truth they would be only limited by the nexus alone like a nigh-omnipotent being should be.

-With all and everything just being fiction of more fiction it all can be just changed and be decided upon how it all shall be. Which is why there is no such thing as inconsistency. There can be none if it’s all just fiction of another fiction there is nothing but fiction among the fiction. The cosmology can be universal or above all others in the mere story of another creation there is no, no to anything but only what the story can contain.

-The cosmology scaling cannot be truthfully done or scaled as it is hiding things that is not told in the cosmology or when told it is not said anymore further to it. Most things are rather said in the oc’s story written by the creator of the wiki which makes it frustrating to do so as each oc can have a different cosmology entirely and the scaling of it. Inconsistency when the inconsistencies cannot even be used to debunk the scaling as all of it is possible to happen.

Higher cosmology[]


Additional info[]

Higher and lower things[]

What is meant with higher and lower things here? A higher and lower thing is a thing set in a form of hierarchy that something can be in. Now each higher thing views the one below as a mere idea, fiction or however one may want to call it that is however not something that is often same as others. This higher things viewing lower ones as ideas or what may one call it is more in a litreal sense. Every higher being is beyond everything of the being below its concepts, the logical or illogical foundation it works on they are not accessible because of it too. Essentially every higher being is more "real" than the one below them which is why they are always beyond the foundation and concept of the structure below more context will or has been given in other stories that exist in the wiki.

Higher structures perspective to lower one[]

Each higher structure are automatically above the logical foundation of the structure below them with structure here are meant like the universes that exist in each of the barriers or dimensions as while in a hierarchy each of them are their own unique structure whie also like The great machine, the void of thought, plalne of stories all these. These structures are above the foundation of the structure below entirerity it isn't that the structure is viwed as fiction or how higher beings/entities view lower ones it is that they leave the logical/illogical foundation of the structure and the structure essentially is with this begone from the higher structure. When a structure mentions "containing" a said structure it does not actually contain them as they are all empty all the beings know of the structure below because of how being beyond concepts work however the structure itself can never exist in the higher structure naturally it would be needed to been created by a being there so these lower structure with their inferior foundation of logic/illogical workins and their very own concept can be in the structure above. More info shall be provided in stories so the context here is understood better.

Beyond/transcend concepts[]

With transcending and beyond concepts are meant the ones in the structures not the ones that characters or other pages may use. Each structure except for universes are naturally beyond certain concepts and with them being beyond a concept any being that enters them or was "born" in them automatically also loses all of these concepts. While these concepts are all gone and each structure above universe has less and less concepts the beings can essentially use these now gone concepts how they like they know how these concept work immediately as if they always knew how it works. Example being in the great machine as the great machine is beyond mathematical theories and numeralic a being of the great machine when seeing a apple could decide the number of apples as the idea of "one" apple does not apply anymore. Anyone when seeing the apple could describe there being "one" apple the quanity of things do not change however the idea of "one", "two", "three" are just things that individual beings decide by now as one can make this "one" apple be actually infinite apples or a apple that has negative numbers one may say the number of apples are that of absolute infinity a number suggested by Georg Cantor a number that is bigger than any other number it is put against always being just bigger no matter what.

That is just one example how the "beyond concept" of higher structures work with later stories going to explain them more in depth to how they work.

How not there but able to enter it?[]

Now the idea of something being "fiction" is there however there is then how can one enter the fiction or the idea when they are not things that exist to begin with. As in essencec all lower things exist because of the thing above. The 1st dimension exists because of the 2nd dimension and that exist because of the 3rd dimension however the 3rd dimension for it the 2nd and 1st dimensions are not actually real it may define them as the 2nd and 1st dimension however if it were to travel to there it should not even exist there so how can it exist if it leaves its higher dimensional existence to be part of the lower one? Because the other beings that are still there their "ideas" are still at the ones below "existing" not truly existing but now for the being that descendant to the 2nd dimensions it is real and exist when they really don't.

With this in a sense anything and everything that is really sentient or "sentient" how one may want to define the word sentient they all create the things below them even if not consciously with this it can be said that they all are the "creators" of some sort of another and why also no lower thing can actually ascend to an higher thing because they do not actually exist and need the help of a 4th dimensional being to make them be in the 3rd dimension.

more context shall be provided in stories or had been provided