Godverse Wiki
Godverse Wiki


Calamity Error wanted a powerful being that would help him in battle, one which he can command and control. And so after scretly extracting data and code from the most powerful beings he could find, and a lot of souls, he went into his personal multiverse which he created to combine them together to create one being, and it worked. The first thing it asked was "What am I?", Calamity responded by saying he was his father and the he should follow his command. He was reluctant to follow his command and was friendly as he believed that Calamity was his father. The first 2 years of his life was spent mastering his godly abilities, and C.E also made him use his abilities on hyperverses and multiverses, destroying many in the process.


At this time Xen was about 5 years old. He had completely mastered his abilities and has helped C.E destroy many things, he contributed to the destruction of a few hyperverses thanks to his 50D dimensionality. He didn't want to betray his father but he always had this feeling that all of this was wrong, all this destruction was evil and shouldn't be done. He originally denied these thoughts but he slowly succumbed to these thoughts and one day attacked and betrayed his father while he was once again going on a destructive rampage. C.E only barely escaped, he had massively underestimated Xen's power, he was almost destroyed but managed to escape. Now Xen was left alone in the ruins of his father's rampage, but he soon said to himself that he will doesn't wanna be aligned to anything he just doesn't wanna care about these things he just wants to observe and watch,, soon after this he officially called himself Xen.


Nowadays Xen explores all around the godverse exploring the many AUs and multiverses. Its all he really cares about, he just wants to relax and explore. Due to his extreme neutrality and reclusiveness he barely fights and is very rarely seen. But if someone threatens him, he will not hesitate to put them down and he will do it fast. Xen is extremely reclusive and watches from the shadows and if he's seen he usually disappears instantly. Barely anyone knows of his existence. Though there are few he didn't just outright disappear when he was seen, since he also still wants a few friends, as he feels really lonely, and as a friend he can be quite a pleasant person to be with.


Xen didn't really start with a personality but over the years developed one, he can be quite shy around new people and stutter quite a lot, but he does his best to be as friendly as possible. Around people he has become friends with he is known to act quite cheerfully around them and always likes making funny puns. In combat he doesn't talk much and takes fights very seriously, and will try to end things quickly. Xen is very neutral in godversal endeavors, as when massive conflicts begin between gods and such, he usually either completely ignores it or watches from the shadows, though usually only when he's bored. Even after his recent transcendence with him attaining new powers, he still stays as neutral as possible.


Xen appears as a short skeleton, He has a single white eye in his left eye socket. He has a dark blue fur jacket, with the fur being covered in strings and comprising of three colors, pink, black, and blue. He also has a black shirt, black pants, and blue slippers.


Superior Dimensionality[]

Xen exists on a dimension far beyond the regular being as he is a 50 dimensional being. This allows him to destroy things like hyperverses and is also unaffected by lower dimensional beings. This is because Calamity Error used the code of some other 50D beings during Xen's creation.

God Strings[]

These powerful strings were created through Calamity Error secretly extracting code from as many glitches and errors there were, due to the assortment of different code used these strings have different types which Xen can use.

  • Pink Strings, These are Xen's most used strings, as well as the most powerful. Able to cut through literally anything including hyperverses and gods.
  • Blue Strings, These strings have a very useful ability, which is the ability to render any creature it wraps around completely powerless and weak, these strings can turn otherwise sure defeat for Xen to victory if these successfully wrap around his target.
  • Black Strings, These strings are only visible to Xen and cant be seen by others. These strings are extremely deadly with these strings completely erasing any being that comes into contact with it.

Omega Blaster[]


An omega blaster

Xen can summon a completely black blaster with six purple eyes and without a lower jaw. These blasters can at the weakest possible blast can destroy a hyperverse with a full power blast able to obliderate millions of hyperverses in a single shot. Another ability of these blasters is to split their beam into as many smaller beams Xen wants, the power of the beams does not decrease, He uses this ability for powerful barrage attacks or when against multiple powerful opponents.

Ultimate Blue Magic[]

This version of blue magic is one of the most if not the most powerful version of the blue magic, Able to throw around infinite amounts of hyperverses and throw them torwards an enemy. This is ability is responsible for one of Xen's most powerful attacks, The Verse Shatterer where he uses blue magic to grasp 10 hyperverses and gravitates them into the palm of his hand, then releases it torwards the enemy creating an almost inconceivably powerful and large attack.

Omni Slicer

Xen's Omni Slicer

Omni Slicer[]

Xen can create a purple and black katana from his own code able to cut through gods, and hyperverses. Xen can also focus his energy to the blade's tip allowing him to fire a purple thunderbolt which is about decillions of times faster than light and has ungodly amounts of damage completely obliterating anything it hits, he dubbed this ability the omni shatterer.

Omega Bones[]

These purple bones are extremely powerful, with it causing anything it hits to start rapidly disintegrating, these also have a missile mode where they track their opponent and explode on impact completely erasing anything caught in the explosion. These bones can also range in size from the average size bone that any sans uses to planet sized.

Claws of Agony[]

Xen's fingers are quite sharp, these claws can cut through literally anything. And any being slashed by these claws, even the slightest touch will start melting on the ground while in total agony experiencing the worst pain possible.

Immense Speed and Strength[]

Xen is so quick that at top speed he appears like he's teleporting. His strength is extremely immense able to pick up thousands of suns and punches strong enough to break a galaxy in half.

Instant Teleportation[]

A useful and convenient ability. Xen uses this to teleport to hyperverses, AUs, and etc, of course he also uses this quite often in battle. Specifically to avoid attacks or teleport behind his opponent for a swift ambush.



God!Xen new design

Chosen Appearance

This is Xen's current state after finding the "lost zone". There was legend that went around the godverse, that many many eons ago there were much more gods in the godverse but all had disappeared. However one of these gods before his destruction put all his power into his hand and blasted it to an unknown location. Its said if you were to find the location and come in contact with a glowing sphere, which was the embodiment of his power. A being would achieve immense power. Many did not believe it, although some did and tried to find it, but they were not successful. Xen however he didn't believe it but one day when he was exploring the godverse and ended up in a completely white endless area. He ended up walking very far into to the endless white. And he eventually he found a large glowing sphere. He touched it, he then felt immense power coursing through his body. Xen had transcended to new power, his coded attacks vanished as he no longer has needs for such things, as he has achieved far greater than what he could've ever imagined. The only abilities he has kept to a certain extent are his blasters and bones but they have far transcended what they once were. Despite gaining new power he still remains neutral and still without ambition. Xen is also now completely non code based. Xen however did not completely receive every ounce of power, most portions of the energy didn't see accept him when he absorbed them, they are still part of him but he cannot use the power, but all it would take is time, eventually they would accept him.


"This power, it's incredible" -Xen

Concept, Narrative, Fiction, Existence and Physical Law Manipulation[]

Xen with following his transcension has the authority and power to manipulate concepts, whether its conceptual erasure, creating concepts, or changing a concept he can even change the concept of every versal structure including the omniverse and all of existence as a concept, he can do all of it with a simple thought. The same thing with narratives, he can change and erase any narrative and he can also manipulate his own narrative, one of the things he can do due to having the authority over his own narrative is the ability to decide on what happens in a fight between him and his opponent. He is also able to manipulate the narrative to such a high degree that it can cause massive changes to existence as a whole. Similarly to narratives he has immense authority over fiction itself and fictional verses. With fictional verses he is able to completely warp and change fictional verses to his liking or simply erase one completely from all of existence, He can also has the ability to change someone's existential concept as well as the ability of existential erasure. He also has heavy authority over existence as a whole, with his authority over fiction and the narrative itself. Finally he is able to do what he can do to concepts, to laws of physics. He can create, erase, and change physics at will.

Transcension of Space and Time and Dimensionality[]

With the power he has achieved these concepts mean nothing to him he is far above these. No longer bound by space and time and dimensionality, with space time if time were to be changed in any way if it was stopped, skipped, and anything relating the manipulation of time would be utterly nothing to him, this also includes reality, as any sort of reality warping or changes to all of reality would not affect him in any way this also includes any sort of attack or any sort of destruction around him as due to not existing in space and time Xen will be unaffected. Xen exists beyond the concepts of dimensional existence as he does not exist on any dimensional level, conceptually or existentially. Xen doesn't really have an actual true form, the black and white form he appears in is just an form he created for himself to appear as, this isn't even his only appearance, as he can literally appear as anything he wants, this is just his preferred one. Due to being superior and utterly above dimensions all these dimensional levels he is able to freely manipulate them to his liking. Dimensionally bound entities wont be able to attack or even affect him in any way, anything not on a similar level to him won't be able to affect him in any way. He is immune to any ability or power not equal to his scope, and immunity and defense powers have utterly no affect on him able to easily bypass any immunity or defensive powers as long as they are not equal to his level and existence.

Omnipresent Eyes[]

The white eyes that are attached to his jacket's sleeves can see the entire godverse. No matter where you are or what your doing, Xen is always watching. These eyes even see the thoughts and minds of everyone. A sub ability of these eyes is the omega beam, this attack is invisible and inconceivable to those bound by dimensions, where the eyes fire a pure black beam which will destroy will cause concepts narratives, and existence to erode, implode and collapse in on themselves.

Transcended Blasters and Bones[]

Xen's blasters are now purely black in color which don't even have eyes, and a lower jaw, as well as existing beyond space and dimensions and concepts, these blasters will completely erase concepts, narratives and verses. Or warp them to become illogical and unrecognizable. His bones appear purely black, these pure black bones will cause the narrative itself to implode and collapse in on itself. Any being that is hit by any of these blasters or bones will be completely existentially and conceptually erased from all aspects of existence.

Fictional Awareness[]

Xen after receiving the power also received some knowledge of the old god, one of which was fictional awareness. He sometimes tries to communicate to the audience but this is quite rare.

Fictional Verse Entry[]

Due to his new powers, he is able to enter other fictional verses. He quite likes it as it is quite fun to observe and watch other fictional verses.

Xen's Domain[]

Xen has his own realm and domain. Usually it appears a completely black void with a large pure white island in the center. However Xen has the ability to completely change the realm's appearance anytime he wants. In his domain Xen is almost if not completely unbeatable, so it definitely wouldn't be a good idea to fight him in his domain.


  • Destroyed a fiction verse while battling
  • wip


Calamity Error: Xen used to love and care about his "father" but eventually he came to realize just how much of a terrible person he was, destroying hyperverses, multiverses and killing innocent people for no reason. Now Xen hates his "father" but doesn't really care about doing anything about it. But he does think about possibly not killing him but instead changing him to be a better person.


  • Xen loves coffee
  • Xen can be quite humorous
  • Xen feels somewhat lonely
  • Xen when he enters other fictional verses usually goes to anime verses
  • Xen in his God!Xen evolution because of his 6 omnipresent eyes on his sleeves, has seen things that have somewhat disturbed him. In his Total Divinity form these eyes are now purely cosmetic
  • Xen at times can be quite talkative.
  • Xen is usually pretty moody and with a neutral expression neither sad or happy, when he is angry however, he can be quite terrifying


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