Godverse Wiki

Rewrittenverse Cosmology[]

The Rewrittenverse Cosmology is well, the cosmology for the Rewrittenverse. The main Cosmology looks like a form of solar System with multiple rings contains different structures circling around a center structure known as The Origin, with The Origin also has its own minor Cosmology. Some more info about the Cosmology, instead of Aleph being shown for dimensionality it is instead replaced by layers which act exactly like Aleph dimensions.

The Rings[]

The rings are the cosmic structures that circle around the origin otherwise known as the old world. Each ring is completely different than any other ring, the strongest rings are the ones closest to the origin with the weakest rings being the furthest from it. Each ring also is completely beyond and dwarfs the structures located in said ring which are viewed as infinitesimal compared to the ring they are contained in.

The Sub-Ring[]

The weakest Ring being the furthest away from the Origin, the sub ring contained little to no structures at all, and the ones it does contain are incredibly weak to on the edge of nonexistent.

Absolute Nihility[]

A Absolute Nihility is the weakest structure in the Rewrittenverse being devoid of all aspects and definitions, nothing can or will ever exist within them as they are below even the weakest Uni-Zero with said Uni-Zero being virtually omnipotent compared to a Absolute Nihility. It is well known by the scholars of the Rewrittenverse that even the weakest possible infinitesimal 0D being from the weakest possible Uni-Zero could crush every single Nihility to exist with a snap of it’s fingers as the sound of said snap would cause each and every one of them to crumble. A single infinitesimal 0D quark would be enough to eradicate a single Nihility. How these are still around still baffles even the smartest and studious scholar’s to this day.


A Uni-Zero is a in which every aspect of it’s being and existence is equal to 0 which can range from being infinitesimal to a average 0. Those who inhabit a Uni-Zero are effectively the weakest beings to conceivably exist that make some sort of logical sense, it does not take much to destroy a Uni-Zero with being infinitesimal on a 1D scale being enough to destroy even the strongest Uni-Zero. However Uni-Zero’s if they survive for long enough can eventually grow and expand into another cosmic structure with the best it can grow into being a Universe, depending on the structure they grow into they may will from the Sub-Ring and get transported to The Inner Ring, due to this some have nicknamed Uni-Zero’s as Baby universes.


A Miniverse is a Cosmic structure that range from being infinitesimal on a 1D scale to a average 4D structure, Miniverse’s are of a similar size to Universes but smaller being finite in size corresponding to the dimensions of the Miniverse. There is not much else to say about Miniverses due to them functioning as a smaller Universe.

The Inner Ring[]

The biggest ring in the Rewrittenverse having the most amount of structures out of every other ring. The Inner ring acts as a basic area where the run of the mill basic Cosmic structures are held. Most of the Stories and beings in the Rewrittenverse are located in the Inner Ring.

Parallel Universe[]

A Parallel universe is a cosmic structure that although infinitesimal in size to a actual universe is virtually identical to the one it sprouts from including in it’s dimensions. Parallel universe are just that, parallel’s to the one they sprout from holding a alternate event that takes place to the main universe and it’s timelines. Parallel universes are usually located within a layer of other parallel universes that surround the main one making them take the main brunt of any damage the Main universe would of taken. However To prevent clutter and a massive swarm of Parallel universes from forming suddenly, Parallel universes are incapable of creating more parallel universe’s.


A Universe is a is a Cosmic structure that range from being a 5D structure all the way up to any finite number of dimensions, Each universe is what you expect from an average universe having infinite space and supporting all life within it. Universes will contain every timeline and parallel universe’s created by the actions of those inside of the universe which form a outer layer protecting the main universe. There is also something unique about the Universes as the higher they are in dimensions the rarer they are, thus you will see an abundance of 5D universes but it will be nigh-impossible to find a universe with a the largest possible finite number of dimensions, but it is not truly impossible to do so. Universes also have a small chance of mutating into a Sentient Universe in which it will morphs and change into a form it desires which could be of a human or of an Eldritch horror. These sentient universes are able to break away from any higher cosmic structure they are bound to and travel all around the Inner Ring, some are even capable to reaching a higher dimensional status then they should be with some sentient universes being said to be capable to destroying all the structures inside of the Inner Ring but not the ring itself.

Cluster (Universe)[]

A Cluster (Universe) is a big ball shape structure infinitely bigger than a Universe capable of containing a truly infinite amount of them, however smaller and weaker Clusters will have a finite number of Universes within them. A Cluster at the very minimum are infinite in dimensions and at most are 10 layers into infinite dimensions, though there was one case of a cluster who’s dimensions are 11 layers into infinite dimensions. There is also a rare occurrence in a Cluster in which by the off-chance every universe in the cluster becomes a sentient universe, they will all merge together into a singular mind that will give the Cluster itself sentience and can break away from any structure it is contained by, and by nature a Sentient cluster is infinitely superior to a Sentient universe. So far there has been only 1 documented case of a Sentient Cluster.


A Multiverse is a cosmic structure that can contain a high finite number or a truly infinite number of Clusters (Universe) being up to 2-200 layers higher into infinite dimensions than them. Multiverses follow a specific theme with one multiverse may be a theme of peace meaning all the universe in all of the clusters in said multiverse will follow the theme of peace, to know what theme a multiverse represent you can look at how the multiverse looks like, the color and shape of it will represent the theme however it is up to the viewer to decipher the meaning and thus there is room for error, another way to find the theme of a multiverse is to visit the clusters and universes in it and try and find a common trait/theme in each of them.

Cluster (Multiverse)[]

A Cluster (Multiverse) is a huge ball shape structure infinitely bigger than a Multiverse capable of containing a truly infinite amount of them, unlike a Cluster (Universe) they only contain a truly infinite amount never finite. A Cluster (Multiverse) is usually 500 layers into infinite dimensions above a Multiverse but is is not unheard of them being higher to the point where a Multiverse seems 1D compared to it. A Cluster (Multiverse) does not have a specific theme but instead collects the different themes of the multiverse’s to form a set of themes all related to each other in some way shape or form helping in organization and forming a coherent narrative stream.

The Great Multiverse[]

The Great Multiverse is just as implied, a greater version of a multiverse that contains every Cluster (Multiverse) in the limitless pool of them. The Great Multiverse is the most well known structure in the Rewrittenverse due to how it connects and stitches together the story and narrative of every Cluster (Multiverse) together and arranges the multiverses within them to help form that narrative, acting as a supercomputer. The Great Multiverse is also the strongest non-transcendental structure being at the highest layer in all of dimensions with only structures that transcend dimensions being above it. It is believed that the Gods of the Majorverse created the Great Multiverse in collaboration with the Mad King to help in giving and rewriting stories of the Clusters (Multiverse) and the structures contained within them.

The Majorverse[]

The Majorverse is the first and weakest transcendental structure in the Rewrittenverse and the only Transcendental structure in the Inner Ring. The Majorverse is located in a place above the Great Multiverse where it watches over it in a higher plane of existence that Transcends dimensions and very basic concepts. The Great Multiverse is largely seen as infinitesimal to the Majorverse due to the Majorverse being a Transcendental structure and the Great Multiverse not being one.

Most of the Rewrittenverse’s scholars come from the Majorverse due to the inhabits of the Majorverse being some of the most studious beings to exist wanting to know and unlock all the secrets of the Rewrittenverse, thus most information and knowledge on the Rewrittenverse can be found in the Majorverse with the only place that contains more knowledge being the Origin. The Majorverse is also the only structure in the Rewrittenverse to be able to let it’s inhabitants access the ring above it but to do so the traveler has to go through the Gateway.

The Great Ring[]

The second closest ring to the Origin, the Great ring otherwise known as the ring of transcendence is where most of the Rewrittenverse’s transcendental structures lay existing in a plane of fiction higher than most others due to it’s transcendent status.

The Gateway[]

The Gateway is the structure that separates the inhabitants of the Majorverse from entering the Great Ring, it exists a few layers into dimensional transcendence above the Majorverse and transcends basic concepts, thus being superior to the Majorverse. 2 of The Mad King’s sentinels guard the Gateway with the only way to get past it is to gain permission from the sentinels. Due to this only those with a special pass given to them by the Mad King or one of the sentinels can enter and exit through the Gateway, however there has been a few documented cases of some slipping past the sentinels to access the Great Ring, however all of them have been caught when they tried to go back to the Majorverse.

The Domosphere[]

The Domosphere is the structure above the Gateway, the Domosphere transcends not only all basic concepts but also more complex concepts such as time, space, and cycles. The Domosphere’s transcendences exist in a much higher plane than the Gateway’s and makes the Entirety of the Inner ring including the ring itself look like a laughing stock compared to it. The Domosphere is home to most of the Rewrittenverse’s nobility and monarchs as the inhabitants of the Domosphere have a natural talent in leadership and having high charisma, the inhabitants of the Domosphere are also great at dominating competitions and are very competent in most aspects.

The Domosphere is also the place where most competitions and events are held in the Rewrittenverse due to the grand coliseum’s and arena’s located in it due to the inhabitants love of competition and fights.

The Δ-Verse[]

The Δ-Verse is a powerful transcendental structure above the Domosphere, The Δ-Verse transcends every and all complex concepts and abstract concepts on a scale above the likes of the Domosphere. The Δ-Verse also produces an extreme radiation that can slowly corrode and decay anything and everything under it if they are close enough to the Δ-Verse. The Δ-Verse is by far the most dangerous structure in the Rewrittenverse due to it being unable to harbor any form of life with all of the Cosmology it once had now decayed and eroded, all that is left is irradiated beats and horrors who are as mindless as they are brutal. Stepping foot into the Δ-Verse is a confirmed death sentence unless you exist in a plane or structure higher than the Δ-Verse.

The Superioris Realm[]

The Superioris Realm is the strongest and final structure in the Great Ring, the Superioris Realm is transcendent above every concept, aspect, and ratio on a boundless scale, all the previous structures and their inhabitants in the Great Ring is fodder to those who exist within the Superioris Realm as they exist on a incomprehensibly high scale above all below them, truly boundless and limitless within all forms, concept, aspect, ratio, and definition. Due to the power they hold, every inhabitant of the Superioris Realm are considered a God and are worshiped by at least one structure in the Domosphere and below. As you can guess a fair portion of the Rewrittenverse’s Pantheon come from the Superioris Realm.

The only way to reach the Superioris Realm is to either be born in it or be brought into it by either one of the Mad King’s associates or an inhabitant of the Superioris Realm. Those below the Superioris Realm who enter it become essentially brainwashed by the marvel and power of the beings who exist in the Superioris Realm worshiping them and their being. Despite this those who inhabit the Superioris Realm act more as prophets and religious figures, worshiping the Mad King and those within his pantheon, hoping to join it one day.

The Elder Ring[]

The Elder Ring is the oldest and strongest ring in the Rewrittenverse, having the most history and closest connection to the origin out of everything in the Rewrittenverse. Those who can destroy the Elder ring can complete with a suppressed Mad king in power.

The Otherworldly Realms[]

The Otherworldly Realms are worlds that have connections to the place the Rewrittenverse was before it became how it is today. The Otherworldly Realms far exceed the entirety of the Great ring including the ring itself being on a level where the structures in the Great Ring looks like a incredibly weak Uni-Zero compared to a single Otherworldly Realm. A single Otherworldly realm is filled with imagery and temples in the honor of the mad king showing his history and the creation of the Rewrittenverse, these worlds are also inhabited by those who existed in the Rewrittenverse before it became known as the Rewrittenverse. These people can also enter and exit the Otherworldy realms at will and go anywhere else in the Rewrittenverse including to the World of Old, however they cannot go to the Spring of Creation or The Core.

Recently some of the Otherworldy realms have been constructing new temples, ones that tell of the inevitable fall of the Rewrittenverse and it’s destruction my the hands of the beast they know of as Tanphrous, these temples tell of how the beast will fight against the Mad king at his full power and triumph over him and then go into the core and tear it apart retrieving his heart from the insides of it, ultimately dooming the Rewrittenverse. Although widely known and acknowledged as truth by those in the Otherworldy realms and higher, they do not know when it will happen, all they know is that it will.

The Remnants[]

The Remnants are the remnants of The Mad King’s first attempt at making the Origin. Originally the Remnants nearly as strong as the origin as it currently is, but after it was raided and demolished by Tanphrous in one of his many attempts at retrieving his heart it had been de-powered significantly, however it is by no means a weak structure. Although de-powered it still is superior to the Otherworldy realms and fostered by it’s inhabitants and high scholars of the Majorverse who visit the Remnants to learn about the Rewrittenverse’s history and how life would of been like in the Mad King”s first attempt version of the origin. However recently more and more Remnants of raided Origins have been added to this section of the Elder ring as despite each Origin being stronger than the last, Tanphrous hits harder with each raid. These raids and the ever-increasing strength of Tanphrous is what sprouted the first ever temples about the Rewrittenverse’s fall to sprout in the Otherworldly Realms.

The Spindles of Creativity[]

The Spindles of Creativity are what makes up the fabric and frame of each ring in the Rewrittenverse with this structure being formed as a holding ground for it. Without a sewer, the spindles are stronger than any structure contained within any ring without tampering or adjustments of the sewer, although on the right hands these spindles could create something stronger than the elder ring as they are capable of creating anything below the Origin in power as long as it is founded off of the sewer’s pure unfiltered creativity and imagination.

The Origin[]

The Origin is the centerpiece of the Rewrittenverse, a place within it that is so strong, The Elder Ring looks like a dimensional structure to it, as is a yellow line on a street is to the universe, and all below the Elder Ring being completely and utterly dwarfed by The Origin. Here lies not only The Mad King’s world, but also the place that started it all, the source of the Spindles of Creativity. In the very center of the Origin lies the only thing stronger than it, The Core. And although this iteration of the Origin is one of many in it’s line, it is by far the strongest of them all.

The World of Old[]

The World of Old is most of the Origin, a ideal grassy planes with fresh air, and where nature thrives. Scattered across the old world is medieval styled towns and city’s where the residents of the Otherworldy realms may stay, in these towns and city’s are small castles which are inhabited by one member of the Rewrittenverse’s pantheon in which they rule over the sectioned part given to them. But in the center of the World of Old and near the Spring of Creation is the main castle, the residence of the one who created the Rewrittenverse, The Mad King.

The Spring of Creation[]

The Spring of Creation is a large fountain in the Mad King’s courtyard that sprays out a clear and beautiful clear liquid similar to water. This liquid is the foundation and what was used to create all of the Origin, The World of Old, and is used to make Spindles of Creativity. It is said the Spring of Creation came to be when The Mad King struck his trident into the ground and harnessed the power of The Core to create it, thus giving birth to the first ever Origin. After that The Mad King formed spindle from the liquid from the Spring and used those spindles to create the rings and structures of the Rewrittenverse. Only the Mad King and those equal to him in power can harness the liquid of the Spring of Creation, this is greatly shown in how Tanphrous managed to harness the springs liquid and form his own world out of it, a world which would act as a gateway he could use to reach the Rewrittenverse from anywhere at anytime, Undertale: CV.

Despite all of this some weaker beings managed to get their hands on the liquid from the spring and upon drinking it it elevated them to a status that could rival those in the Superioris Realm and in larger doses can even make them equal to a native from a Otherworldly Realm. Other than that the liquid provides great health benefits when drunken.

Structures Outside of the Rewrittenverse[]

The Core[]

The Core is the Structure outside of the Rewrittenverse that is the reason for it’s continued existence, without the core all of the Rewrittenverse and The Origin would lose all power and structural integrity. The Core is a structure so huge and expansive that The Origin is a single small point/dot on a sheet of paper on a piece of paper, while The Core is The Multiverse where said dot is located. you would need to have all of those dots (Origins) to come together to form a structure the size of a multiverse (The Core) in order for The Origins to actually become Equal to The Core. The Core is the only structure in the Rewrittenverse not made by the Mad King, with the Core surpassing and dwarfing him as well.

The Beast’s Heart[]

Contained in the Middle of The Core is a big black beating heart, The Heart of Tanphrous’ Original body. the Heart itself has the power to completely destroy the Rewrittenverse and The Core effortlessly. However due to it being out of its original body it cannot act on that power. However that means that if the core were to be destroyed The Heart would survive it’s destruction without a scratch. Although being sealed away here as a way to stop Tanphrous from regaining his original power, that has only brought more woe onto the Rewrittenverse as he assaults and raids it in attempts to regain his heart, and one day. He Will.

The Aleph Void[]

The Home of the infamous Tanphrous/Sans.EXE, although it exists outside of every Cosmology in the entire undertale fandom, Tanphrous has positioned it much closer to (yet still outside) the Rewrittenverse for some pretty obvious reasons. The inside structures of the Aleph Void can can at anytime at the whims of Tanphrous meaning he can make it stronger or weaker than he Rewrittenverse’s Cosmology if he wishes. The Mad King is aware of Tanphrous’ placemnet of the Alpeh Void so near to his creation and has tried to push it back many times, yet each attempt was unsuccessful so far. The placement of the Alpeh Void is also constantly changing around the Rewrittenverse to confuse and mix up The Mad King and his pantheon.

Cosmology Tier (In CSAP scaling)[]

(note: I’m not the best scaler/tierer, but I am trying my best to be accurate and 100% impartial, The Alpeh Void will also not be scaled)

Absolute Nihility: 11-C

Uni-Zero: 11-C

Miniverse: 11-B to Low 2-C

The Sub-Ring: High 2-A+

Parallel Universe: High 2-A+ to 1-B

Universe: High 2-A+ to 1-B

Cluster (Universe): High 1-B

Multiverse: High 1-B

Cluster (Multiverse): High 1-B

The Great Multiverse: High 1-B

The Majorverse: Low 1-A

The Inner Ring: Low 1-A

The Gateway: Low 1-A

The Domosphere: 1-A

The Δ-Verse: 1-A

The Superioris Realm: 1-A

The Great Ring: 1-A

The Otherworldly Realms: 1-A+

The Remnants: 1-A+

The Spindles of Creativity: 1-A+

The Elder Ring: 1-A+

The World of Old: High 1-A

The Spring of Creation: High 1-A

The Origin: High 1-A+

The Core: 1-S

The Beast’s Heart: 1-S+