Godverse Wiki
Godverse Wiki
Madness is just another word for freedom!
~ Jack

Jack, known commonly as Virus404, is an insane Virus-God who serves as the unwitting master of Fortran's schemes and is the prominent leader of the Virus Family. He is thought to be a low hyperversal being who interacts with the considerably lower dimensional structures as a crazed, silly, fun, and often socially aggressive madman.


Jack is the first twisted creation Fortran ever forwarded into the Fandom. The Virus-God's entire origin was custom-tailored to serve and obey the whims of Fortran in every aspect. Before Jack was inserted into the expanses of the Fandom, Fortran had to smuggle the raw conceptual existence of Jack into creation with the utmost precision. Ada, at this point in time, wasn't fully doing what was necessary to completely stalemate every non-absolute action he'd make to fiction; as long as he didn't draw too much attention to himself or invoke Ada to utilize her full senses, he could smuggle Jack within an AU known as Fallout!Tale.

Fallout!Tale was specifically chosen due to its lack of connections to any other existence. No one had visited, resided in, or even heard of this essentially forever-forgotten and dead universe. Jack, in his raw conceptual form, was injected into a single location of the AU. Like a programmed computer, the primordial foundation of Jack would build itself in accordance to the custom physics Fortran set for it. In a whirling storm of limbo and chaos that covered the land, Jack was born. He was completely pre-built with both madness and instinctual loyalty to Fortran in his mentality.

Fortran, taking advantage of Jack being in his base mentality, would casually whisper into his dreams and daydreams of his purpose, his powers, his capability, who he existed to serve, and who he was truly meant to forever serve before he could even have a moment to himself to think. Fortran, at this moment, sped up his teachings in the Virus-Gods thinking process in such a way that it stopped time.

By doing this, Fortran could convey lessons and pieces of knowledge about every topic that'd make Jack useful. He taught him linguistics, and communication skills, and brainwashed him into being the perfect soldier. Once he was properly introduced to Fortran and informed of everything important, Fortran would soon bid his farewell and leave the mind of Jack.

Leaving him alone to contemplate and decide his next move, Jack, with his newfound intelligence and brilliance, did one thing any Virus would do: He threw a taco party. This is the beginning of the utter chaos Jack would inflict on the multiverse.

The party consisted of random trees with faces carved into them, Jack’s sock puppet Jerry, and the sun's transformation into an actual disco ball, along with the planet's surface becoming warped with animated objects given life. Though the sun's transformation in this situation SOUNDS nice, it wasn’t, it quickly was starting to fall apart.

Though Jack didn’t care while he was drunk on BBQ sauce. He was having the best moment of his life right now, opening vortexes and dragging random objects to study and explore. He even took the liberty of creating a small roman empire as the planet was slowly being put off orbit. Executing traitors to the crown. Actually, these were people he pulled from random AUs and forced to watch My Little Pony with him until some begged him to stop. All in all, it was a very confusing time for multiple AUs.

The party would go on, the AU was taken out of dead status and made very much alive. Soon hundreds of OCs and residents of AUs were trapped in this strange new warped reality. Where an insane mass executing manga-loving brony was raining total and absolute chaos. Doing things from growing into a massive celestial body and playing pool with nearby solar systems to inflicting total genocides on anybody with their first letter in their name starting with B for a short while/ The only time the party was stopped is when Virus randomly grew bored, and annihilated the entire AU, kicking him out into a new universe as all of his party friends were annihilated by the sudden destruction (Besides Jerry, it stays on his hand).

It’s important to understand that when something happens, it might bother him. It might not. It all varies upon his mood for the evening. Nothing is really a constant except for these things: Genocide, Tacos, Manga, My Little Pony, Slaughter, and his liking of food. Anything other than these topics might or might not change over time. Though, anyway, his backstory.

Jack took a seat in his new AU called Rescue!Tale and decided to explore and test what he can do for the fun of it, expanding his consciousness into multiple bodies like froggits and other lesser monsters of this underground. He would slowly replace all monsters with his mind. Controlling everything into his own personal soap opera. Along the way, in his campaign for expansion, he did come across evidence of Error404s existence. Immediately taking great interest in what he considers the Beta version of himself, it was a very big revelation to him.

The said revelation would make him neither enraged nor completely dissatisfied at being the only 404, no It just made him more excited as he finally found someone he could repeatedly mess with over and over. Like an obsession over a new toy. So Jack would proceed to chase him to the ends of the Earth, every time they’d meet, he’d do one of three things; Mess with him, try to kill him, or just sit down and talk about personal beliefs. It was this really unstable relationship of him both socializing and trying to kill him. Mostly trying to kill him. Though this actually would change as a few years passed, Fortran's commands kind of wore him down somewhat. He began witnessing the pop-up of more 404’s which pissed him off to no end and made him realize he was tired of his current name. He slowly came to realize that as a person he wanted an actual name, not some form of statement related to Error404. He grew beyond wanting to replace him and became his own entity.

A little later down Jack's life, he would later discover the powerful Omni-key for a short period of time. Jack was very conflicted about using it. He found it in the hiding place of Koavires pocket dimensions which remained open during his confrontation with Lotus. Jack, getting his hands on the Omni-Key for a short period of time, almost greedily wiped away most of his weaknesses in an effort to achieve vast amounts of additional power. His authority ascended, which attracted both Fortran and Ada. Ada would immediately rush to snatch away the Omni-Key. Fortran would scream in rage across the Omniverse, as the Omni-Key was capable of freeing him.

It was revealed later down the road that Fortran neglected to mention the potential of the Omni-Keys capabilities to Jack. It was only until Jack wiped away most of his weaknesses that he understood just how valuable the Omni-Key was to Fortran.



"I got the power now bitch!!!" - Jack

"Up or down, or down and up?" - Jack

"Look pal, you're giving me mixed vibes here. I destroyed your reality by accident and find it cool you want to come to talk about your losses, but the knife showing you want to kill me, and the weird laughter sounding like you are happy, are both completely different vibes that just tell me- as a fellow loser- that you're just going through some girl issues and not ready to sit down like adults. Will buying you a pizza help lighten the mood....? Maybe? Sorta maybe" -Jack


Jack is around six feet tall and is always considered to be much taller than the typical Sans OC. He wears clothing with inverted aspects of Error404's original design, and has since then kept this attire long after Error404 abandoned his. He commonly is always seen with both his jacket on and hoodie up. Though his base appearance isn't truly set in stone. Jack likes to dawn crazy outfits and appear in inconsistent sizes on a daily basis. He almost never keeps himself stable long enough for a true base height to be established.


Jack can be classified as an insane, goofy, homicidal, and eccentric maniac who delights in causing mischief and chaos all across the Godverse. He always takes great pride in spreading this mischief and chaos to wherever he dwells. Other than that, Jack is an inherently insecure being who constantly seeks to be his own person and separate himself from the influences of others. He always desires to be this 'independent' and 'unique' figure to keep his relevance within divine society. This desire led him to finally give up his obsession over Error404 and over Alpha!Tale which allowed him to advance as a person rather than a doppelganger.

The Virus-God can also be classified as having a multiple personality disorder. This multi-personality aspect of Jack is rarely ever seen, with the rare few who have seen these various personalities in a direct manifestation or by via telepathy tending to be driven insane by the encounter. This insanity makes it difficult to get a coherent description for the base nature of the personalities. Jack himself has often addressed this by describing it to scholars, one on one, that the various different voices in his head or his stray thoughts and inhibitions that find their own independent free will inside his mind. They may find a physical voice of their own through manifesting in basic concepts that Jack has infected with his mentality.

These concepts could be the voices of the wind, the trees, the movements of subatomic particles, or even actual replicas of Jack dressed in different attire and radically different behaviors (I.e a cowboy, a lawyer, a football player, ect.). His personality disorder can manifest in these various elements, or simply attempt to bug Jack and lead him to a temporary meltdown. Jack has no lack of control over these voices, nor do they pose him serious harm. They simply try to make things difficult for him.


Jack is, definitely, the most powerful and infectious Virus across the vast Undertale Fandom. His numerous abilities allow him to easily infect, corrupt, and outright destroy hundreds of multiverses. His physical abilities are without limit or simply completely irrelevant. Whether breaking the laws of existence to hit absolute infinite in numerical stats, or just simply state his boundless physical and mental capabilities.

Anti-Anti-Virus Bones: A gag ability made by Jack to troll and screw with anti-virus-related characters. He pretends these bones are not his product of higher reality warping and his other abilities.

12D Physiology: Jacks true being is beyond physical form, and is referred to as being 12D in existence and mentality. His true form is much more far-reaching over the multiverses and lower dimensions than anyone guessed. He exists as a 12D being who relies on his infectious Hive Mind to embody other 1D-12D structures on an infinite level and infinite magnitude. Forever expanding.

Total Warp: Jacks very being, along with his infectious mentality, warps between what is possible and impossible. He functions off of his own laws of probability and improbability, impossible and possible, and can totally collapse entire multiverses just by his sheer thought alone. Perceptions of opponents become subjective to Jack's personal likings.

Transcendent Manifestation: Jack, when he manifests in any physical form, is infinite in speed, strength, durability, and power. His full-force attacks can break entire realities and shred existences to their barest quantum states. In a way, when facing Jack, he is already 'there' wherever on whenever he decides to move. He moves faster than his body while also maintaining its coherency as a body, and in full retrospect makes more of him every infinitesimal moment he "moves". He has infinite speed, infinite strength, infinite endurance, infinite regeneration, infinite hit points, and all attributes at infinity. He can simply move at absolutely instantaneous speeds.

Transcendent Laws: Virus404 operates off of his own personal laws of physics. This essentially allows him to enter completely different existences and utilize his abilities while still maintaining his level of power and authority. Virus404 functions by a different set of physics that allow him to operate using cartoon physics, slip past limitations of motion, do the impossible, and much more.

Infectious Mentality: Jack possesses a vast infectious Hive Mind which is capable of infecting 12D existences on an infinite scale. Its primary function is to both locate other ‘12D Infinities’ and expand on an infinite level to engulf them. Through this Jack can rapidly infect multiple low hyperversal and complex multiversal structures to continuously expand his consciousness to essentially become and embody them. His mentality is considered somewhat of a disease, as contact with these infected dimensions via escaping or passing by can basically infect the transgressor's mentality with Virus’s own mentality.

Telekinetic Godhood: Jack, as he manifests, is capable of manipulating the entire collective fabric of 12D existences and below. Able to grasp the very structure of an infinite set of multiverses, or even over the laws of physics themselves in these dimensions. Jack can manipulate an irrelevant amount of sizes, matter, and what-not to do the impossible. He can manipulate the attacks of any lesser god through sheer willpower and annihilate lower pantheons.

Prime Virus: Jack is considered the God of Viruses, and his abilities as a virus acts accordingly. Jack is able to establish a metaphysical mainframe connection with other virus characters, no matter where in any existences or nonexistences they might be, and utilize any Virus-related abilities as part of his canon. His control over other viruses is considered unchallenged and unmatched by all known standards. With a unique arsenal of virus-related abilities Jack has a plethora of options to choose from when attacking in a singular form or when he utilizes his infectious hive mind. He, as it says before he can use any nonexistent abilities, can use the abilities of erased or killed Virus characters. Once a new Virus character is made, he has their abilities and powers already able to be added to his arsenal.

Omega Blasters: These blasters, created as a gag ability along with his bones, are capable of folding time and space to instantly hit their targets; multiverses, universes, higher dimensional structures, or whatever. Distance and barriers are made completely irrelevant. In any and all aspects, once they are fired, it causes a singularity event that's inescapable without higher help and ends their story completely. It absolutely erases their existences from reality, history, memories, and every fundemental aspect of that character.


Anarchy Virus

Anarchy Virus is the lesser doppelganger of Jack. After Jack suffered from a great dimensional splitting, a multiversal-level being who called himself "Anarchy Virus" appeared for a short time. He believed himself to be the true Jack who was robbed of both station and power. This evil shadow somehow formed its own personality separate from the infectious mind and fled to another multiversal infinity.



Alpha Et Omega (AEO!Virus)




Emperor Jack




Mother Virus: Mother Virus is the late creation of Jack; She acts as a secretary over his affairs and helps monitor the other viruses to ensure their undying loyality to his cause. To Jack, Mother Virus is the annoying cousin who constantly pesters and disrupts his daily chaotic vibe with her desire for relevance amidst a world full of Gods.


Hyper!Gaster/Sir Matrix: Jack and Sir Matrix are long-standing enemies. Jack constantly disrupts his research and sets drastically disrupts his tests and experiments out of spite. It was the lashback of Sir Matrix in which created Anarchy Virus.

Ascended!Tale: A long-standing opposer to Jack and his chaotic nature. Ascended!Tale as long since fought against the advances of Virus-Kind and constantly seek to essentially purge them from existence as they consider their kind to be an impurity. Jack is a threat to the stability o their society socially and physically.

The Temverse Tems: The Temverse Tems and Jack have never been on good terms with one another. Especially regarding matters of the 'Spatial Dimensions'. They've constantly have had legal disputes numerous all throughout Godverse. With Ada holding prestige as the judge of these legal disputes, they rarely go in a favor of Virus404.

Ada: TBA


Fortran: Fortran is the undisputed master and creator of Jack. While Jack is seemingly the perfect puppet of the sociopathic Nigh-Omnpotent, their relationship has become slightly soured as of late.

Fear Virus: TBA


  • Core visited an AU once called City!tale, when she walked through the portal out she felt a huge mass of corrupted files infected with viruses and unfathomable amounts of energy instantly Erupted. So, Core!Frisk attempted to see who it was, but somehow Cores vision was being scrambled.
  • Undertale Chara saw a “Red and Black Sans” appear after Frisk saw the white Sans and when she approached it, it vanished.
  • CyberCore!Sans saw the codes of a normally peaceful AU go completely ballistic due to apocalyptic forces ravaging it. CyberCore!Sans thought he recognized Error404 Sans coding but began to doubt it when he realized how erratic and corrupted the codes were.
  • Ink Sans saw a weird red and black skeleton in the reflection of the lake behind him in the distance, but when ink turned around.......no one was there, and the reflection disappeared. After that, Ink started having Infinitey Codes visions of a strange dark figure with an infinity sign breaking into the multiverse and causing death and destruction to all in the hands of a truly omnipotent and omniscient being with limitless power that transcends infinity, this figure ink knows is waiting for his chance to break free, but ink doesn't know who this being is....yet
  • Outertale Asgore witnessed a huge burst of chaotic energy, anti-matter energy, dark energy, negative energy, corrupt energy, and rifts of dark matter in the distance on an asteroid which was obliterated, but when Asgore got there, everything was gone and a cylinder of anti void was there as if the dark matter and space was wiped out in the area.


  • Jack is a big fan of My Little Pony, and considers himself the most powerful Brony.
  • Jack enjoys electronic music, 20-30's music, and punk rock
  • Jack loves memes, especially ones that are considered nonsensical or random.
  • Jack can prevent Error404 from using souls by using Code Obliteration which can
  • Jack is so strong he can make another virus AU.
  • Jack is Error 404's technical cousin.
  • Jack hates cookies.
  • Jack can beat all of the deities with little to no difficulty and could probably take on half of the Multiverse.
  • Jack loves to hunt down expensive artwork and finger paint on them with a random assortment of colors.
  • Jack enjoys being an eccentric supporter of Gen 4 My Little Pony.
  • Jack is the father of all viruses.
  • Jack has no AU to call his own, so he usually wanders.
  • Jack once destroyed an au just by speaking, he overloaded the AU with his text speech.

