Author's Note[]
Preboot 4th Wall Sans is canon along with the reboot, but referred to as Harvesters' 4th Wall Sans.
1: Once outside of the computer, he's as powerful as Classic Sans (with 1 Human Soul/10 Monster Souls).
2: His Threat/Power Level does not account for his Omniscience - it is all in terms of how powerful his attacks are and how strong he is.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
- Trackrays
"y'know, it's kinda funny. no matter how powerful we are, no matter how many times we kill you, we can never beat ya. fell, swap, dust, storyshift... name any you want. they all ultimately died at your hand."
- 4th Wall Sans to the human in a Genocide route.
4th Wall Sans is an alternate version of CPUtale Sans created by Trackrays. He does not differ much from the original CPUtale Sans/Classic Sans, with the exception of his Omniscience.
Threat Level:
(Within the Computer) Standard Threat [User Form], Cosmoversal [Hypervisor Form]
(Outside of the Computer) Standard Threat [User Form, no Souls], Standard Threat-Multi Threat [For every 1 human Soul/10 monster Souls 4th Wall gains, his Threat level slightly increases, capping out at Multi Threat with 10 human Souls/100 monster Souls - once at this threat level, he can use his Hypervisor Form outside of the computer]
There was a war between humans and monsters. As the war was waged, the monsters' fate continuously grew bleaker as they attempted to fight on - not in an attempt to win, but one to survive.
However, they ultimately lost. To prevent the monsters from walking upon the Surface ever again, 7 human wizards sealed the former in a humble desktop computer. They had considered trapping them under Mt. Ebott, but they knew that it would be easy for a child to fall down there out of curiosity. If the monsters found the child, they would undoubtedly take their soul to free themselves and gain revenge. If they were in a computer, however, they would have no hopes of escaping - even if they wanted to, they could not escape a computer with human Souls (assuming they managed to obtain them from within it). Therefore, all of monsterkind was sealed within an old Windows desktop, stored in one file named titled 'monsters.dat' accessible to the external world by another named 'monster_fights.exe'.
As the years passed, humanity's technology advanced as the desktop grew older and the monsters more depressed. During the conversion to data, some 'bytes' were lost, leading to monsters missing parts - in some cases, crucial parts such as their Soul itself. The monsters who lost their soul could not be helped, but the monsters who were still alive were given prosthetic parts as a replacement. As the monsters began settling down, well aware of their hopeless situation, the Royal Scientist was hard at work in an attempt to set them all free.
After weeks of research, he finally gained control of the desktop. They were no longer trapped in their data file, unable to even explore the desktop.
However, accidents always occur during research.
As CPU!Gaster began manipulating files, he wanted to try and manipulate their own data file. However, he made a fatal mistake. He modified the wrong line of data, causing an error and effectively erasing himself from existence as a result of the desktop's error-handling procedure. The monsters were well aware of Gaster's disappearance, but only Asgore and Sans knew of the specifics - the rest were informed that he had retired and gone to a private corner to remain undisturbed. Meanwhile, Sans continued Gaster's research as Asgore searched for a new Royal Scientist. For Sans, raising his brother, Papyrus, and doing the work of the Royal Scientist led to excessive burden on him, causing him to have a diminutive stature.
Soon enough, Alphys was hired as the Royal Scientist and Sans continued to take care of Papyrus. After discovering how to control the desktop, they soon created several locations for them to reside in - the Ruins, Snowdin, Hotland, the CORE and New Home. The CORE housed the most important thing to them - the key to manipulating the system they were stuck in. For that reason, the Royal Guard was formed to keep peace across all the locations and protect the CORE from others who wished to use it for their own desires. Toriel and Asgore were to originally stay in New Home, but Toriel was disgusted with Asgore's plans to use Gaster's last creation to free themselves. Despite all that humans had done to them, Toriel was ashamed to see Asgore fall so low just for their own freedom.
Before Gaster was erased, he found a way to free all monsterkind with the help of human Souls. It had already been proven that human Souls on their own could not free the monsters, but if the monsters were to gain control of at least one human Soul, they could copy their data into the Soul - this would form a copy of the monster, powered by both their original monster Soul and a new human Soul, which was outside of the computer. One Soul was enough to escape from the computer and get more slowly, but 7 seven Souls would give a monster enough power to collect enough Souls for all of monsterkind within minutes. Therefore, Gaster created a machine to copy a monster's data into a human's Soul - the only condition was that it would solely work on the Souls of human children, as an adult human's Soul was far too strong to control.
Several years later, Sans was called by Asgore to assist Alphys with some research regarding the desktop at the CORE. As Sans arrived, he found out about something called a 'browser' with access to the 'Internet'. Alphys could not find out how the 'browser' works, so Sans was called in hopes he may find out how to operate it. Within a few hours, he found out how to make search queries for information on the browser - causing an error in the timeline.
The monsters were not supposed to find out about the Internet - in fact, it was never supposed to exist. Due to its unintended existence, an error occurred in the timeline, causing the monster's Internet to indirectly give them access to the Internet in the Creators' world.
As Sans explored with the 'browser', he soon found out about the truth - their existence was fictional and there were thousands of variations of them, all created by 'Writers' or 'Creators'. He also found about the various types of routes (Pacifist, Neutral and Genocide) the human could take, how they were nothing but a game and many other details. This led to him 'breaking' the 4th wall, giving him his name, and it is the source from which he gained Omniscience.
The original can be found here.
(Note: This is written in past tense in 3rd Person POV. Lucid's thoughts/dialogue is italicized, with 4th Wall Sans' dialogue being normal.)
(This was written by both Quantis1 and Trackrays.)
"It's known as the 8th happy number. Heh heh heh... that's kinda ironic."
"Know why?"
"It's also the number of Genocides you've done, pal."
"And, uh, that's not exactly something associated with 'happiness'."
"So... I got a question for ya."
"What do you gain from this? Money? Revenge?"
"Or are you that sadistic that you consistently kill us for your own pleasure?"
Taking a deep breath, black eyed and grinning, 4th Wall Sans continued.
"Heh... don't bother answering that. We both know the real reason why you're doing this, Player."
"Simply put, our... well, monsterkind's world is nothing but a game for you. A game which you continuously play for entertainment; excitement; the 'satisfaction' you humans gain from 'winning the game'."
For a second, the Player saw 4th Wall's smile flicker; unbeknownst to them, 4th Wall caught a glimpse of something they were yet to notice. A certain... someone. Unaware, they slowly smiled.
Unfazed by the new visitor, 4th Wall continued.
"It's a beautiful day outside."
"Birds are singing, flowers are blooming."
"On days like these, kids like you..."
"Should be burning in he-"
Confused, he stopped speaking upon being abruptly interrupted by the noise of something falling onto the floor as the Player's avatar stood still, expressionless.
"... Kid?"
Sans, with much caution, slowly approached them. Then, he attempted to poke them with a bone: the Player simply stood still, unreactive.
Lucid was sleeping in the Void. He was dreaming about a field of flowers, and kids taking him somewhere nice. Suddenly, he felt it. This familiar turbulence. It was small, but enough for him to feel it. He opened the eyes, took a few moments to get ready, and then disappeared.
CPUtale, Outside of the Computer
When Lucid arrived in the AU, he first saw nothing. Then he noticed someone in front of him. It was a human. They were was staring at a computer. They hadn't noticed him. Lucid quickly analyzed their Soul.
Perseverance. Not what I’m looking for.
He slowly and quietly approached them, then quickly put his hand on their face. They fell on the floor, unconscious.
That’s that out of the way. Now where am I ? Could this be a True Lab ? That would be unusual, but I don’t many othe-
While thinking, his eyes had landed on the screen of the computer. It was showing what looked like a 100% accurate pixel render of a classic Judgment Hall.
What?! But how-
The computer began to make some noise. A black box showed up on the upper part of the screen. It contained a pixelated Sans’ head, and text that was defiling by itself:
“Uh… Hello?”
“Is anyone there?”
It took Lucid a few minutes to understand.
The AU… It’s IN the computer! I have to see more of this, but how? If I could interact with them, that would be helpful. But there seems to be nothing like… I know.
He disappeared. And reappeared a few minutes later with a microphone and some wires. He connected them to the computer, and slowly approached the micro.
“Hello ? Can you hear me ?”
"... Yeah, I can."
4th Wall, now confused and wary, had his Bad Time eye activated, ready to attack the Player if needed - despite his Omniscience, as the computer did not have a camera, he was not capable of seeing who was on the other side. At the most, he could detect if they were human or not.
"Wh-who the hell are you?!"
"My name is Lucid. What is yours?"
"... Lucid, huh?"
4th Wall slowly returned to having normal pupils, as he knew who Lucid was as well as what his group, "The Harvesters" was for. Truth be told, he somewhat shared similar views with the Harvesters, as he thought that resetting the entire Multiverse would be a good way to put an end to the countless Genocides performed by the "Players".
"Go on."
“You do not seem very… impressed about all of this.”
“You mean the fact that out of nowhere an unknown person arrives and speaks to me ? I’ve seen worse.”
“Interesting. Then you know that your AU appears to be located inside of a computer.”
“Not the whole AU. Just us monsters.”
“Ah… So you do know about the existence of the Multiverse. And much more I assume.”
“You have no idea.”
“Then… do you know what I’m here for ?”
“I doubt you firstly had a goal coming here, Lucid. I know your plan, and what you wish to accomplish.”
“…I must admit you impress me. Do you really know everything ?”
“I know more than enough. It seems that I’ve got your attention now, so tell me. What are you going to do now ?”
“Don’t you already know it ? You would be very helpful to me.”
“Well then, tell me. How are you going to convince me of joining the Harvesters ?”
“Well, knowing how AUs work, I guess a human Soul would allow you to break out of this device, right ?”
“Exactly. And you sure do have Souls, right ? Do we have a deal ?”
“You tell me.”
"I know ya have Souls. However, I don't know whether you're gonna stab me right in my back once I come out of this computer."
"If your knowledge truly is that expansive, then I believe you should know whether I would do such an action or not."
"Welp, that's a fair point."
"So... do we have a deal?"
"... Well, considering that it's either that or consistently dying to a human who sees us as nothing more than a game, I suppose we have a deal."
"In that case, I shall provide you with your Soul. It is right in front of the computer."
"Well, it seems that you tell the truth."
Sans proceeded to copy his code into the Soul of the Player, as it gradually turned from its original purple to a bright but non-luminous white - the typical color of monster Souls. With the transfer of code, the power of the human Soul was lost in keeping the Soul stable (as Sans' method of transferring code partially damages the Soul, making it best done on Souls with more power than his original Soul had, such as a human Soul). Soon enough, the Soul was a normal monster Soul as particles of white dust flew towards the Soul, slowly conglomerating until 4th Wall Sans became corporeal without any differences.
"May I ask something?"
"Sure, go ahead. I guess we're allies now - besides, you provided me with a human Soul, so I guess I gotta thank you for that."
"The human Soul I gave you... it was originally a purple Perseverance Soul, but it somehow turned into a white monster Soul. I also sensed a decrease in its power, making it as powerful as a normal monster one. How and why-"
"Nothing more than a side-effect. It's lengthy to explain, but simply put, it partially weakens the Soul when I transfer my code to it. Not to mention, its color also changes. If, say, I were to do what I just did to a monster Soul, it'd probably shatter - Boss Monster Souls would, at the least, crack."
"So, what's your plan now, 'Leader'?"
"I suppose it is best I introduce you to the rest of the members... although, I assume you already know plenty regarding them."
"Welp, nothing wrong with meeting more monsters that aren't just pieces of code, for once."
"I suppose so."
"(but then, even outside of that computer, we're all nothing but code...)"
"Pardon me?"
"Uh, nothing. Show the way, Leader."
As Lucid and 4th Wall proceeded to meet the rest of The Harvesters, a different 4th Wall took the original's place in the computer - one clueless of the fact that his original left, leaving him behind so that the other monsters would not notice that something changed. As much as it hurt the original 4th Wall, he knew that suddenly disappearing would have a worse affect - as for freeing the rest of his people, he did not have the Souls necessary. Besides, in his opinion, "the greatest mercy that can be done for them is restoring everything to a better time - one before we were trapped in a stupid box by humanity."Appearance[]
His appearance is nearly the same as that of CPUtale Sans - a purplish-blue jacket, pink slippers, black shorts and a white shirt. However, unlike the original CPUtale Sans, he now has a large black scar over his left eye instead of a small one.
User Form[]
4th Wall Sans' Base/First Form. His attacks are as strong as those of Classic Sans, making his only advantage against enemies his Omniscience.
Hypervisor Form[]
(Note: This form is mostly used by 4th Wall Sans in the computer, due to his lack of Souls.)
A much more powerful form of 4th Wall Sans. However, when out of the computer, his maximum Threat level is Multi Threat (with 10 human Souls/100 monster Souls), making him beatable in pure combat by Error Sans. He can only win against opponents stronger than him by tricking them to fight him within the computer or using his Omniscience to make them harm themselves.
Within the computer, he is unbeatable in this form and will not let anybody delete his code. However, if the computer is destroyed, he will die if he does not escape out of it in time.
User Form[]
Soul Manipulation[]
4th Wall Sans can turn any monster or human's Soul blue, causing them to be affected by gravity. He additionally can change the direction in which gravity pulls them and push them around with his Telekinesis.
The same as Classic Sans's. He is still limited to white and blue bones.
Gaster Blasters[]
The same as Classic Sans's, except that they have black eyes in his User form and a blue Bad Time right eye in his Hypervisor form.
Aim Dodging[]
Due to his Omniscience (and capability to see the speed at which the Player is pressing buttons), 4th Wall Sans can now avoid attacks without using stamina - he does this by predicting at what time the slash will hit him, then casually walking to the side before that. However, if the Player acts unpredictably, then he is forced to dodge at a high speed for a low stamina cost when he fails to predict.
Sans has the knowledge of each Item the Player has, their remaining health and their Stats. Depending on the Player's current health, he will choose to use a weak attack or a strong one to finish them off. Additionally, if fighting another monster (for example, Underfell Sans), Sans can predict what attack Fell will use depending on what he has researched/observed and attempt to casually walk out of the latter's attack just before it hits him.
However, if an opponent is unpredictable, 4th Wall will instead try to think of ways to counter each type of attack they use.
Omniscient Subterfuge[]
This is the ability 4th Wall Sans uses to transform into his Hypervisor Form, and assumes that his opponent is fighting him from outside of the computer via the program 'monster_fights.exe'.
If 4th Wall Sans gets tired of fighting their opponent, he will use a combination of Omniscience and light manipulation of the computer screen to bait the opponent into punching the computer's screen. Under the condition that they do, they will be pulled by their arm into the computer where they are forced to fight 4th Wall Sans within the computer... or at least, they see and feel that they are being pulled into it to fight 4th Wall Sans. In reality, their body lays unconscious outside of the computer, with their Soul still in it.
Once their opponent is within the computer, 4th Wall Sans transforms into his Hypervisor Form (its real appearance is unknown, as he still appears to be his User Form albeit with more powers).
He only uses this ability against Players who have done more than 30 Genocide routes in 'monster_fights.exe'.
(Note: The opponent's Soul and body remain outside of the computer to provide 4th Wall Sans with an opportunity to escape the computer.)
Hypervisor Form[]
Soul Manipulation[]
Does not change.
Does not change.
Gaster Blasters[]
Remains same, except they have a blue Bad Time eye in their right eye socket.
Alternate Thread[]
(Mostly used against human opponents, especially those with the trait of Determination.)
4th Wall will send their opponent to a different thread of 'monster_fights.exe'. There, the opponent will be forced to watch their loved ones/friends slowly dying one by one in various ways, in an attempt to weaken the their will to live. Should the latter be weakened enough, he will then use Hyperjacking to collect another Soul.
(Usable solely within the computer.)
4th Wall Sans will attempt to prepare the Soul harvesting machine created by Gaster. This takes some time, leaving him vulnerable, and prevents him from using any attack except bones. If Sans is forcibly interrupted, the machine will power down and remain inoperative for some time. If uninterrupted, however, Sans will successfully copy their code into the Human's Soul, allowing him to exit the computer.
Omniscient Mockery[]
Self-explanatory. 4th Wall mocks them regarding their history, past deeds, et cetera. Mostly used to bait the opponent whilst he prepares a larger attack.Weaknesses[]
Combat: As stated before, when outside of the computer, 4th Wall Sans' power is heavily limited even with the maximum Souls he can collect and his Hypervisor form - at 4th Wall's maximum power, Error Sans can theoretically beat him (practicality is a different matter, due to the former's high knowledge).
Destruction of the computer: Should the computer be destroyed while 4th Wall is in it, he will be erased from the Universe, effectively killing him for good.
Depression: As he knows about all the opponents (some much more powerful in combat than him) that the Player has beaten, he tends to be very unwilling to fight, knowing that 'you're just gonna win anyways, aren'tcha?'.