Godverse Wiki


A Universe is a 5D construct that holds all life, Time and Space in accordance to it’s dimensions, infinite in all aspects most beings known across the Undertale fandom come from Universes which are Alternate versions of Undertale or Deltarune. However there are some outliers to this either being higher than 5D or not an alternate version of Undertale or Deltarune, but these cases are few and far between being incredibly scare.

Sub-sect: Complex Universe[]

A Complex Universe is the the same as a Normal Universe but varies in dimensions being 7D to 11D, there is not much else to say about Complex Universe’s other than them being more complex versions of a normal universe.

Luminare Multiverse[]

A Luminare Multiverse is a 6D construct that holds a uncountably infinite amount of Universes. These structures contain not just the universes but also contain a Doodle Sphere which is the Same dimensions of the Multiverse, a sect of The Anti-Void, and a sect of The Void. A Luminare Multiverse also has a underlying and dormant theme or story that will eventually wake up and kickstart something that will intertwine and connect every universe in it in some way shape or form with an example of these being The X-Event.

Sub-sect: Complex Luminare Multiverse[]

A Complex Luminare Multiverse are variants of Luminare Multiverses that contains a uncountably infinite amount of Complex Universe and range in dimensions being 12D-an infinite set of dimensions in correspondence to Aleph-0. Like a normal Luminare Multiverse, these contain a Doodle Sphere which is the same dimensionality as The Complex Luminare Multiverse, sect of The Anti-Void, and a sect of The Void.


The Multiverse is a Structure with an infinite set of dimensions in correspondence to Aleph-2. The Multiverse holds a truly uncountably infinite number of Luminare Multiverse’s and a truly uncountably infinite number of Complex Luminare Multiverse’s. The Multiverse also contains the full Anti-Void which transports each error to their respective Anti-Void, and the Doodle Core which creates and maintains all the doodle spheres and creates their respective guardians, both of which are structures with an infinite set of dimensions in correspondence to Aleph-1.

Sub-sect: Core Walls[]

The Core walls are a wall of bubble like structures with an infinite set of dimensions in correspondence to Aleph-3 and span around the entire core of the multiverse protecting it from any potential threats and or danger acting as a bouncy and absorbing rubber that reflects anything thrown at it and exists in a stretchy mesh to help reduce strain put onto it when it is reflecting and bouncing things back. However if enough force or strain is put onto one singular spot or constant force pushed upon multiple spots at once can cause the Core walls to temporarily collapse.

Sub-sect: The Multiverse Core[]

The Multiverse Core, otherwise known as the nexus or the mainframe is a structure with an infinite set of dimensions in correspondence to Aleph-4 and is what keeps and maintains the Multiverse and everything inside of it. The Core itself is condensed and compacted into something smaller than it really is letting it fit into the Multiverse without expanding outward and completely dwarfing it on an inaccessible level. If the core where to be destroyed in anyway the entire multiverse would collapse in seconds as all hell breaks loose and all of time and space across it is eviscerated until everything is undone by the creators.

Undertale: Endgame[]

Undertale: Endgame is a twisted and corrupted Universe of the Original undertale created by Tanphrous. Undertale: Endgame is one of the few examples of a Universe being beyond what it’s meant to be as it exists outside the Multiverse and Transcends Spatiotemporality being inaccessibly beyond any dimensional construct. This place acts as Tanphrous’ playground where he messed and plays with us by giving us vessels to control and use as we traverse the familiar yet twisted hellscape. Although impressive Tanphrous has admitted that Undertale: Endgame is a rather unremarkable work of his, hinting at the possibility he could create something far grander and far worse, something far stronger.

The Void[]

The Void is a structure outside of and inaccessible to The Multiverse Core and everything below it, existing beyond time and space, lacking and transcend above dimensions and mathematics to a point where Undertale: CV is Dimensioned in comparison. The Void is a place where nothing exists and lacks all of what it is beyond, creating nothing but a black void. The Void is capable of manifesting itself in Luminare Multiverse’s and Complex Luminare Multiverse’s, existing inside of them while still existing beyond time and space and lacking them. Only 2 known beings exist in The Void, being Mystery Man and Redacted, both of which are believed to be the Enigmatic W.D Gaster from the Original Undertale.


Verses are places different to yet connected to Undertale and its fandom. Verses usually feature their own story and their own Cosmology separate to The Undertale Fandom’s while still simultaneously existing inside of it. Great examples of Verses would include The Godverse, The True Godverse, The Rewrittenverse, The Lunarverse for example. due to this Verses can range in power some being below The Multiverse or just on a Universal level, or completely and unfathomably beyond what most of the Fandom can provide.

The Fandom[]

The Fandom otherwise referred to as The Undertale fandom, or UT Fandom, is the place where everything Undertale and Deltarune lies. The Fandom is what contains every Verse, The Void, The Multiverse, and everything else which it overlooks as 0D Spatiotemporal constructs bound by simple mathematics that are insignificant to itself. The Fandom itself is controlled by the creators (Us) and harnesses their creative energy and output to create and form all that is inside of it. The Fandom also takes the form of any creative media or medium making it so it is widespread and easily available to access and join.


The true form of Tanphrous, The Overvoid is a place of narrative, creational, and existence antithesis with no beginning and has no end. The antithesis of everything, the Overvoid is a place similar to yet far beyond The Void, a empty black stain below the Undertale Fandom that views everything in it as Fictional constructs and ultimately insignificant. However The Overvoid’s antithesis in every way is The Fandom as it’s sheer creative light counters all attempts of engulfing it, but it’s also The Fandom’s antithesis in every way rendering it so neither can outmatch or outclass the other in any way.

The NULL[]

The NULL is a place of emptiness and nonexistence along with the place The Emperor was born, a place where everything after is insignificant and 0 dimensional compared to it, seeing it as nothing but a fiction, existing beyond and also viewing The Emperor’s Realm the same way it see’s all those below itself. Here is where everything started, where life entered (non)existence and watched as everything else was created in The absence it left, there is not much else to say about this otherwise empty place.

The Inhabitants however are beings called NULL Titans or Overvoids, Tanphrous is one of these NULL Titans along with The Emperor. Each NULL Titan corresponds to a Fandom, Tanphrous to Undertale, The Emperor to Sonic The Hedgehog, etc etc. Each NULL Titan is also equal in base power, but overtime some do grow to be stronger than the others, like how The Emperor see’s Tanphrous as a fictional entity compared to himself, and Tanphrous does the same with Yo-Kugoth, and Yo-Kugoth does the same with Halokite.