Godverse Wiki
Godverse Wiki

"You are truly a naive and dumb fool for even trying to kill me, I'll allow you to leave, this is your only chance for mercy, if you don't take it...then your existence ends here."

Tier: 1-C - 1-B


The Hyieonsphere[]

Ever since the beginning of time, no before everything itself. There existed something called the Hyieonsphere, Hyieonverse, or the Hyieon Realm. The “Hyieons were considered some of the first deities, the deities before all. There were several types of ancient deities that existed before, Hyieons were one of them, each of the types of the first deities had their verse or realm or sphere but they all had one thing in common, they were the true first deities of all. The Hyieon deities had a system of civilization of gods, unlike the others which were just deities just wandering around a great expanse. The weakest are considered “citizens” these beings would wander the realm and speak amongst each other. The “dukes” were much stronger than the citizens, The Hyieonsphere was divided into infinite amounts of sections(specifically infinite dimensions, this wasn't a problem as the sphere did have infinite deities) and a duke, the strongest of the section would rule over it and give orders., and the “citizens” were to follow. The “King” was the strongest of all. The role of king was decided with battles between dukes, the victor among the hundreds would be declared king. However the Hyieonsphere and everything seemingly vanished without trace, some of the first ever deities just suddenly disappeared. However there remained some who managed to survive and remain. Only one was left, Yuzun.

Yuzun's Time in Hyieonsphere and Finding the Godverse[]

Yuzun was one of the stronger ones in the Hyieonsphere. Well if you were in Hyieonsphere you were destined to be strong, all beings in the Hyieonsphere in terms of power  can be outerversal all the to nigh omnipotence. Yuzun lived as a citizen for most of his life, he wandered around, talked and spoke. He simply liked to wander, he liked observing, he used to be gentle and nice. When he became a duke he seemed proud and happy, he had many things now, he had a palace, he had authority he had many things. This happiness wouldn’t last, the event occurred, the entire Hyieonsphere suddenly vanished but he remained and he remained alive. He was stuck, he lost his immense powers and so couldn’t do anything about it. He was trapped wandering in the complete dark void not a single sound or light. He was stuck for an uncountable amount of time. But one day he found himself in a new world. He was astonished, it was the first stars, the first light, the first cosmos he had seen in an uncountable amount of time. He had found himself in the Godverse. After wandering through the grassy plane he sat and enjoyed the sunset. He found life, he ended up living as some sort of villager as he was indoctrinated into the village, he couldn't really do anything, the only power that remained is his true immortality. After several decades of village life, it finally happened. His powers returned, he soon went up above and decided to observe the godverse itself, he soon found himself observing the entire omniverse, and then versal structures beyond the omniverse. He had immense power, he used his power to stay hidden, he wished to stay mostly a hidden observer, as observation was his hobby. But another thing he developed in his old life in Hyeionsphere was liking for battle, it was second to his hobby of observing but he still enjoyed it. He would find a strong being and challenge them to fight, though despite his love for battle he didn’t do it too often, as he preferred to observe more. Eventually he developed a liking for freedom, he wanted to be free as in the old Hyieonsphere the king was tyrannical and had strict rules on the deities. Sometimes he would create a fictional verse just for fun and observe it. Simply he is an observer at heart, but with a love for freedom and liking for battle. He also hates remembering the Hyieonsphere, he hates remembering how everything vanished he was trapped in an endless void for uncountable eons. He does not want what happened to Hyieonsphere to happen to the godverse. Even though he tends to be neutral if the godverse is on the brink of destruction to a threat, he will get involved.


In terms of personality he is described to be quiet and stern. At times he can be quite kind and gentle, being overall a decent and nice person. However he tends to be quite violent when angered, but he makes sure he is never blinded by it. In battle he tends to take things seriously and end things quickly, he never despite his  overwhelming power underestimates his opponent, he knows overconfidence is a foolish thing. But at times he isn’t truly neutral as he does not want the godverse to end. If the godverse itself is on the brink he will get involved.


He is not bound to a single or fixed form. His appearance is something he can change at will completely. He chooses to appear as a 6’1 skeleton with a purple and white jacket, the purple colors on his jacket are glowing. He has a black shirt and pants, with shirt having an infinity symbol on it. His left eye is a large glowing purple eye. His right eye is a purple infinity symbol. On the back of his jacket he has a purple infinity symbol.



His suppressed state is the state he likes to be in when in battle, he does take battles seriously but he wants to have at least some fun as well. So he created weaker abilities for himself to use, below are these abilities listed:

Omnilus Blasters[]

These blasters appear white with 6 glowing purple eyes without pupils, these blasters transcend concepts, their ability can completely change as it depends on what Yuzun wants. Currently these blasters do not fire beams like a traditional blaster. It instead unleashed an omni singularity. An omni singularity is black hole which can and will suck in any target. These singularities can suck in entire fictional verses, infinite levels of dimensions, powerful deities,  and even the entire omniverse. Anything sucked into the singularity is completely and utterly erased. Leaving no trace of their existence behind. Nothing survives the singularity even conceptually transcendent beings.

Omnilus Bones[]

These bones appear glowing purple. These bones travel at infinite speeds, completely undodgeable and unavoidable. These bones can  destroy infinite concepts and beings without exception. These bones are also destroyers of worlds. These bones can be massive and are capable of destroying infinite levels of dimensions and versal constructs. These bones go through any conceptual defense or immunity of any kind.

Arsenal of Omniverse[]

A powerful and useful ability within his arsenal. He is able to access and use the weapons, abilities, and magic of all the residents of the omniverse. This ability allows him to access some of the strongest abilities to exist. With the omniverse being existence itself and housing uncountable amounts of beings, including extremely powerful ones, Yuzun has a massive arsenal of abilities at his disposal.

Manipulation Immunity[]

Yuzun is completely immune to any manipulation powers, be it conceptual, fate/plot, existential, and etc. He is completely unaffected by any type of manipulation power. He has complete authority and control over himself, nobody controls him, he is a slave to nobody.


In the dreams of any being. Yuzun is truly omnipotent and has infinite power. In dreams he is completely invincible and unbeatable. Usually beings oneiricpotence could still be defeated or outsmarted due to them being blinded by overconfidence. But Yuzun never underestimates his opponents.

True Power[]

This is Yuzun’s true power no longer suppressing his power. This is his true state now beyond these abilities he’s developed, with his true unsuppressed power he nigh unparalleled and a nigh unstoppable force.

A Truly “Perfect” Power[]

Yuzun has what he calls the perfect power. This type of power that is his eyes perfect, is called nigh boundlessness. It is ability to raise his level of power to as much as he wants. However it is not completely perfect, because even though he can raise to unimaginable and incomprehensible heights, there is the inability to reach infinity itself. However the level of power he usually assignes himself is still something to behold. He has absolute power and authority over Infinite levels of dimensions(above 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, and infinity), every versal construct(includes structures above the omniverse), the non concepts, all and infinite concepts, the metaphysical and above metaphysical concepts, what is logical and illogical, what is possible and impossible, the existing and nonexistent, infinite physicalities. total Omnipresence and omniscience over everything to exist, can't exist, not exist, what never existed, and what no longer exists, he also has immense authority over his own narrative and other narratives, in a fight with him, not skill, knowledge, or tactics, don’t decide the victor, he himself decides who would win. However you must keep in mind that this not at all his limit, he can raise the level of power much much higher than this. This is why he calls it perfect, he sees the ability to choose your own level of power as the true apex of abilities. This level of power is already great but he can of course increase it anytime he wants, but as mentioned above, true infinity/boundlessness/omnipotence is the only level he cannot reach.

True Invisibility[]

An ability he created for himself as a way to be undetected and undisturbed when wandering. He is able to make himself completely invisible to anything, even the strongest deities cannot see or touch him. Due to this he is a mostly unknown being in the Godverse with very few knowing of his existence.


A common ability of Hyieonspere deities. He knows everything about what exists whats nonexistent, the future, and the past.


Generally Yuzun does not harbor any special relationships. He does not have a lover nor a friend. He stays to himself and stays invisible most of the time. He only wanders and observes the godverse from the shadows. However he did formerly have some friends.


  • In the Hyieonsphere he had friends but there all gone, he misses them dearly but knows they wont come back
  • He likes to visit fictional verses, it is common for him to observe or even manifest in a fictional verse.
  • He is fond of cookies


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