Void Overlord Sans is a mysterious void creature who is said to reside in the Void Dimension, in the Void Castle. No body knows where the Void Castle is located. He has a hive mind with all void creatures and can control every one of them. He does not do that like controlling people so he doesn't do this unless absolutely necessary.
At the birth of time and space, during the creation of the Aeter Frame itself, the Void was born. An endless sea of swirling nothing that was in danger of destroying creation, the Elder Gods had to step in. For the purpose of keeping the Void in control they created Void OverLord Sans, a creature that was given the power of harnessing the Abyss and using it to it's fullest potential. Void OverLord was successfully able to calm the Void down, into the more peaceful emptiness that we all know today. As a reward, he was given a bastion where he could rest + the power to temporarily leave the Depths so that he may explore the realms that the Elder Gods had created. But he always must remember his purpose and place, or else he will turn back into what he was before: Chaotic, dreadful void matter from which he was formed.
His body is made of a material similar to vantablack and will absorb any light around it. He is black as night and you can barely make his outline if you are in a dark room. He also has barely visible. Small barely visible letters of the wingding language can be seen floating around his outline. He also has wings if you can even call it that.
He is a neutral character. He doesn't care about whats 'just' or what's 'evil'. As long as it helps him a bit in some way, he'll do it.
He is weak to light based attacks, He will become temporarily paralyzed when exposed to a very bright light. The light will only paralyze him based on its intensity. If its a torch light then you can only stun him for a few seconds. Putting him in a room full on lights will force him to teleport to the Void Dimension. Melee or ranges weapons that use bright light like lasers(and lightsabers if you can make make one)can damage his corporeal form.
He also cannot leave the Abyss for too long without starting to turn to dust, teathering him to his home realm further.
Undeniable Void Manipulation
To stop the Void from destroying the Omniverse and beyond, the First Gods created Void OverLord with the power to control it in any shape or form, except for using it to destroy Verses. To ensure that this would never happen, they "installed" Void OverLord with a mechanism that would cause Void OverLord to evaporate if he ever would use the Abyss for destruction.
Void Scythe
Overlords's main weapon of choice, a large scythe he can summon to his hands. This scythe is extremely powerful when used in the Void, and in the void only. It can create massive waves of utter darkness and shadows, in which will smother and heavily damage characters like Good God and other characters with positive emotions. Within shadows, he can move through speeds infinitely faster then light, cutting through like a hot knife through butter. This weapon is also very powerful up close, cutting, slicing and piercing though objects and people with minimal effort.
Within the void, he is always present and all-knowing. He will know any and everyone who ventures within, as well as be present at every single turn within the wasteland that is The Void. This is limited to The Void though, as once he is no longer within this ability will not function.
Void Erasure
Since creatures and beings within the void and conceptually erased after they are made, physical attacks are no longer affective to Overlord. He is immune to such attacks, and can nly be affected by Magical or light based attacks.
Void Bones and Blasters
Blasters and bones conjered from the void, they take on an exact color palet, so they can tend to blend with the void at some angles. Once they make contact with anyone or anything that did not originate from the void, that part of the being that had made contact will be erased. And they will disappear and be erased within the void with enough hits.
Void Summoner
He can summon void creatures to fight for him (For Ex: Void Walkers). These creatures are not mindless however and even in small numbers they are dangerous. These creatures can be controlled with a special Void Summoner staff that Void Overlord keeps in his castle. Presently, he gave the staff to God Of Death Sans for safekeeping.
Pocket Void Manipulations
Void Overlord is able to make tiny versions of the void dimensions and teleport whosoever he want to these pocket voids. He can with a lot of concentration make an actual void dimension portal from anywhere and teleport people through it.
Good God Sans(Friends)
Void Overlord Sans is friends with Good God. Void visits Good God often. Void also helps Good God fight off Anti - God, Shadow God, Omni Murder etc.... if they ever decide to attack.
Infinitey Code(Acquaintance)
Infinitey Code regularly tries to recruit Void to his side mainly because of Void Overlord's power over the void and alll void creatures. He finds Void Overlord useful. But Void Overlord has turned down all of Infinitey Code's offers for now.
Nothing else is currently known about him. Cmon hes a mysterious void creature just like W.D. Gaster from undertale canon.