"Only the fittest and most adaptable survive the cruel worlds that we live in."
- Zenath talking to a protector, identity unknown
"You learn quite a few things when you've been around for as long as me, heh..."
- Zenath after beating an opponent
Zenath, also known as The Beyonder, is an ancient, maybe even primordial being from an eldritch race of gods that existed previous to TGV in The Unwritten Potential.
Chapter 1: ¦_FRACTURED_¦[]
Long before the Aeter Continuum ever arrived in the concept- and narrativeless nothingness previous to TGV, before the UnderTale Fandom (but not before the primordial forces created everything, but hey, we're not even sure about that), there was an eldritch species within this abyss known as "The Callum Extenzirs". These were creatures of utter conceptlessness, and in turn were the strongest race that inhabited the nothingness, due to their extreme adaptability and mimicking of their opponents. They were so unbound by narrative existence, that they transcended the need for plot or story. They didn't feel any emotions, but were still "content" enough in their "home". Stories have been told that they originate from outside the OmniVerse, but one day simply "moved" into the Unwritten Potential. Whether this was for their own amusments, or boredom, we don't know. It also seemed to be that they were expanding this narrativeless nothing, causing more and more realms to be eternally plunged into the maddening senselessness.
But, one day, the Aeter Continuum, with Koavire leading them, arrived. The Extenzirs had at first hid from them with ease, knowing they would simply pass through and enter another fictionality. However, when Koavire started to spew forth the endless number of laws into their "home", they started to fight back. But due to them at that point such existencelessness, the concepts burned and destroyed them, one by one, and the Aeter Continuum simply erased all of the ones that survived. All except one.
Chapter 2: Rebirth[]
“When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.” – Tuli Kupferberg.
“Change before you have to.” – Jack Welch.
“The strongest will is the will that knows how to bend.” – Alice Duer Miller.
“Do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you.” — Rupi Kaur.
One survived. One single member of this sought-to-be-nigh-almighty species lived through the horrors of their destruction. How exactly it managed to do it is unsure.
A list of theories includes:
- It was able to somehow "leech" onto a member of the Aeter Continuum through sheer will, and detached itself in a different fictionality narrative. This would have allowed it to develop further to combat threats in other fictions that would've wanted to kill it.
- Its adaptability had somehow allowed it to instantly change into a suitable existence that let it survive in the non-nothingness space that Koav had created.
- (You can add more theories of yours)
Anyway, it survived, and was gone for most of TGV's history. So long, in fact, that it was only in the era of TGV's "Fake Omnipotence Characters" that it returned in secret. In order to exist in a state that other non-Outer- or non-Omniversal beings could comprehend, it created a new body for itself, a "he" that took many forms. At first a giant racoon, an externaversal disease, and many, many, many more. Eventually it came back to TGV where its former home had once been, to see it distorted and twisted, with cruel Koav and Ayaba, fake almighty beings, and countless creatures roaming its vastness. At first, he felt no emotional response to this (as OuterVersal beings lack all emotions) but created a lesser, HyperVersal body so that he may understand. As soon as this was done, he was grieving for all that he had lost yet again, and vowed revenge for his fallen brethren.
At first, he chooses a few ways he could exploit the chaos within TGV and did so by causing a massive extinction-level event for nigh-every god in the entirety of the first 20 dimensional planes. After that was undone, he led large armies/hordes of his own creation into battle against the Godversal tyrants alongside countless other gods and mortals, but the majority of battles were lost. After Koav's personality was seemingly rewritten by Lotus, he decided that his previous actions had been foolish and thoughtless. This was the time to be behind the scenes, not an actor dancing on the stage. So he did a complicated series of manipulations, puppeteering, and more. He took control of multiple businesses within TGV, shapeshifted so that he looks like a "King OC" so in turn that he may take part in the "Feast of Kings", and listen in to what Koav was doing. Then he started to make deals with various other entities, forming alliances or tricking them to do so in order to gain a following.
After this, he continues to create disturbances wherever he went, and is biding his time to be able to take revenge upon the Godversal King.
Chapter 3: ƗŇŦØ ΜΔĐŇ€ŞŞ[]
Finally. After all this time, Zenath, now more commonly known as "The Beyonder", had found one of his key items in his quest for revenge. He was at the center of one of the infinite Aleph-999,999 realms and was standing in front of a portal that would bring him to a dimensionality-Aleph-Aleph world, where the Nexus Cube would be located. Or rather, he would be inside of it.
After safely converting the cube into a smaller object, he started to "unlock" it, in the style of solving a rubix cube. This took him 10 minutes, despite his Almighty-tier mind, which adapted so that it would solve problems of this kind with more ease next time. But it had been done. As the cube opened, it unleashed an omnidirectional wave with the force of one thousand big bangs. As this energy blasted out of the unlocked cube, it was also creating the exact effect that Zenath had desired: It was slowly unraveling the physics, concepts, and laws within a hundred-metre radius. For a moment, he witnessed the state that TGV had been previous to its creation: Pure emptiness. But it was quickly filled once more by the chains that bound all of creation within the Aeter Engine.
But Zenath wanted more. He opened the Nexus Cube fully, unleashing ALL of its energy into the dimensional plane that he was in. In the process, it ended up splitting his mind in two: creating his alter-ego, Cerberum. Cerberum was made of the pure hatred and anger that had existed for eons within Zenath's body; a creature created by anguish willed into existence so that grief may be felt, a demon of rage. This was possible as somehow, Zenath's hatred had clung onto the release of energy released by the Nexus Cube, with the conceptual and destructive forces within it fuelling the creation of its new mind. So Cerberum took control of Zenath, who had not once considered this a possible situation, but as Cerberum also possessed his adaptive capabilities, it would take a while for him to get back at the steering wheel.
And so, Cerberum went on a destructive rampage throughout TGV, destroying countless cosmological structures and bringing pure and utter madness into the usually quiet order within these cosmologies. After a while of juggling around Complex MultiVerses, he ascended further and smashed his way into The Astral Divide, and started to ripping raw ideas from the Astral Plane, throwing them into creation and then absorbing their energy, making him even more crazed and causing him to start sending out shockwaves of pure wrath emotional energy, cracking the Astral Divide and allowing him to enter the Adamasphere. There he came across a door with the inscriptions of "Godverse's Private Eyes" on it. "Eyes? Eyes!" Cerberum exclaimed, turning the door (but not the door-shaped portal that led into Courage!Sans' office) into a pile of eyeballs and busted in saying "HEREEEEEE'SSSSS JOHNY!!!!!". Courage jumped (because, let's be frankly honest, so would you if a random, seemingly crazy stranger would turn YOUR door into eyeballs and scream "HEREEEEEE'SSSSS JOHNY!!!!!" at the top of their lungs, right?) and slammed Cerberum into the wall, ripping a hole in said wall. He then quickly teleported back and attempted to cut Courage into pieces using his skeleton tail, and nearly succeeded. But Courage used his absolute control of gravity to stop the tail dead in its tracks, even though it was obviously struggling. A orange bravery fist slammed into Cerberum's side, but seemingly did no damage. "Nice tryyyyy, bonehead!" the HATE-filled demon exclaimed, "but you'll need more than that to harm me! Let's try something new...". Cerberum's eyes started glowing black, and then he summoned some HATE-swords and made three diagonal slashes that resembled claws while jumping mid-air, this was then followed by bringing their blades forward repeatedly in a blurry, rapid barrage of strong slashes and thrusts that creates the illusion of an army's worth of swords. This dealt a large portion of damage to Courage, who dealt back by slamming twenty-three bones into his chest, causing more goop to spill from Cerberum's chest. Then he was thrown in the air by gravity and repeatedly barraged by Gaster Blasters, but Cerberum just chuckled to himself. After this was done, he said "You've had your fun. My turn, heheaha!" and vomited a giant spike made of HATE right at Courage, as he laughed with glee. Just as it was about to hit him, despite his attempts to dodge it, Wrath!Papyrus created a large pan made of KINDNESS, that was already cracking from the pressure and power from the HATE. They turned to face this quaking monster, and smashed every attack they had onto him, while Cerberum was sitting in an armchair, reading a book. Then he stood up while still being attacked and said "Rightyo, time to kick some a- *SLAM!!!". Noir!Frisk had kicked his skull with her boot, distracting him momentarily. (At this point they were in a layer of the OtherVerse outside of the "Godverse's Private Eyes"-Office.) Then, Cerberum summoned a few hundred Odium Blasters, ready to extinguish their lives in an instant. "Playtime`s over!" he said, and the Blasters all opened their mouths, ready to fire...
BLAM!!! Out of nowhere, Delta appeared and uppercut Cerberum, causing a shockwave and cutting his concentration for just a millisecond, but that was enough for Courage, Wrath and Noir to teleport out of the way of the Blasters` beams. "You came!" Courage said gladly. "Did ya really think I`d leave ya hanging like that?" Delta responded, dodging a HATE-tentacle. "And I brought help" he said as M.A.P. appeared, to aid Wrath in battle. "More people to test my new self on, brilliant!" Cerberum exclaimed, and quickly went to attack as M.A.P. and Delta went to face him. It began with M.A.P. surrounding all of them in a sphere of Glitched Flames, then Delta barraged Cerberum, who tried to block him and temporarily succeeded by putting ten Odium Blasters in front of him, only for Delta to jump above them and slamdunk Cerberum, dealing tons of damage. Then M.A.P. sent an army of Malware Bones and Blasters at him, with Cerberum blocking and dodging all the while. "Oh come on, give me a break!" Cerberum exclaimed and spread out his arms, letting out hundreds of thousands of Odium Blasters fire onto them, also dealing damage. Cerberum summoned a black curved bone that he tried to send straight through Delta`s chest, only for it to be grabbed by Delta and broken. "HA! GOTCHA!" Cerberum exclaimed while weaving under M.A.P.`s pinky laser. Delta started to feel odd, as he started to dissolve into a puddle of black liquid. M.A.P. quickly extracted the code that was decaying Delta, but a fraction too late. Even though Delta had been healed, there was a black, goopy clone of him that was standing in front of him. The original and HATE Deltas soon engaged in battle, with only M.A.P. to face Cerberum now (As Courage and his group had gone back into their office and safety). Then, Cerberum summoned The Hands of [NULL], letting them smash their way through M.A.P.`s various attacks until they had grabbed M.A.P. , and had blocked all of his moves. "Guess this is it, Glitch-Boy. Toodles~" Cerberum exclaimed, while The Hands of [NULL] were starting to pull them apart. But, just in time, Delta sent a punch towards him, which ended up smashing his body up through the various cosmologies (this was from his body, not Delta`s punch BTW) until he reached the Greater Otherverse. He quickly sealed the hole in reality that had been created by him getting there, and was very angry at the fact that he had been "tricked" like that (yeah, even I`M not sure why he was like that). Anyway, he got so fed up about it that he started to tear apart many different layer of the Greater Otherverse with his changeable attributes and various arsenal-tools.
His meddling had gained the attention of being, one known as Flaks, due to Cerberum repeatedly erasing various luck-based layers within the Greater Otherverse, and he said "Waaaaaiit there, fella. You shouldn`t be doing that, ya know." Cerberum ignored him and continued his rampage. "Seriously, you sho- WHAM!" Cerberum wanted Flaks gone so had attempted do flatten him with a dimensionally-changed hand, but had missed due to Flaks` luck. "Alright, buddy, you don`t want to mess with- GLARG! *cough, cough Those darn lucky pennies. Wonder how they keep getting in my throat- Wait, I don`t have a throa-" Cerberum had launched a massive ray of primordial destructive energy, pissing Flaks off. Flaks comedically rolled up his sleeves, and started to beat the hell out of Cerberum who was constantly exclaiming "OUCH! DAMN IT!". But he couldn`t defend himself, as he had somehow swallowed a stun pill, that was going to last for the next 5 days. And so it did, as Flaks continuously wrecked a non-moving Cerberum for the next five days. After the pill wore off, Flaks was content, and turned around to leave. Just then, Cerberum floated up high, and shot out a beam of pure bad luck out of his chest, and at the same time expelled all of the negative luck that Flaks had inserted into his being. This beam his Flaks, who was ill-prepared, and caused his good luck to entirely turn into bad luck that he though Falls couldn`t get rid of for the next 24 hours. Thing is, he was Nøytral at the time, so instead Nøytral just removed luck from both him and Cerberum turning the fight into a contest of skill. Both Nøytral and Cerberum then got into a fire-fight, with Cerberum firing gigantic rays of [NULL] energy and Nøytral firing energy bullets out of his fingers like a finger gun. Both dodged and weaved and got hit a few times but then, Cerberum jumped over and slapped Nøytral hard across his coin-face, grabbed him with Hands of [NULL] while Nøytral was cracking them with the help of his Nigh-Absolute Attack, had them rip Nøytral in two, flipped him off, and he tried to leave him there until the next day but both half’s of Nøytral just got up grabbed the other and put themselves back together. Nøytral then looked at Cerberum’s direction and said “Alright chum, it’s time we end this.” Cerberum attempted to do the same thing he did before but with more force, however Nøytral re-introduced luck into the fight and shifted into Ulykke and just by being near him Cerberum got so much bad luck he somehow did his attack on himself. Enraged Cerberum put himself back together and rushed towards Ulykke delivering a flurry of blows that all missed due to comedic bad luck, Ulykke then winded up for a final punch and struck Cerberum in his face, however, Cerberum also got a lucky hit in despite all the bad luck he had and hit Ulykke right in the chest. Both of the charged up punches delivered so much force that the two got flung FAR FAR away from each other, ending the fight pre-maturely with a tie. Landing after being flung by Ulykke’s punch, Cerberum found himself inside the Adamasphere with his head in the ground, pulling it out he saw Flaks was nowhere to be seen.
Chapter 4: The ROBUR...[]
After another week, Cerberum simply gave back his control to Zenath, as he was bored and didn`t have much else to do. So Zenath came to an agreement with his alter-ego: He would let Cerberum help him in battle and would teach him more about the existence he had been brought into. And Zenath continued on his mission, completing deals with various beings such as Fear!Sans and Orion Malfunction. He also apologised to Courage, his gang, Flaks and Delta for the "mishaps" that had previously occured. At the same time, he was learning further about how to control the data and power stored within the Nexus Cube, gaining further control of the cosmological structures he was located in, concepts and erasure. He had grown more and more powerful, being now able to erase countless layers of the Greater Otherverse without much effort, mainly due to a SOUL fragment that he had absorbed which gave him infinite stamina and further enhanced his power growth. Not long after he would through using the Nexus Cube learn of a hidden place known as "The Forever-Grim", an infernal-realm hidden within the Celestial Sea. After a long search he found it, and entered it. As soon as he was inside, he found himself within a gray and decaying world; "textures" constantly mosaicing, the remains of people glitching in and out of reality. "It appeared as if he was within one of the decaying cosmologies outside of the TGV..." Zenath thought to himself. But as he turned around to leave, he realised that the entrance to TGV had vanished! He would have to find another way back inside...
After exploring these shattered realms for the next few [REDACTED]s, Zenath discovered a mysterious "net" that acted like the Aeter Frame, but for other outsider verses and cosmologies, even for the Nothingness existing beyond them. Zenath nicknamed this force the ROBUR, and proceeded to tamper with this cosmic energy. In the process, he ended up destroying (by accident) 12 Gigaverses (basically a rip-off version of Greater Otherverse layers but with more aeter frame) and nearly completely deleting his own existence, which he thought was nigh-impossible. Through billions, if not trillions of years (but time did not exist in that otherworldly space) he learned to bend this powerful source to his will, allowing him to ensnare the very fabrications of cosmologies around him, wrapping them around his fingertips.
But, after a while, Zenath discovered that by absorbing a fraction of the ROBUR's energy, he could become a lot stronger than before. And so he made a new "form" for himself, as he had discovered that was what the inhabitants of TGV would tend to do. He could become a cosmic beast, a creature with the power of the cosmologies that lurked within even structureless objects. He used this power to break back into TGV, creating a giant hole in the Aeter Engine that was quickly fixed by beings that were passing by. But...
Zenath started to experiment more and more with the ROBUR. It all started TBA!
One day, Zenath was simply wandering the wonderful layers of the Greater Otherverse, when he was approached by a figure that he had heard rumours, dark ones, but never actually met in person. Yowilde. Yowilde was looking for a fight, he could tell. So Yowilde forced them both out of Pan-Dimensionality, and they fought. Yowilde started by wildly teleporting around Zenath faster than space and time, making it break, and surrounding Zenath with millions of punches. In response, Zenath started ZOOMIN' around at such a speed that it created fractial barriers where the punches then landed, and were conducted and had all their force re-sent into the nearest verses. They descended down the layers, and destroyed an infinite collection of multiverses easily. All of Zenath's main abilities had been disabled, but were quickly replaced with new ones so that he could continue battling effectively. Yowilde teleported them both into the Silly Zone, where he snapped his fingers and summoned Magno. Magno then, while not moving (visibly), punched Zenath an incomprehensible amount of times, sending him flying into the Overvoid. Zenath puts his hands together, and is surrounded by an orb of BeyonderBlasters. At the same time, billions of goopy figures emerge from each and every shadow, with them all firing all they have at Magno & Yowilde. Magno takes some critical hits, but before the HATE-beings can do any more damage, Yowilde erases the concept of hate/hatered making the narrative forget that hate ever came to be (aka hate doesn't exist anymore) and all of the goopy figures disappear and die. Magno not even moving suddenly all of the blasters are gone and destroyed like they just disappeared. Then Yowilde summons an incomprehensible amount of multiversal-sized energy orbs surround the Overvoid dimension they were in. Yowilde proceeds to send them towards Zenath and as it hit its destination the entire Overvoid dimension was disintegrated, dealing a HEFTY amount of damage to Zenath, but simply making him angry instead of actually hurting him. Zenath screams in rage, and suddenly, nonillions of tiny "points" appear all around Yowilde, and start sucking in his very existence and the very fabric of the Aeter Frame and all laws, concepts, definitions, sets of definitions, metaphysics, pataphysics, paraphysics, probabilities, improbabilities, possibilities, impossibilities, omegas, alphas, infinities, and more, collapse inwards into these holes, absorbing Yowilde's very being. Yowilde swiftly starts editing the narrative to delete these points and absorb Zenath instead, but Zenath simply reversed these narrative changes. Getting bored, Zenath goes BeyonderHeaven while letting a few attacks slam into Yowilde, who is not significantly damaged by any of them.
Zenath, getting mildly bored at this fight going nowhere, challenges Yowilde to kill him right there and then, but the opponent refuses to do so. Yowilde then states "Remember Cerberum it took me a bit to find the document but I have an offer for you... I can help you control it so you can become more powerful BUT you will be my partner..." and then Yowilde then puts out his hand as a ghost book floats about 4 feet above Yowilde's hand with flames coming out of it. While at first Cerberum rejected the offer, they were eventually lured in by the Pain God's deal and shook his hand. At once, Zenath was infinitely depowered and despite what seemed like the intervention of a higher being, was brought into Yowilde's "Torturer's Realm".
Over the course of boundless time (enough for TGV to crumble into dust and be brought back again, and this could happen as the TR existed outside of outer time zones) Zenath was mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually tortured in every possible way. Trauma, Agony, Pain, Sadness, Grief; everything was forced onto him all at once. And every time Zenath is killed, his own existence simply forces itself to be brought back, just to be endlessly in pain once more. This happens over and over and over and over again, for an indeterminate span of boundlessness.
Then, at some point, Yowilde approaches Zenath once more. "How's our little "Hyperversal Know-It-All", eh?" Yowilde said to him. Zenath gave no response, as his tongue had just been torn out by the shadow of a glinting figure. It quickly regrew, but Zenath still said nothing. Yowilde spat at him; "Always the same with you people. You believe that you can beat everyone that stands in your way, but let me tell you; you are nothing but another worthless and PATHETIC "God" who believes that he is the best. Now, get out of my sight before I kill you again. Oh, wait, I forgot, I'm doing that anyway." And with that, Yowilde rips out Zenath's spine. More screams. More pain. But... something was different this time. "I'm not doing this for what they call "Power"..." Zenath answers back, paralyzed. "This is all for who I was. For what HE took from me." ...there seems to be something different now. Zenath grows his spine back, and his eyes are glowing with rage worth endless eterntities. "Now... TAKE THIS BASTARD!" Zenath slams a fist straight into Yowilde, somehow dealing damage. Yowilde, surprised, proceeds to slam Zenath back into the ground. With speed uncalculatable by any mathematical symbols, Zenath sends an unfathomably incomprehensible amount of punches and kicks right into Yowilde, actually dealing quite some hefty damage. Yowilde fired back Shamasphere-sized balls of erasure-energy, dissolving half of Zenath's body before it instantly reforms. This goes on and on, with the two fighting it out for eternities, with Yowilde starting to lose stamina while Zenath continued on, even faster and stronger than before. Eventually, Yowilde was overwhelmed and fled, before any more harm was done to him.
Kingly Form[]
In this form that he appears as inside of TGV, that was made purposefully into a "King OC" so that he may join King Godverse's Feast of Kings, he has a King MultiVerse-like appearance, with a blue crown floating above his head imbedded with fragments of matter hailing from various different fictionalities outside of TGV and even the UnderTale Fandom, sort of as souvenirs. Within his left eye is an ultramassive black hole, which was replicated from one comparable to this one within our universe. This black hole is purely there for intimidation, but is also used to fuel his power. His boney fingers possess claw-like nails, nearly talons. His elegant robes of blue and purple dissolve into red particles at their ends, and he has a large blue tail, which is covered in indestructible scales. It ends at a glowing red point, which is incredibly sharp; so much so that he can even slice through matter with a dimensionality of Aleph-Aleph. His skull is worn down, even being cracked, and is often theorized that Zenath doesn't change this due to the fact that he wants to look like he's the "most experience man in the room", if you get what I'm saying.
When Cerberum takes control, their body slightly changes, with their skull being a grayish-tone in colour, their tail being also made of bones and purplish-black liquid leaking from their mouth and arm-sleeves. His pupils turn purple and red, with the black hole in his left eye making two copies of itself in addition to itself. His crown is more curved and made of gold, with one simple red ruby on its surface.
OuterVersal/Original Form[]
Previous to the destruction of TGV, Zenath had no "appearance", as OuterVersal beings tend to have. They are outside of an appearance that would make them like any other within the OmniVerse, so his looks cannot be fathomed by any mind bound to the concept of an "appearance". Its purely indescribable from those bound by dimensions.
Zenath Personality[]
Thoughtful, good mannered and well spoken, Zenath can most of the time seem like an absolute joy to spend time with. What's more, he will often give you tedtalks and advice on how to be a better and more rounded person altogether! Better yet, he may just offer you a deal of some kind, where he can grant you your wildest wishes in exchange for [[𝕀ℕ𝔽𝕆ℝ𝕄𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ ℍ𝔸𝕊 𝔹𝔼𝔼ℕ ℂℍ𝔸ℕ𝔾𝔼𝔻 𝔹𝕐 𝕆𝕌𝕋𝕊𝕀𝔻𝔼 𝕊𝕆𝕌ℝℂ𝔼]], so you better accept it!
𝕭𝖊𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖊. 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖆 𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖆𝖉𝖊.
Zenath is, despite being "happy" at times, a bitter and calculated strategizer who tricks and deceives anyone in his path to get what he wants. After years of corruption and hopeless battles against the "Higher Gods", he has learnt that he must act like this to survive and "win". That's not to say that he's a jerk; far from it. But it seems like there is always a passive-aggressive undertone in his voice whenever he's speaking "without lies". After his time in the TR, he has grown a slightly sadistic side, TBA!
Cerberum Personality[]
Cerberum, unlike Zenath, is one to think that they are the most intelligent person to ever exist in probability, improbability, infinity, omega, existence, nothingness, and beyond. They have a MASSIVE ego, are VERY selfish, and tend to try to convince anybody they come across to play Chess. They are chaotic in a sense that they see everything as pointless, but in that way they see everything has the same value, so that they don't really care for anything but do care for everything. They also believe that they are a "trickster god" (e.g. Loki from the Norse Pantheon). Due to this, they play pranks on other gods, such as flushing Jack's collection of MLP DVDs down a black hole, tripping over Gaster into a conceptual singularity, etc. They are notorious due to this, and are a generally disliked presence across most of the TGV.
They are much more rash and get-to-the-point than Zenath, tending to fight (and play Chess) rather than sit down and talk, so it's very difficult to actually reason with them. Their fighting style is chaotic, often having an attack this way and then another while the first is still active.
Occasionally, when their body is seemingly about to perish with no way that "Temporal Ultimatium" can save them, Cerberum will take control and enter an enraged state, becoming Final!Z and letting themselves be purely controlled by their anger...
QUICK ADVICE: Never, under ANY circumstances try to play Uno with him.
OuterVersal/Original Personality[]
Has a similar personality to Anti-God previous to his transformation by Fortran, with it being almost impossible to describe. It boundlessly transcends all behaviours we dimensional beings could give it, so we shouldn't even try.
The [NULL][]
The [NULL], also known as the [ABSOLVENT INK], is a reality hidden within a layer of the Greater OtherVerse, which is nearly identical in nature to the Unwritten Potential previous to Koav's creation of TGV. The [NULL] is an absolutely dimensionless, conceptless, (im)probabilityless, narrativeless, and lacks everything else imaginable. This was created as a place of piece for Zenath, and is where he retreats to when heavily wounded. However, this is not where he keeps his OuterVersal Self that remotely controls him, but keeps it outside of TGV, in a place inaccessible to all except for other OuterVersal entities.
Abilities + Attacks[]
Zenath/HyperVersal Form[]
- "Almighty Adaptability": This is one of the strongest capabilities that Zenath's HyperVersal base self-possesses. This is something that was included in his Original Self but hasn't seemed to have weakened at all since. He can adapt any and all of his powers, states of self, aspects of being and qualities to make himself be infinitely superior in battle than most of his enemies (e.g. If somebody would have some kind of controlling strings or corruption power, he would over time gain "Indomitable Will"). This also grants him Adaption Manipulation, allowing him to also gain the power to change the adaptive qualities of others, e.g., making them fall for the same attacks over and over again. As a bonus, he learns some abilities of lower-than OmniVersal (or sometimes around that Tier) beings that he is close to.
- "Divine Intervention": In the case that any of his powers or abilities are corrupted, dissolved, blocked, not working, or erased, he can use a small amount of the ROBUR to quickly remove those capabilities and replace them with new ones. BUT as soon as they start working again, the old powers come back to him.
- "Energium Infinitium": Due to absorbing a piece of Orion Malfunction's SOUL, Zenath has access to Orion's infinite energy source, thus obtaining boundless stamina and the ability to keep battling forever. He can use this cosmic energy to power up his attacks, and make his own attributes.
- "Shifting into Nothing": Zenath can become what his Original Form used to be, nonexistent, conceptless and nonnarrative on all absolutely all levels, if he ever needs to be. This also allows him to "phase" back into being whenever he desires. This gives him an advantage in battle, as he can simply leave a fight whenever he desires, as he can simply make the battle nonexistent and exit the battlefield. This goes to such an extent that sometimes even Nigh-Omnipotents cannot notice his presence. Also renders him TRULY indestructible and untouchable. Note: It is completely random whether he can be hit by nonexistent attacks in this state.
- Absolute + Almighty Mind: Zenath's mind, by all accounts, is absolute. His mentality and perceptions are totally boundless and infallible while keeping absolute immunity from others manipulating his consciousness. He can do absolutely anything with his mind, and possesses all mentality-based powers, while being able to create any new ones. He is capable of processing infinite amounts of data and performing tasks others consider impossible or out-right simply incomprehensible to his mind. His mentality cannot be distorted, no matter whether it be attempted through Nothingness or Madness.
- Pan-Dimensional Physiology: When the OuterVersal state first created the TGV-Body, it had the idea of giving this vessel Pan/TransInfinite-Dimensionality, so that dimensions wouldn't play a role when it came to the power of their opponents.
- "Temporal Ultimatiun": With this special ability, Zenath can create different timelines of exactly the same moment, or more specifically, his whole existence. If he is successful in whatever he has done that's required him to use this power, he will "stich" it back into creation, and erase all other possibilities from Existence. He can eventually simply tire of performing this, though, causing him to lose out of sheer boredom.
- Absolute Osteokinesis: This is the typical bone-manipulation used by all Sans-based characters. Zenath has this due to the fact that pretty much everybody else has it, so why not?
- BeyonderBones: Just regular Sans-Bones but rainbow in colour, are jagged, sharp, and deal 30 Complex UniVerses + 12 MultiVerses worth of damage.
- BeyonderBlasters: These large Gaster Blaster variants are a manifestation of his adaptability and knowledge, fused with a pinch of higher power. Physically, they are 3 ft in length and 10.4 ft in height. They have six eyes in total, the irises blue in color. Its horns are curved, with all of the Blaster's boney surface covered in a scale-like material that differs in color and is about as durable as Eden Orbs from the AlphaVerse (NON-CANON TO ALPHATALE). Its teeth are curved as well, and they have a small crown sitting on their heads that contains their energy source. When used, these Blasters can be ridden upon. If used to attack, they will fire large rays/blasts of primordial destructive energy that follow their target around corners and have wallhacks so that they cannot be blocked. Depending on the situation, these Blasters will change their physical and mental structures to gain better defense against their opponents, they can also summon portals, so that they can shoot into one portal and have the other portal open in front of their target. Speed wise, they possess a level of speed at a maximum and limitless level, transcending the logical limits and boundaries of speed as a concept. They are beyond and qualitatively superior to all concepts of speed and the dimensions of time and space and are capable of performing movement beyond infinite dimensions of time due to transcending the very concepts of movement itself. You can't outrun them, no matter where you flee. In strength, they are able to change their damage depending on the opponent, so their attack stat doesn't have a definite value. It has been witnessed before how they have destroyed entire layers of the Greater OtherVerse, but this takes a lot of effort for Zenath (NOTE: that was for pre-Chapter 4 Zenath). He gave himself these as everybody else seemed to have them, so why not fit in?
- Gilaris-Nil Blasters: These G-N Blasters are similar in design to BeyonderBlasters, except for the lack of horns but instead with tubes on their sides, and no eyes except for a grey-ish pupiled one in its very center, and the smile is unusually large. When used, they open their mouths and release an omnidirectional shockwave that renders all except the user immobile. As soon as they've released the shockwave, they will create an Absolute Paradoxical Cortex in their mouths, destroying themselves and presumably the opponent from existence.
- Absolute Paradoxical Conceptual Cortex: In using this, Zenath creates a singularity that causes all laws, concepts, definitions, sets of definitions, metaphysics, pataphysics, paraphysics, probabilities, improbabilities, possibilities, impossibilities, omegas, alphas, infinities, and more, to collapse inwards into this hole, creating a space that is made of pure NOTHING, with even a lack of nothingness. This singularity can then, if Zenath so wishes, explode with the force of all of these things combined, creating an explosion that only the most durable survive, otherwise it would literally wipe their existences, their pure being clean from Cosmology and all others. This opponent would then have never existed, is not ever existing or will ever exist. Only Zenath will remember these fallen beings.
- Ethos Stances: During his travels, he discovered a secret art of techniques called "Ethos Stances" that were often used in an organization called "The Kronos Sect", so he decided to learn these styles as well. While learning, he created a new type called "Terror Breathing" as well.
- Terror Breathing, First Form: Spirit Shackles (Mastered)
- Terror Breathing, Second Form: Goliath's Hellscape (Mastered)
- Terror Breathing, Second Form: Final Madness (Proficient)
- Determination Breathing, First Form: The Grasp of Demeter (Mastered)
- Determination Breathing, Second Form: Asura’s Beast (Mastered)
- Determination Breathing, Third Form: Sychronised Breath of Bodhidharma (Proficient)
- All Perserverance Breathings (Mastered)
- Kindness Breathing, First Form: Healing Light (Mastered)
- Kindness Breathing, Second Form: Curing Sight (Mastered)
- Kindness Breathing, Third Form: The Dance of The Monarch (Proficient)
- All Bravery Breathings (Mastered)
- THE ALL BREATH (Proficient)
- MetaScience: For a better explanation to this concept than I could ever give you, please read about it on Koav's page.
- Complete Fear Immunity: As he has seen every single possibility to every single situation, and most of those were simply too horrid for the average mind, so he is now completely unphased by any "fearful" objects, beings or situations, to such an extent that he doesn't even believe that Fear exists anymore.
- BeyonderHeaven Mode!!!: After some consideration, Zenath decided to copy an attack or "mode" used by a certain otherworldly fighter that allows him to become a golden-armoured version of himself, with a giant snake with even more armour as his "stand". In this mode, Cerberum has a small bit of control and all of his normal attacks are boosted in power.
- OverHeaven!Zenath Abilities:
- Armour of Heaven: Zenath is covered in a golden armour with wavy and pixelating patterns that is nigh-indestructible, possessing durability WAYYYY beyond "The Hands of [NULL]", worth 173,472 of the Hands to be exact. This armour rebounds any damage or attack that is put onto it (if it doesn't destroy the armour-piece that it attacks in one hit) back onto the opponent, and adds the effect Heavenly Corruption on the attacker, putting it to 20%.
- Heavenly Corruption: This effect if used upon a being, slowly turns their colour scheme to white & gold, having it crawl across them like a mold. It induces feelings of pure joy upon the Corrupted, making them give up the will to fight and just give in to the H.C. . The amount that one is corrupted by is shown by a %-bar above their heads if they have been partially corrupted. The actual effects of the H.C. cause them to become mental slaves of BeyonderHeaven, causing them to either be used by him as "Stands", or just turning them into goop of pure light energy.
- Absolute Time Control: This allows Zenath to pick any and all possibilities from the various timeline his "Temporal Ultimatiun" created, and throw them into his current timepoint, granting him full power about any and all situations his current opponent is in. He can also stop, speed up, slow down, and manipulate time supremely without anybody else being able to stop him.
- The Hands of [HEAVEN!!!]: By clapping his hands, Zenath can summon upgraded versions of The Hands of [NULL], and at the same time unleashes an omnidirectional and pan-dimensional energy-wave that stuns anything in its path. The giant skeleton Hands, now with gold plating and six angelic wings on their backs, can now summon beams of pure existence, which hit with the force of nearly every attack in existence. Their previous physical attributes have now also been amplified. Every hit by their attacks add 5% to the opponents Heavenly Corruption bar.
- Heavenly Blasters: Upgraded versions of his BeyonderBlasters, their skeleton has been turned into pure gold (but as durable as the BeyonderBlasters, if not more), white there being a silvery- white visor over their head. TBA!
- Heavenly Bones: Zenath can use upgraded versions of his BeyonderBones, which can deal damage worth up to 12 Complex Multiverses + 243 Complex Paraversal Structures exploding/shattering EACH, and can be used as weapons.
- Master-Level Reality Warping: Zenath has a seemingly infinite amount of control of reality on a Quantumfoam- to Complex Multiversal level, maybe even beyond.
- Anuba, The Snake of Heaven's Abilities
- Armour of Heaven: Anuba is covered in a golden armour with wavy and pixelating patterns that is nigh-indestructible, possessing durability WAYYYY beyond "The Hands of [NULL]", worth 173,472 of the Hands to be exact. This armour rebounds any damage or attack that is put onto it (if it doesn't destroy the armour-piece that it attacks in one hit) back onto the opponent, and adds the effect Heavenly Corruption on the attacker, putting it to 30%.
- Spiral of Madness: By Zenath screaming "Dignir Van'Tull!" out loud, Anuba can summon giant spirals made of Aleph-Void matter, which as soon anything touches them send out rays of insanity, absolutely torturing and dissolving the minds of anything that come into contact with them.
- "Alaktara-Til'Que!": By Zenath screaming these words out loud, Anuba can start rearranging all foundations of logic, illogic, mathematics, numericals, possibilities, infinities, concepts, and etc. near to it into a spiked ball at the end of its body, and have it smash into its opponents, dealing damage equal to 1910 boundlessly high layers of the OtherVerse exploding.
- "Alaktara-MiRumas!!!": By Zenath screaming these words out loud, Anuba can start rearranging all foundations of logic, illogic, mathematics, numericals, possibilities, infinities, concepts, dimensions and etc. near to it into a pan-dimensional cube(?) that will encase the opponent, keeping them trapped there for as long as Zenath desires.
- Infinite Length & Changeable Size: Self-explanatory.
- SUPREME DEVOUR!!!: If Zenath does a dab pose, crosses his arms like an "X" and then shouts "Iarignar'GAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!," Anuba will enlarge itself to an unfathomable size and then can, with its enormous mouth, devour whole Silly Zones (at max size) or rip whole chunks out of the Celestial Sea, once even devouring ALL OF IT. Within its mouth is a giant gateway into either the [NULL], or a cosmic chaos on boundless levels, that will rip all that are devoured out of creation into pure zeroid.
- OverHeaven!Zenath Abilities:
Cerberum/Manifestation of Hatred[]
- All previous ones, + they are at their FP.
- Odium Blasters: Larger versions of BeyonderBlasters, they appear similar to them in appearance except for their-now ram horns and black and purple colour-scheme. Considering strength, seemingly they are superior to the BeyonderBlasters, which are now fulled by the raging HATE within them. They have lost their capability to adapt as efficiently but are much more durable than their original selves. They can unleash dreadful howling noises, but anybody who hears it will be encouraged, in the very unfathomable depths of their own existences, to allow themselves to be devoured by the darkness and give in to their sins.TBA!
- Unwilling Fusion/Absorption: Cerberum can now absorb the energy, conceptual existences and power of his opponents by dragging them into The [NULL], a trick he learnt by staying around Tanphrous/Sans.EXE.
- "HATE is all there is...": Cerberum can force evil beings to fully succumb to the HATE within themselves, causing black liquid to come out of their every orifice, and they will melt into the dark goop. Then they will reemerge, but as a creature made purely of HATE. They are now completely under Cerberum's control, and shall forever be one with the HATE.
- "Our Special Hell...": With this, Cerberum's chest opens and a barrage of all possible hate-filled attacks come flying out, turning his chest into a mouth and then it crea- TBA!
- "The Hands of [NULL]": Using this attack, Cerberum summons ten static-coloured photorealistic skeleton hands, which spin around his body. They can be used for protection, as nearly nothing can break them. They can also grab things of large size, such as entire Silly Zones if used with max size. Considering brute strength, they are strong enough to crush those grabbed Silly Zones within them. Their main use is them firing gigantic rays of [NULL] energy, making them gateways to the [NULL] non-realm. Whatever touches these beams will be conceptually, narratively and absolutely erased, acting as more powerful versions of base Zenath's Absolute Paradoxical Conceptual Cortex. But other than that, they can fire virtually any type of energy from their palms or fingertips, and they can extract code "ripping" it out of opponents.
- "Weakness-Detector": Cerberum is a master in discovering the weaknesses of his opponents, through the way they act, move, speak, and attack. He can then through base Zenath's base Adaptability gain a power temporarily that can help him against his enemies.
- HATE Manipulation: Put simply, he can manipulate his own HATE (although prefers not to) and the HATE of any other being around him. He can also use any HATE-based attack and create HATE-matter, using it as weapons in a fight.
- Primordial Emotion Manipulation: TBA!
- TBA!
OuterVersal/Original State[]
- OuterVersal Independance: As it does not originate from within the OmniVerse/TGV, it is not bound to any of the laws that come with being created inside of it.
- OuterVersal State: It cannot be truly defined. All terms of power for an OuterVersal being is indefinable, with no definition, existent or not, real or unreal, or no recursive transdual definition being able to truly show what their strength, nature, or feats are on a level beyond the narrative structure. You may choose to give it The Adversary's powers, you may give it any power you'd like. It has it, and can do whatever with it that it wants.
- Truly Concept- and Narrativeless NonExistence: After an unknown period of time living in the Unwritten Potential, it and the rest of its kind molded their selves and the U.P. into a story- and conceptless Nothingness that even lacks Nothingness. Due to this, it sometimes is of truly undefinable nonexistence in such a way that they can become completely invisible to pretty much ANY dimensional creature, and thus is untouchable and TRULY indestructible.
- (Currently) Omnilock: It resides outside of absolutely everything including concepts, TGV, cosmological structures, and etc. This allows it to be truly untouchable, even if it induces a type of "coma" onto it.
By harnessing the power of the ROBUR, Zenath has achieved a state that makes him more powerful, while not having to switch back into his Original Self just yet. Within the mentality of D.R.A.C.O. , Zenath has gained a new type of god-complex, but also gaining a certain amount of animalistic behaviour.
Just a quick definition of PataPhysics:
Pataphysics is the science of that which is superinduced upon metaphysics, whether within or beyond the latter's limitations, extending as far beyond metaphysics as the latter extends beyond physics. ... Pataphysics will be, above all, the science of the particular, despite the common opinion that the only science is that of the general. Pataphysics will examine the laws governing exceptions, and will explain the universe supplementary to this one.
Within the created mentality of the D.R.A.C.O. Form, Zenath's knowledge has been extended as far out of MetaScience as the stated was from OmniScience. But PataScience crosses into the areas of knowledge even unknowable to a MetaScient entity. It has found the truly unknowable, and turned its very concept into dust. At this point, the things that he knows are no longer just pieces of information. They have become objects, things that he can wield in his claws, twist with his mind into your wildest ideas and bring them back down to zero. It is truly undefinable at this rate how to call his knowledge. It has transcended beyond dimensional information, so one simply cannot understand how much he truly knows.
D.R.A.C.O. has a physiology beyond the likes of many others having a very weakened Physiology of an outerversal, being "beyond" everything by transcending them through it's multiple transcendental infinites and layers of them, with each layer folding infinitely onto the other so on and so forth. all of these transcendental infinites and layers can go even higher the longer D.R.A.C.O. remains with no known limit to how high they can go.
D.R.A.C.O. has access to a nigh-boundless amount of attacks, that they have gained from others or through their knowledge, allowing them to attack their opponent with a multitude of weaponry and bombardments. All of them also have Beyonder-Physiology, allowing them to transcend dimensions just as much as D.R.A.C.O. does.
"Narratively Absolute"[]
D.R.A.C.O.'s narrative and thus his being, and also Zenath's (to a weaker extent) is absolute, thus making it unchangeable, unhealable, unbreakable, and beyond in form.
"Breath from the Abyss"[]
D.R.A.C.O. can summon from its mouth a beam of any size that appears similar to a Dragon's ___breath and then shoot it out onto its opponent. This ray is made of a combination of pure nothingness and pure primordial existence, both fused together into a substance called Bottomless Chaos. Anything hit by this attack will forever exist in a limbo of matter, glitching every 1/2 of a zeptosecond between every single state of being to ever exist and not exist. These beings shall hence be known as "Krozers" and are considered lost to the chaos now forever in their beings. Even concepts or laws will fall to this blast. This even works on beings with Meta Immunities, Bypasses and Absolute Durability. This will simply keep going until it's hit the intended target.
Beyondness Manipulation[]
D.R.A.C.O. can manipulate the concept of the "beyond", the ineffable state that's out of reach of something or further than the common world, that's the unknown and the unknowable; they are capable of creating, destroying and molding anything on said domain. This may vary from being beyond universal to even surpassing multiversal/omniversal where the physical laws do not apply or the concept or ideas in general are profoundly different as it transcends those laws and boundaries and axioms as users are beyond the lineaments of truth, reality, and even things that exist beyond everything.
"Condemnation To Nothing"[]
D.R.A.C.O. can condemn any being that is lower than ExternaVersal+ in power to NonPotence, a tier infinitely below even Zeriod.
NonPotence (from Latin: Non Potens: "no power") is the ability to be weaker than everything else in every possible way. They can't affect anything. They don't even exist because existing would give them the free reign to do absolutely nothing. They have all possible limits and restrictions. They are absolutely lower than everything else in existence and nonexistence. They aren't even a concept.
"Heaven's Tear"[]
With this move, D.R.A.C.O. uses its claws to cut through any Cosmological Structure, whether it be a Universe or an innumberable amount of Silly Zones. TBA!
Tier: High 2-A, possibly Low 1-C or 1-C if given enough Prep Time + Power Growth Time
X-Absolute Condition-X[]
Z has all of his capabilities, attributes, and aspects at a unlimited and infinite level. At the most fundamental level, he is in a supreme and absolute physical and mental condition, with almost no one being able to surpass him in those aspects. He is also immune to all forms of damage and/or any other type of harm. Z's other attributes (if it has them) will be at a absolute and/or absolute level depending on his mental state, such as regeneration, invulnerability, and potential, having the physiology of a near nigh-omnipotent being.
Reality Condition[]
Final!Z can possess a condition beyond logic or reason, able to perform physical feats beyond imagination, like limitless strength capable of tearing reality apart and infinite speed beyond any rational or scientific measurements. Mental abilities such as memory are also infinitely increased with no apparent limit.
Final!Z can remove any and all concepts, powers, forces, universal definitions, laws and boundaries, etc. from anyone and anything. Unlike negating, where you neutralize the target by deactivating its abilities, this power simply removes them entirely. (Can be blocked, with extreme difficulty.)
Ultimate Attunement[]
When he uses this form his senses go into maximum overdrive, making it so he can hear the vibrations of atoms. making him able to block perfectly, dodge perfectly, counter attack perfectly, copy opponents movements perfectly, predict movements perfectly, attack perfectly and balance his body and emotions perfectly. His perfect control over his body makes his raw power undefinable.
"OUTSIDAL Physiology"[]
You see, his form has left even the places that D.R.A.C.O.'s "Beyonder Physiology" had. He is now transcended that state, becoming truly transcendent in concepts, life, death, time, space, the narrative, cycles, dimensions, numerical values, damage, the whole of infinity, power, immunities, logic, laws, rules, possibilities, paradoxes, omega, alpha, aleph, and a boundless amount of others. This makes him truly transcend/be absolute above these sets of definitions.
By emitting a minimal fracture of his inner anger, he can send out a shockwave of pure hatred that can even destroy entire Celestial Seas, destroying nigh-anything in its wake.
"NULL's Will"[]
See this as an infinitely superior form of Reality Warping. This allows his will, his needs and desires to be written into The Great Library, causing them to be ensured and created for all of eternity.
"Nonexistence Erasure"[]
Final!Z can erasure the lack of anything. I'm sure you're wondering what this means, and it's quite simply really. He can simply turn something nonexistent into a impossible probability, making sure that it never existed nor non-existed. This is to ensure that beings cannot create new powers that could slay him with ease.
The pain, rage, suffering, anger, rage and hatred bubbling and boiling within him is infinite, omega, alpha, aleph and eternal. He cannot be persuaded away from his goals in the Final!Z state, and his power is eternally expanding, developing, conditioning and evolving. The longer he is in this form the stronger he gets; the harder he will punch; the more he will want to destroy you. His strength is powerful enough to punch the Celestial Sea to pieces, even destroy entire Shamaspheres or other Transcendent-Level Cosmologies.
By using a fraction of the almighty force of the ROBUR in addition to his rage, he can induce pain and suffering on a conceptual and existential level. He can control them to their peaks and beyond, making people delve into such pools of madness that they simply "will" themselves out of creation and non-creation.
Specific Omniarch[]
Final!Z has absolute power and control over anything too do with/along with Abstractness, Beyond, Anger, Hate, Pain, Cosmology, Knowledge, and a set of others, is practically unrivaled when it comes to these things with the true power he wields over them being undefinable, unimaginable and incomprehensible.
The Vessel[]
This form is activated when the original Outerversal mentality speaks through the Hyperversal body. It lacks facial features, has its colour scheme changed to black and white only and has all of its abilities/powers replaced with the ones underneath this description.
"Nigh-Limitless Selection"[]
The Vessel can choose from a vast range of powers and abilities, with it being to a Nigh-Complete Arsenal amount, but is only able to pick three at a time, and every time he chooses a new one, an old power is replaced.
"The Seven Words"[]
The Vessel possesses the knowledge of seven Omnilocked words. These phrases are absolutely unknown to all except for The Vessel and the Singers. Each of these words have a powerful effect on the worlds around them, but all that hear them will instantly forget them, no matter who they are.
- Creation's Melody: Let us begin with a classic. By either saying the one word or singing a tune for it, The Vessel can create close to anything it wishes. Whether this be alternate versions of existing characters, infinitely power objects, or entire cosmologies, it does not matter. It will begin by the air "splashing" around them.
- Silence's Tune: When saying this word, all effects, auras, abilities, or disarming used on/against The Vessel will no longer be effective/stop working.
- Dimensional Haiku:
- Conceptual Poem: By saying this word, The Vessel essentially gains Conceptual Lordship, being able to control and manipulate all concepts at a transcendent level, being able to create completely new ones or erase them.
- Space-Time's Verse: TBA!
- An Ode to NULL: TBA!
- Destructional Rhymes: TBA!
"The Names"[]
Everything has a name. I'm not talking about how you call yourself but your True Name. This name, when mentioned, will spell out your full history, your tragedies, your victories. It is all of your very existence pressed down into one word. If you know this name for something, the object/being will be completely under your command. You can twist and turn, shift and force them to do or be anything you wish them to be. This is a power that The Vessel possesses. It knows nigh-all true names, except for higher entities such as Nigh-Omnipotents and King Godverse. But if it knows your true name, there is likely nothing you can do against it without forcing you to simply stop fighting it. Also, all powers and abilities have a true name, thus explaining how he has such a large selection of powers.Weapons/Items & "Pets"[]
Brisingir The GlitchSlayer[]

*you feel power pulsating through your veins!
Tier: ???
This large, double-handed sword was created eons ago by Zenath when he first arrived in TGV, to aid him in his fight against Koav. After Zenath abandoned fighting on the front, he gave the blade sentience, to give him some company in his travels. After more time had passed, he gave the sword its own body which was a four-headed (talking) lion with a body made of pure cosmic and anti-virus/glitch energy. Presently, it resides within an AU known as SwitchedFate
Brisingir's personality is one of a proud and loyal general, willing to do whatever it takes to do what's right in his opinion. TBA!

This is merely a conduit of the Nexus Cube. (Art by ???)
The Nexus Cube[]
Tier: ???The Nexus Cube is an ancient cosmic relic, existing prior to TGV itself. The cube itself is Aleph-Aleph in dimensionality, but can be shrunk down by Pan/Beyond/Infinite-Dimensional beings so that they may carry it around more easily. Stored within the cube is an infinite supply of conceptual- and dimensionality-splitting energy, which has been used by many deities to destroy entire armies of other gods. It is believed that this cube holds every single power in all of Fiction, but it needs to be properly "unlocked" first, which is something nobody has ever completed. The full, unleashed and unlocked power of this cube is to this day unknown. Some believe it is 1-C in tiering, others just 3-A. Presently, we do not know. Zenath used the cube to (by accident) give sentience to his now alter-ego, Cerberum. He also uses it to unlock more powers that are somehow ungainable through his Adaptibility.
Agirun, The Cosmic Annihilator []
Tier: 3-B (Universal)Consume, absorb... (Art by ???)
Agirun, also known as The Cosmic Annihilator, is a giant bio-robotic shark-like creature, created by Zenath as a killing machine.
Zenath first put his hand into The Deep, fishing out raw ideas and stiching them together into what first seemed like a jumbled mess, but then became a physical being, a creature who lacked personality nor true sentience, it was a drone of destruction, a true monster on a cosmological scale.
He has used this creation to destroy entire Universes
The Elguna []
Tier: (Individually) High 4-A (Galactic) ; (Collectively as a Species) Low 3-B to 3-B (Low Universal to Universal)(Art by Eularesko)
The Elguna were/are an ancient cosmic species of huge power, believed to have been created with the first galaxies. Their lifespans cross billions of years, but is tied to a specific universe for each of them. If their "sister" universe dies, so do they. They did/do not have stable physical forms, but merely "will" them into existence through the use of raw primordial creation energy, as you can see in the picture to your left. They are not hostile in nature, but merely feed off of stars and galaxies as a food source. Their cognitive abilities are astounding, with some very few of them even possessing Absolute Minds!
Zenath once came across a large "herd" of these leviathans during his travels and decided that he would use them to his advantage. So he started to absorb their very mental and cosmic energy, thus technically "absorbing" their spirits. This has given him a vast upgrade in fast thinking and mental capabilities (it was due to these creatures that he has the mental power he currently possesses), while still letting most of this species survive under his watchful eye. TBA!
Zenath, despite his friendly facade, has trouble trusting most people due to trauma that occured during his time outside of the TGV.
Even though perservering usually helps him, it can be used against him by distracting him or giving him a false lead if you're trying to deceive him.
Due to their chaotic nature, Cerberum is quick to act and doesn't think everything through, making him easy to trick in battle or just in general. However, for some unknown reason this doesn't work while he's playing Uno or Chess, as he is extremely focused during these activities.
Cerberum can be slightly harmed by Positivity, even though it isn't by much.
BeyonderHeaven (With or without Cerberum)[]
Zenath's original weaknesses do still apply here.
E g o[]
His biggest weakness is his ego. He believes he can do anything, and will give no second thought to fighting beings way too strong for him.
In order to activate most of Anuba/his stand's moves, BeyonderHeaven will still need to shout them out, causing anything that nullifies sound to be a useful weapon in a battle against him.
That's right. BeyonderHeaven!Zenath will attempt to do as many JoJo references as he possibly can, making him being easy to attack while he's referencing something. (But it won't help much due to his armour.)
Animalistic Behaviour[]
D.R.A.C.O. behaves slightly animalistic, giving them a slight tactical disadvantage (I think).
...did you expect to find something here?[]
Well, yes, there is the fact that he's raging too much to think properly, but at the same time he's thinking very intently.
Due to me not being done with the backstory, you can add whatever character you want to here, for now. But please, give some sense if you do!
Brisingir, The GlitchVersal Sword (Friends/Tool)[]
...will be added...
Koav / King GodVerse (Enemy)[]
Zenath despises the old Koav, as he carelessly killed most of his brethren and nearly him as well. TBA!
Courage!Sans, Wrath!Papyrus and Noir!Frisk (Frenemies)[]
(Will be added when their encounter is complete.)
Foreigner: Delta Sans (Frenemies)[]
After Cerberum's run-in with TBA!
Hope!Sans (???)[]
(Will be added when their encounter is complete.)
Lobster Sans[]
after Zenath found and decided to heal LR!sans because he was bored, he made a deal with LR!sans, in exchange for a determination soul, Zenath would heal LR!sans, Zenath still doesnt understand why LR!sans is so tall and scorpionish.
Flaks, The Primordial Luck (???)[]
(Will be added when their encounter is complete.)
Deleted Virus!Sans (Partner)[]
After having a Deal with DV!Sans, Zenath is commonly in contact with him, and uses him as another ally and also pawn in his grander plan. He often gives tips to DV about TGV and how it works, as DV is new to the whole "something exists outside of my multiverse"-thing.
Fear!Sans ("Partner")[]
Zenath made a deal with Fear!Sans, in exchange for six barrels of Liquified Fear and Suffering every Tuesday. Zenath still doesn't trust Fear!Sans completely, and probably never will... but hey! Now Zenath can use Fear!Sans's army.
”to a limited degree partner” - Fear!Sans
"duh." - Zenath
Orion Malfunction (Partner)[]
After a heavy debate, Orion is now in a deal with Zenath after he gave Zenath a shard of his SOUL in exchange for the Kthultu-Denier, a powerful anti-glitch weapon.
Krozers (Followers/Pitiful)[]
Zenath feels sympathy for these distorted creatures, even though it was him amidst the power of the ROBUR that induced their present state. He has given them a use by allowing them to be his "Followers" or "Minions", while feeling no regret if he has them killed, for some odd reason.
Corrupted by HATE Opponents (Followers)[]
Zenath is highly interested in how far he can stretch his new "puppets", testing their boundaries and using them to complete certain objectives for him. He also uses them in battle.
Inventor Mando (Partners...?)[]
Zenath knows exactly what Mando's doing.
Travis T. Triangle (Partner)[]
Travis, aware of Zenath's plan, had offered to help Zenath with his vengeance. Zenath, knowing about Travis' power, agreed. Travis is now an aware chess piece in Zenath's scheme.
- Once tried to find peace/feel the aura of the Unwritten Potential within the Overvoid, but even that wasn't lawless enough.
- TBA!
Zenath/HyperVersal Self[]
- Destroyed multiple layers of the OtherVerse and Greater OtherVerse.
- Split their own existence into infinite timelined possibilities, so that he can never truly be killed.
- Manage to survive inside of a dimensionality-Aleph-Aleph realm.
- Survived an onslaught of pure primordial, apocalyptic and existential energy from within the Nexus Cube.
- TBA!
Cerberum/Manifestation of Hatred[]
- Right after his creation destroyed an estimate (on their own) of 183,582,182,481,947,182 Multiverses and Complex Multiverses.
- Brute-forced his way into the Astral Divide.
- Ripped raw idea energy out of the Astral Plane.
- Absorbed previously mentioned energy, which would have destroyed most beings.
- TBA!
BeyonderHeaven Mode!!![]
- TBA!
- Managed to break through TGV's boundaries back into the main cosmology, despite them being made by Koav (I think).
- TBA!
- Beat Yowilde inside of their personal domain.
- TBA!
OuterVersal/Original Self[]
- Survived the extinction of its race.
- Survived attacks from the Aeter Continuum.
- Was able to adapt and survive in other Fictional Verses.
- Defeated innumberable opponents within these FVs, some of whom were also OuterVersal or OmniVersal.
- One of these were The Deadlights. :skull:
- Survived an onslaught of attacks from the MemeVerse.
- Defeated innumberable opponents within these FVs, some of whom were also OuterVersal or OmniVersal.