The following is a comprehensive overview of the hierarchical system which this wiki utilizes in order to properly categorize and index fictional characters and entities based on the scale of their feats, and the varying scopes which they can affect or create/destroy. However, it should always be kept in mind that, while Destructive Capacity and Area of Effect are some of the primary ways to qualify for a particular tier, they are not the only ones. For instance, harming a character with a certain level of durability also allows another character to qualify for the corresponding tier.
Furthermore, it should be noted that characters from a higher tier are not necessarily invincible to entities of lower tiers, as certain powers and abilities can potentially bypass the difference in strength entirely, allowing the latter to contend with, or overpower such characters.
It is also important to know that the difference between the lowest and highest bounds of a given tier is extremely variable and can be absolutely massive in scale. Hence, being far stronger than a character that belongs to a certain tier does not necessarily qualify one for a higher rating.
The Scale[]
Tier 10: Human[]
10-C: Below Average Human level[]
Characters whose capabilities are lesser than the average (adult) human, such as small children or infirm people, as well as smaller animals.
10-B: Human level[]
Characters whose capabilities are comparable to that of regular humans, such as teenagers or unathletic adults.
10-A: Athlete level[]
Characters whose capabilities are comparable to athletic humans, such as trained fighters or generally physically fit individuals.
Tier 9: Superhuman[]
9-C: Street level[]
Characters who stand at the threshold of human strength and capabilities, represented by Olympic level athletes or rigorously trained martial artists, as well as larger animals.
It is important to note that, despite being named "Street level", this tier has nothing to do with actually affecting an entire street, with the name being more of a reference to street fighters as portrayed in martial arts movies and the like.
9-B: Wall level[]
Characters who can destroy or significantly damage extremely resistant materials such as stone, metal or steel, as well as similarly resistant parts of constructions such as structural boulders and walls.
9-A: Small Building level[]
Characters capable of destroying rooms or entire small constructions such as houses or more modest buildings.
Tier 8: Urban[]
8-C: Building level[]
Characters who can destroy medium-sized buildings and constructions, such as large factories or large complexes such as supermarkets.
High 8-C: Large Building level[]
Characters who can destroy large buildings such as skyscrapers.
8-B: City Block level[]
Characters who can destroy urban city blocks or equivalent areas of space.
8-A: Multi-City Block level[]
Characters who can destroy multiple urban city blocks or equivalent areas of space.
Tier 7: Nuclear[]
Low 7-C: Small Town level[]
Characters who can destroy a small town or settlement or those who can easily harm characters with small town level durability.
7-C: Town level[]
Characters who can destroy a town or those who can easily harm characters with town-level durability.
High 7-C: Large Town level[]
Characters who can destroy a large town, or those who can easily harm characters with large town level durability.
Low 7-B: Small City level[]
Characters who can destroy a small city or those who can easily harm characters with small city level durability.
7-B: City level[]
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a city or those who can easily harm characters with city-level durability.
7-A: Mountain level[]
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with mountain-level durability.
High 7-A: Large Mountain level[]
Characters who can destroy a large mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with large mountain level durability.
Tier 6: Tectonic[]
6-C: Island level[]
Characters/Weapons who can destroy an island or those who can easily harm characters with island-level durability.
High 6-C: Large Island level[]
Characters who can destroy a large island or those who can easily harm characters with large island level durability.
Low 6-B: Small Country level[]
Characters who can destroy a small country, or those who can easily harm characters with small country level durability.
6-B: Country level[]
Characters who can destroy a country, or those who can easily harm characters with country-level durability.
High 6-B: Large Country level[]
Characters who can destroy a large country, or those who can easily harm characters with large country level durability.
6-A: Continent level[]
Characters who can destroy a continent or those who can easily harm characters with continent-level durability.
High 6-A: Multi-Continent level[]
Characters who can destroy multiple continents or those who can easily harm characters with multi-continent level durability.
Tier 5: Planetary[]
5-C: Moon level[]
Characters who can destroy a moon, or an astrological object of similar proportion.
Low 5-B: Small Planet level[]
Characters who can destroy a small planet or those who can easily harm characters with small planet level durability.
5-B: Planet level[]
Characters who can create/destroy a planet.
5-A: Large Planet level[]
Characters who can create/destroy large gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn.
High 5-A: Dwarf Star level[]
Characters who can create/destroy very small stars.
Tier 4: Stellar[]
Low 4-C: Small Star level[]
Characters who can create/destroy small stars.
4-C: Star level[]
Characters who can create/destroy a star.
High 4-C: Large Star level[]
Characters who can create/destroy a large star.
4-B: Solar System level[]
Characters who can create/destroy a solar system.
4-A: Multi-Solar System level[]
Characters who can create/destroy multiple solar systems.
Tier 3: Cosmic[]
This tier is broken into the following sub-tiers:
3-C: Galaxy level[]
Characters capable of creating and/or destroying a galaxy, when the space between celestial bodies is taken into account, as opposed to merely the matter encompassed by them.
3-B: Multi-Galaxy level[]
Characters capable of creating and/or destroy multiple galaxies when the space between celestial objects is taken into account as well.
3-A: Universe level[]
Characters who can destroy/create all celestial bodies within a volume equal to the observable universe or any higher finite number via an omnidirectional explosion, alternately significantly affect, which does not involve the destruction and/or creation of space-time.
High 3-A: High Universe level[]
Characters who can affect an infinite 3-D area or when not accounting for any higher dimensions or time, or more generally any realm of comparable size. Being “infinitely” stronger than this level, unless uncountably so, does not qualify for any higher tier.
Tier 2: Multiversal[]
Low 2-C: Universe level+[]
Characters who are capable of significantly affecting, creating and/or destroying an area larger than an infinite 3D space. Commonly known as 4D space-time continuums of a universal scale.
2-C: Low Multiverse level[]
Characters who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy any separate space-time continuum from a few several to a thousand.
2-B: Multiverse level[]
Characters who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy any separate space-time continuum from 1001 to any higher finite amount of separate space-time continuums.
2-A: Multiverse level+[]
Characters who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy a countably infinite number of separate space-time continuums.
High 2-A: High Multiverse level+[]
Characters who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy 5-dimensional spaces to a greater degree than Multiverse level+.
Tier 1: Extradimensional[]
Characters who can significantly affect spaces of greater sizes than 4D, usually represented in fiction by higher levels or states of existence which trivialize everything below them into insignificance, normally by perceiving them as akin to fictional constructs or something infinitesimal.
1-C: Complex Multiverse level[]
These are 6-11-dimensional characters. Even 6-dimensional characters can easily destroy a more than infinite number of 5-dimensional spaces/structures, and 7-dimensional characters exceed that scale a more than an infinite number of times, and so onward. However, these characters do not exceed the 11-dimensional scale of the totality of a full multiverse.
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Low Complex Multiverse level: Characters who can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces/structures equal to 6D.
- Complex Multiverse level: Characters who can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces/structures equal to 7 to 9D.
- High Complex Multiverse level: Characters who can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces/structures equal to 10 to 11D.
1-B: Hyperverse level[]
12-dimensional beings and above. These are characters that are beyond complex multiversal scale.
12-dimensional characters are much greater than an infinite number of high complex multiverses, 13-dimensional characters are much greater and so onward.
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Low Hyperverse level: Characters who can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces/structures whose size corresponds to 12D.
- Hyperverse level: Characters who can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces/structures whose size corresponds to 13 to any finite number of dimensions higher than.
- High Hyperverse level: Characters who can universally affect, create and/or destroy dimensions whose size is equivalent to countably infinite to any number of higher infinities.
1-A: Outerverse level[]
Characters who transcend all dimensional limitations, they are beyond mathematical and scientific reason, measurement and definition, these characters/spaces/structures are metaphysical and abstract.
Basically, a character/space/structure who is outside and beyond all concepts of space and time. Usually something formless, abstract, metaphysical. The usual scale does not make sense against something beyond-dimensional. Such beings can not be affected by destruction within the confines of space, time, physical matter, and energy. Within such a beyond dimensional "space," a dimensional structure with any number of dimensions can be placed, because there are no restrictions regarding dimensions.
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Outerverse level: Characters who transcend all dimensions on a conceptual level making them completely dimensionless. Characters who stand an infinite number of steps above baseline 1-A are to have a + modifier in their Attack Potency section (Outerverse level+).
- High Outerverse level: Characters who are larger than all definitions of 1-A, and as such exceeds any possible number of levels contained in the previous tiers, including an infinite or uncountably infinite number. Practically speaking, this would be something completely unreachable to any 1-A hierarchies.
Tier 0: Boundless[]
Characters who can affect objects which completely exceed the logical foundations of High 1-A, much like it exceeds the ones defining 1-A and below, meaning that all possible levels of High 1-A are exceeded, even an infinite or uncountably amount of such levels. This tier has no endpoint and can be extended to any higher level just like the ones above.
Tier 0 isn't necessarily the same as omnipotence as any non-omnipotent being can also qualify to be on this tier.
Note 1: Due to the fact that the distance between any given number of universes embedded in higher-dimensional / higher-order spaces is currently unknowable, it is impossible to quantify the numerical gap between each one of the subtiers in Tier 2. As such, it is not allowed to upgrade such a character based solely on multipliers. For example, someone twice as strong as a Low 2-C character would still be Low 2-C, and someone infinitely more powerful than a 2-C would not be 2-A.
Note 2:
Keep in mind that certain tiers don't necessarily correspond to the destruction of their namesakes in any meaningful fashion. This is because the minimum requirements for these tiers are arbitrary values.
These tiers should preferably not be assigned unless there are accepted calculations that coincide with the respective specified thresholds for them. For example, someone who destroys a building does not necessarily qualify for "Building level" just because of the tier's name, since the calculated energy output of the feat could potentially exceed or fall short of the required energy threshold.