- For a list of all known viruses, see Category:Virus
Viruses are creatures belonging to the Virus404 bloodline. They are basically walking computer viruses that can replicate, infect, and destroy their surroundings. Many of these viruses are afflicted with different types of eccentric behavior and mental disorders which cause insanity or destructive behavior.
All members of the Virus Family possess an intrinsic need to replicate and infect their surroundings, or simply cause chaos to the environment and its people. Many different gods assume that all viruses are controlled strictly by this base nature alone, but recently it has been proven a common misconception. Not all viruses are directly controlled by their basic nature to infect and create limbo. A few have been shown that they can resist their basic urges through discipline and training. Viruses like these are extremely rare, leaving most virus-related beings highly infectious and dangerous.
Members of the Virus Family typically display open hostility to any and all error-related beings.